Tuesday, August 4, 2020


By Juan Montoya

When Valley Med was hired by city officials way back in late March to combat the COVID-19 virus, the firm was hired to provide professional services, which meant that city officials and the administration had the option of either making a request for proposals (RFPs or letting out bids) or simply hiring what they considered the best outfit.

One of their stellar reps was PA Eder Hernandez. He collared Mayor Trey Mendez and some commissioners, touted himself off as  indispensable and an expert, they put in a good word for him, and Hernandez became the only game in town, the man put in charge of the city's COVID-19 testing at the Sports Park Complex. Hernandez and Dr. Teresa Saavedra said it was the city who approached them and offered them the gig.

That was in March 25, and until two other firms were hired in the first weeks of August to handle the demand for tests, Valley Med owned the COVID-19 testing monopoly in town.

In May, Hernandez got the endorsement of Mayor Trey Mendez for Valley Med, when he said patients seeking tests with health insurance would be referred to the company's private clinic and those that didn't would be funneled to the city's Sports Park complex operated by Hernandez.

"The people who are looking for the test, if they have medical insurance, then the medical insurance will be taken through the office of Dr. [Eder] Hernandez,” Mendez said in Spanish. “If for any reason they don’t have insurance, then there are funds available through the City of Brownsville to cover that."

During that time, his meter was running and the invoices of the tests – whether the results were positive or negative – were processed by the city's finance department and duly paid out to Hernandez's Valley Medical Urgent Care LLC.

The first invoice was for a modest $2,027.10. But 89 invoices later, on July 24, that total has risen to an astronomical $814, 851.60.
(Click on graphic to enlarge.)

The other two late comers – The Port Occupational and Medical Clinic LLC and Reliable Urgent Care and Occupational Medicine – lag far behind in chips. The first has handed in $163,464 in testing bills, and the latter $63,286, but both are quickly gaining ground on Hernandez's outfit.

All told, the city has paid $1,041,601 for the COVID-19 testing to the three firms as of July 30, and Valley Med has gotten 78.2 percent of those payments.

We knew there was money in COVID-19, but they knew before anyone and hurried to curry the favor of the people that mattered, the handlers of the public purse, the elected officials. Mendez often came in to cyber space to cheerlead and commissioner Jessica Tetreau was always there for some words of motherly advice.

We have been keeping notes of Super Eder and to tell you the truth, the picture that emerges is of a highly ambitious paraprofessional who is not quite a medical doctor, actually a Physician's Assistant, but who bristles at the affront that he is not really a bona fide doctor.


The fact remains is that at the rate he is going, COVID-19 and his political benefactors are going to be very, very good to him and make Valley Med a millionaire in a matter of months. The company's ambition knows no bounds and have Hernandez offer their services hither and yonder, making presentations before city and school boards from McAllen to Port Isabel.

As Valley Med's representative he is adept at tooting his own horn, judging by his frequent Facebook postings. People would complain that – as implemented – the questionnaire that decided who got tested for free (paid by the city) or not, was preventing some people from taking the test.

Then, if all the right buttons had been pushed and his staff placed the applicant on a list that stretched for days after the questionnaire had been answered, the suspected infected person led his normal life interacting with family and other people in the community.

After the test was administered at the Brownsville Sports park, patients would complain that it could take as much as a week or more to learn the results.

When they did, Hernandez would respond that he and his staff were overwhelmed with work and were doing every humanly possible to keep up, but, if they they persisted in calling him for a test or for results, would grow exasperated to the point where he threatened to cal the police on them.

And after the threat, a sermon on righteousness and an incantation against the devil and anyone who would dare question a man of "our Lord God." (See graphic at right)

Meanwhile, as the patients waited for results, they lived in suspense.

Well, they need not worry now with three outfits handling the testing and giving poor Hernandez a much-needed break from his herculean test.

(Well, actually he deigned to be a guest on Erasmo Castro's Brownsville Talk podcast and liked it so much, he started one of his own featuring...himself, of course.)

He commented on the flooding of a Reynosa Clinic. To him it was not just that water was getting into the ward, but it got him wishing for the Second Coming, and I mean now God!

After all, He did promise.

Oh, and did we tell you of his running battle where he pushes his COVID-19 "cocktail" remedy vs. the Ivermectin-based regime that got the cyberworld abuzz and prompted Facebook to shut down an account (Craig Groves's) which repeated the claims it was seen as a cure for COVID-19?

Well, we'll leave that for another time. Maybe by then Valley Med will have made the $1 million from our COVID-19 misery. They say the first million is always the hardest one.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see how money the Valley's hospitals have made during this fake PLANDEMIC! It's all about making money!!! Making money on tests, masks, toilet papers, etc...! The bigger money making is on the way! The Bill and Melinda COVID-19 vaccine!!! All you pendejos who believes this virus is real, enjoy your vaccine!!!

Anonymous said...

Here again we see the mixing of politics and the medicine of the pandemic. Lots of money has been earned by many who take advantage of the misery of others. The Brownsville mayor has been out of the loop totally since the virus started. He is out of his league. No leadership skills and tied to downtown Brownsville and oblivious to the rest of the city. We have no idea of how accurate the COVID statistics are. We see Eddie Trevino trying to portray Gov. Cuomo in his press briefings. The city and county are a joke. Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

The voters of this city and county deserve what the get

Anonymous said...

Another American success story. Go Eder. You played the game and that was that. haters will hate.

Anonymous said...

As always, you shoot too-low, Montoya. Check out what the hospitals are making off Covid-admissions and deaths! Eder is small potatoes.

Anonymous said...

Pure pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

$814,000 minus expenses [lab fees, employees, insurance, ???]

= maybe 10% net $81,400

Anonymous said...

So, what is he supposed to do, not make any money? Would you not charge for your services I feel like it's unfair to be outraged that that man is making money... Why aren't we mad at the rest of the drs making thousands a month? Ridiculous and typical example of the crabs pulling down the other crabs... This is why we never advance in the valley...

Anonymous said...

4:43pm just hope you and your family get the virus and die!!!

Anonymous said...

Juanito I didn't know thc city has a forest dept. I just saw an 80k pickup truck and the city employee or the boss of that dept(?) was smoking a big cigar. If is were his 80,000.00 dollar truck I bet he wouldn't be doing that. what does this dept do anyway when was it created what they do built bike trails in the forest?

Anonymous said...

Can't the city buy regular pickup trucks why do they have to be fancy 80k pickup trucks its for work not riding it in the charro day parade.

Anonymous said...

These leeches should resign and get arrested for bilking us and the FBI should investigate enormous wealth achieved by self serving politicians too.

Anonymous said...

How much did he charge per test ?

Anonymous said...

So why wasn't it put out for bids? It would sure save the taxpayers a lot of money. It's okay for people to make money but Dr. Eder is making it off of taxpayers. The mayor and commissioners don't care because they aren't the ones paying for the testing. THE TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING FOR IT. And the person that said that he only keeps 10% and the other 80% goes to expenses has obviously never owned a business.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Bronsbill, the capitol of corruption of El Valle.
A perfect record!

Anonymous said...

Bids would save the taxpayers a lot of money. Who recommended for Dr. Eder to do the testing? Who approved it? Who set the cost of the Covid test? What about the private clinics with real doctors that charge a lot less? Why would the city pay a pseudo Dr. so much more when they could have paid real doctors in real clinics a lot less. Wouldn't that be a better use of our tax dollars?
Can the mayor, commissioners or the city manager explain this to us? Or is this another PUB Tenaska taxpayer fraud. As for Eder, please don't invoke the Lord when you are raping the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

First of all you talk out of your ass!!! Yes, he is getting paid as any one else that would’ve gotten the job. Why don’t you mention what he has to pay for personnel, lab costs etc etc.. You obviously never ran a business if you think all money is profit. What about his expenses? Let me tell you my husband got sick on a Friday, got tested on Saturday and on Monday, Dr Eder Hernandez (wether you like it it or not he does have a doctorate ) was personally calling my husband. My husband has since been admitted to the hospital and is still fighting this damn virus but I give thanks first and foremost to God and secondly to Dr. Hernandez for calling and following up despite his busy schedule to check on my husband. I don’t know what your problem is with him or who’s paying you to talk bad about a person whose main concern is to help people out. I personally have sent friends that have no insurance to his office and not once has he turned them away. He helps out as much as he possibly. All your ranting simply sound like words coming from a HATER!!

Anonymous said...

No pos wow

Anonymous said...

A Physicians Assistant allowing people to think they are a doctor is akin to a Notary Public holding themselves out to be a lawyer. It is illegal.

Anonymous said...

This doctor does not have the credentials to practice in the U.S so why is the city even doing business with this idiot? We never learn! The next thing you know, Erasmo and Carlos are on the school board along with that pervert Frankie Olivo. Say goodbye to the integrity of Brownsville if these uneducated fools get in.

Anonymous said...

chicken chatter nothing will become of any of this bid or no bids and the FBI well we just saw their real COLORS yellow...

Anonymous said...

Now every crook alive will see all this and will head down here NO JUSTICE NO LAW NO ACCOUTABILITY WELCOME ALL

Anonymous said...

Folks lots of money to be made with this covid pandemic, as you can see, elder does it and so do doctors and hospitals etc., so dont get excited, it is what it is all over the nation and the world for that matter right now. Its all about the BENJAMINS. THANK YOU

Anonymous said...

An online Doctorate degree!
No mamen!!!

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville and Cameron County are ripe with Covid 10, so testing at any price is worth it.
Congratulations to Dr. Eder for stepping up to the plate.
Net worth is $500,000 overnight.
Only in America,
Double congratulations

Anonymous said...

Eder Hernandez is a Mexican from Matamors whos whole reason for living is to make millions of USA Dollars. Nothing to do with helping people. He and his wife worship the mighty dollaorner r and when backed into a corner he posts on faceook to Jesus Christ. Eder needs to realize God doesn't read facebook, he reads your heart. Eder is a fool that thinks everyone else is dumb. He begged PA and nurses to volunteer to do testing. I wonder how those volunteers are feeling right now knowing that Eder made a Million dollars in 4 months and only gave them whatburger combos for lunch for their time.

Anonymous said...

An online Doctorate degree does not come close to making you and M.D. Since you promote yourself as a very religious person then why do you pass yourself off as a medical doctor. Don't use an online degree to say you are a medical doctor. You are taking advantage of the ignorant that think you are a medical doctor. WHAT YOU HAVE IS AN ONLINE DEGREE.

Anonymous said...

This so called physician assistant with license#PA06257, PA stands for Physician Assistance. He according to Texas medical board must work under supervision of licensed doctor. Who is his supervising doctor? He uses the Taxonomy#363AM0700X to submit claims. He is using the Covid-19- Disaster licensing for eligibility for emergency license to fill his deep pocket. He seems to have lots and lots of experience working with How to Bill Medicare and Medicaid Patients for services. This Covid-19 seems to benefits some doctors who are so eager to feed off the old and unfortunate. Our so called Mayor Trey Martinez backs him off by stating that the county has the monies for the ones without insurance and this so called doctor may, can, or deny whoever he chooses to. Must check to see if he is a true United States Citizen. The question is, "Is there really a covid-19 Pandemic"? Or is it a way for the medical community to excuse all the misused of Medicare, Medicaid fraud committed by our so called local political leaders? God helps us if any of the above is proven to be a fact.

Anonymous said...

Eder is a joke!!! Plain and simple. He claims to know it all and is an absolute pretentious scum.

Anonymous said...

Eder gets 1minute of fame on Erasmo’s live chats and now he thinks so highly of himself!

Erasmo (good for nothing) loves having incompetent guests like himself. They can bash everyone for anything yet ask them a simple question and they have no plan or explanation, pinche gente idiota

Anonymous said...

I've known a Eder Hernandez for a long time
Deer has been helping out our local community youth for a long time.
Before the $blessings..Eder was putting his
Generous charity SILENTLY to our local youth needs.
PROVERBS CH 19 verse 17..
He who helps the poor lends to the LORD..


Anonymous said...

Can physician assistants practice independently in Texas?

As an initial matter, when a physician becomes licensed in Texas, he or she can immediately practice medicine without supervision. ...

Unlike doctors, Texas law does not allow physician assistants and nurse practitioners to practice independently.

Instead, both PA's and NP's require closely-regulated physician supe

Who's his supervisor? If none call the state

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to see if anyone paid out of pocket to be tested by "Dr Eder". I wouldn't be shocked to learn he was charging AND getting paid government funds. Who will investigate?? Well if anything positive comes from this, it is that his beloved wife will no longer have to shoplift at target🤐 and have her mugshot all over facebook.

Anonymous said...

While some are hiding under the bed some, are making millions. Question everything, question those who close our school and churches with their fearmongering

Anonymous said...

"Eder gets 1minute of fame" you mean pretending a fictitious fame cause that's all he can find in that chat and he's the only one with chump change.

Anonymous said...

It's called overhead you idiot. The doctor he works for owns the buildings and pays the bills plus pays the staff. Most of the money goes to the labs doing 75% of the work anyways.

I've done something equally stupid and you can get busted for defamation of character.

Anonymous said...

1) Copying content; 2) hate speech 3)Harassment or bullying
4) Posting information without consent..Mhmm...Eder is one of the best Health Care professionals that I have ever seen. I recommend him to everyone I know, and I will continue to do so. People are focusing on that invoice posted. Let me tell you, as a medical biller, that does not go to him! He has staff! He needs PPE! He needs to pay the lab! If anything, the one making the big bucks are corporations such as LabCorp etc. COVID19 hit us like a lightning strike, he stepped up to the plate. Haters are going to hate! I applaud Eder and his entire team for putting themselves on the Frontline to HELP everyone. And y'all, stop with your degree talk. He has more education than most of y'all.

WhyYouGottaHate? said...

He has a DMSc, which is a Doctor of Medical Science. If my professor can be a Dr. of English, I'm sure he can be a doctor of medical science.

Leave the guy alone.

Estela said...

he has saved thousands of lives, what is that worth? what if it was your parents?

Anonymous said...

All I know is that Eder Hernandez has probably more educational than all of us combined. He has been serving the Brownsville community for many years and he is loved by many. He has helped a lot of people and to be honest he has a gift. He took initiative in this Pandemic , why is it his fault? If it wasn’t for him, mass testing would be stalled? That would make things so much worse. Is there many, of course, it’s also a business. Did he do it maliciously? No! He was proactive, is he making money, yes , of course it’s a job. You think he’s job is easy? I’d like to see all of us doing what he’s doing. And that invoice posted, does not take into consideration the amount spent on equipment, staff (and he has mid level providers working with him), staff, and so forth. That amount doesn’t go straight to him, it’s not right. I don’t know who spent their time looking for all this info (you must have a lot of time on your hands) unlike the health workers out there. The fact is that all the labs are the ones that got rich off of this...but again, it’s a job and it has to be done. Stop focusing on the petty things and focus on the issue at hand. People are dying in our backyards. We need to stop this virus together.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox of the Northern District of Texas is urging the public to report suspected fraud schemes related to COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus) by calling the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) hotline at 1-866-720-5721 or submitting tips online at justice.gov/DisasterComplaintForm

Anonymous said...

No wonder the reporting is so messed up. Hiring someone with no experience in epidemiolgy is not a very smart move when experiencing a pandemic. Kudos COB Commisioners and mayor. De Guatemala a Guatapeor.

Anonymous said...

@7:31 I hope every one of your family and especially you get the COVID-19 vaccine!!! Can't wait when your family start getting cancer and hopefully you get the asshole cancer and you die a slowly death pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Eder is an opportunistic person and he Definitely has the gift of gab. He has worked with many of our local physicians. His career started with Dr Dominguez, Dr Zamir, and with his now new Group Practice Trinity. Little do you all know he’s had the contract with South West Keys for years. He worked that angle with Diego (nurse but now a FNP) who was hired by SWK and who is now the Medical Director for SWK. Eder pulls funds from HHS in many capacities. His sister is a biller and she knows how to Bill, now is Trinity employed by SWK and funneling patients to a the group practice? That would be double dipping HHS and well I’ll leave that to the imagination.

Anonymous said...

An online doctorate degree!
No mamen! Ya ni la chinga!
What's next...an online jurisprudence degree!

Anonymous said...

Lots of death threats here I wonder why? Too bad the fbi showed its true colors...

Anonymous said...

HE IS NOT A DOCTOR LMFAOOOOO!!! He is a piece of shit!! And his wife is a THIEF!! Google her mug shot!! She Associates with all the slutty doctor’s wives club (losers that only meet to drink while the nannies take care of the wercos) and pretends to be a social highness but has a Mug shot for stealing at TARGET! Get a life & a Job!!

Anonymous said...

Yo me acuerdo de este vato, lleve mi juerca aver al El Dr Zeeeermir, me toco el dr hernandez y entro el dr Zeeermir y le dio buelo enfrente de mi. Le pregunte al Dr Zeeermir que paso me dijo ese puto le esta diciendo a todos que es Dr. Pinche Rata

Anonymous said...

Eder is a professional and also a business man. Why are you all hating?! Cuz you can’t do it all like he can?! He started from the bottom up, just like any of us can! Go back to school and get your damn degrees! You all don’t even have the facts straight, I feel bad to whoever is wasting their time on this. Stop being jealous! It ain’t gonna change your low life .

Anonymous said...

this is obviously A hate campaign on this health practitioner that stepped up in any capacity to provide mass testing to residents and save lives like your mother and family. This is an attempt by Eduardo Bustos who has political ties in donations And contributions to Atkinson. Trying to smear people doing good work like Mr. Hernandez. . Research AK Valley Healthcare Management .. it’s all public record . Stop being jealous of the gift of others and get a life!!!

Anonymous said...

The city of brownsville leaders are incapable of making a good decision. Brownsville is the sewer of Texas. Return it to México.

Anonymous said...

10:18 a.m. You are part of the corruption killing our nation. This is not how contracts are awarded. The system was bypassed. Also you fail to mention he is defending his testing system which takes days to get back results. During that time people are spreading the virus. He does not want to spend the money for the more rapid testing systems. This is not hate but your ignorance and his greed.

Anonymous said...

His real name is First name: Eye, Last name: Sue, ponte trucha he loves to send out demand letters. Pobre use to work with Dr J Garcia in town. He was caught up in some compounding scheme you know from the Upper Valley. One guy took all the blame Ivar Cantu, Cantu got 5 yr stint and his only regret was not turning this guy in. Ivar admits he was partly to blame as he said I am responsible for my own actions. Ivar has a Facebook account wants everyone to he is doing well in the pinta. Raza

Anonymous said...

The city commissioners doing as they please by be-passing bid requirements and thumbing their noses at all the citizens. Do it right or quite, this city does not belong to you pendejos.

Now there are all kinds of threats, he must have very reputable friends to threaten people's lives, and he works for the city?

If Al Capone was avialable this commission would hire him.

Anonymous said...

WOW over 50 posting BISD indicted person did not get that many. Hmmm
Where's the FBI - I herad they are moving out OF THE VALLEY!!!

Anonymous said...

Shoplifting at Target? Is this true?
Though shall not steal. It's in the bible.

Anonymous said...

None of this is true. Get a life. Find Jesus

Anonymous said...

E3 and O’bell should be careful with this fellar. Like E3 hasn’t learned from the IES screwwho (whatever happened to that, pfff). This could hamper your long term plans of taking over your Dads seat. Trey tambien, ponte alava guey, this could hurt your plans of running for E3 seat (wink wink). SWK

Anonymous said...

Let's do bids. Bid this Covid testing out. This virus will continue for awhile and this pseudo doctor is getting wealthy off our tax dollars. Come on City Commission and Mayor do your job and bid this testing out the way it should be. DO YOUR JOB. Get a real doctor or at least a PA that doesn't pass himself off as a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Willie willie
Eddie boobies Bustos
Lying lying. You never learn.

This man has achieve more in 13 years than you will achieve in a lifetime. Your attempt to defame him is pathetic and shows the evil hearts of people on this post hating on someone that set up the first testing of its kind in the history of the city in the
Middle of a pandemic. It is was not for this mans heroic efforts with him team, this city would a true disaster with widespread covid19 infections. He was able mitigate , test, isolate and help people affected with COVID19. He saved your son, daughter, mother, and your families from coming into contact with COVID19. Your comments are baseless and not credible but only show your evil lying men
Hearts. He is a hero on the eyes of many and no matter what lies you post about him or his family. He has won , as he puts his trust in God not men. Thank you and your team for the medical care you have always given us. They cannot accept the fact that a PA and yes for the 100th time with a Doctor of Medical Science be seen as for what he is, a hero in this pandemic. Hate and lie all you want. He wrote the book on beating and mass against COVID19 when nobody else prepared , he prepared and help everyone on here directly or indirectly. God is good.
Please educate your self that there are many doctors on the world, he is a non physician doctorate he has never said he is other wise. His credentials are what they are, like it or not.

You can have a Doctor of Pharmacy, a Doctor of Psychology , Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Education, a Doctor of Dental science, an now yes a Doctor of Medical Science. Get over it. AC

Anonymous said...

4:12 p.m. Are you delusional? Not only was he not the first to set up testing, he did it all wrong. He did not follow the NY model which had mass testing before Brownsville even thought of it. Every medical professional in the country believes the system he is using is actually spreading the virus. He wants his money so he will not call out Trey for only giving him a system which every medical professional has deemed as contributing to the spread. A true medical professional would refuse to be party to the city's refusal to use the current testing system. But Eder wants his money so he remains quite and helps the virus spread.

You think the people do not follow the news were every professional is saying you must use a system which gives you results in 24 hours and not 7 days to avoid spreading the virus

Anonymous said...

Most of y’all putting these negative comments are just plain haters man. Get off your “comfort” zone and educate your little heads. I don’t know why y’all have to include his family, that’s just being a plain and simple coward. Yes believe it or not if y’all cannot read, he is a Dr. in medical science. He has been working his tail off ever since this whole pandemic started, which I pray to God will soon end. For all you negative individuals talking all this smack, grow up and realize that Dr. Hernandz could actually be saving someone you love. Get the picture?

Anonymous said...

Bunch of uneducated pieces of shit. Who else stood up to test when this city started with this pandemic?! Dr. Eder Hernande (yes DR- fuck people educate yourselves. I bet none of you here have surpassed high school!!! Evidently you all know nothing about running a business and all the expenses it partakes. Be more great full that this city has an excellent provider working for the community. Ya párale a tu pinche pedo ED boobies

Anonymous said...

Why involve the family members?! Hahaha most of y’all have 3 baby mommas and 3 baby daddy’s!!! And yet here you are bickering. Get your facts straight people educated yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Eder Hernandez is a Dr. He works under different Dr.s so do not refer him as a Dr.

Anonymous said...

Online Doctorate of Medical Science degree. No mames! Go to medical school if you want to pass yourself off as an M.D. You're praying on the ignorant by calling yourself a doctor and practicing medicine. YOU'RE A PA not an MD. Don't prey on the ignorant. It's an online doctorate degree! No mamen!!!

Anonymous said...

JM,as respectful as I could be. I'm pretty disappointed in you for creating this mess. Why are you being so cruel, followed by all other cruel commenters? Why are other bringing in his personal life? People on here don't even know the man. I wish you did, he is such a great person. He would never do such thing to you, your family or anyone else on here. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but this thread has shown how horrible people can be. This man started from the bottom. He has been successful because he perseveres to be. He could've received his degrees of knowledge and left elsewhere, but he decided to stay within his community and help. He has so many patients that love him and most importantly they love his honesty and humbleness. I know that there has been so much hate towards him, and it's hard to understand. He had helped so many, and most of these people have turned and stabbed him in the back. The only fault I see in him, is the fact that he truly tries to help and that he is genuinely a good person who is taken advantage of. It's really hard to see. He saw this crisis and moved quickly to help. To prevent the spread add much as possible. Heck, you might not even know it, but he probably helped you or your family in some way. Be grateful he did this. He kept asking for help, for other clinics to step up and help. Why don't you post that? Why does everything have to be so negative? There is this guy, E.Bustos that had a monetary relationship with S. Atkinson who have been trying (yes, trying...) to dirty his name. The only dirty name in that batch are them...FBI agreed. You need to stop acting like children. Because this is what this entire thread seems like. If you feel jealous of his success, look in the mirror. It's not late to turn your life around. I'll be praying for all of you. Hopefully God forgives you when your time comes. Peace out everyone.

August 6, 2020 at 10:18 AM

Anonymous said...

Goes to show that some uneducated people don’t know the different types of degrees that are out there. There’s NPs out there that get their degree fully online and sometimes are even better than Doctors. So in-person or online school is still school! You all should probably go back and finish high school. He holds a doctorate and only a small percentage of PAs have that degree and he can be called Dr. He never says he is a doctor of medicine he always corrects people. He has saved many lives and really that’s all that matters.

Anonymous said...

Les gusto o no. Eso vato es una chingonada. No tuvo miedo cuando los otros culeros Doctores les cerraron las puertas a la comunidad. Es una excelente persona y un chingon. Tuve huevos para entrarle pudiendo perder la vida por salvar a los demás. Son unos mamones y mentirosos y cobardes. Toda mi familia tiene años con el. Les gano la pisada ahora lloran y levantan falsos. Pero muy fácil el ganó y tú no. La comunidad ganó y ayudó cuando nadie más quería y podría hacer examens covid. Ahora ya tiene más clínicas con la ciudad , k buena onda. Pero recuérdenme quien empezó todo. EL CHINGON.

Vamos a seguir luchando contra el COVID y ganar con nuestros esfuerzos colectivos, no está mierda de mentiras.

Anonymous said...

To the person who put “get an MD degree” screw you fool I bet you are one of those fat asses receiving a check from the government not doing shit!!!! Not everybody has the money or means to go to medical school. What’s the fucking difference? Writing MD after your name? Hahahaha pendejos!!!! Usen su puto cerebro para mejorarse!!!! You wish you were half the man Dr. Eder is!!! Ni a los pinches talones le llegas!!!! Me la pelas

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

uUUUUUY UUUUUUY UUUUUUUY VIVA MEJICO pasa la tequila pinches gueyes

Anonymous said...

Back door deals, how did he get the wellness contract with BISD a few years ago? Never went out for bidding. Screening for all Self Insured BISD Employees? Where there is smoke there is fire.

Anonymous said...

Here you get contracts by a**kissing must be a good one gets contracts everywhere

Anonymous said...

its not eder its eider

Anonymous said...

Guy is a beast. Guy is one of the most respected health care providers in our area. He is that good, I know he had trained many advanced level providers while doing clinical. I met him long time ago, I work for another clinic but take all my family to him! Oops. Don’t tell my boss! He is better than most here. FT

Anonymous said...

got any viagra?

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?
