Sunday, October 4, 2020


By Nicolas Fandos and Nick Corasaniti

New York Times

The Constitution and the law are clearest in instances when a president dies or must resign from office. The 25th Amendment states: “In case of the removal of the president from office or of his death or resignation, the vice president shall become president.”

The ascension of a vice president under such circumstances has not been that rare in United States history. A vice president has assumed the nation’s highest office because of the president’s death eight times, most recently in 1963, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, when Lyndon B. Johnson became president. (In 1974, Vice President Gerald Ford became president after the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.)

The Constitution leaves it to Congress to decide what should happen if the vice president also dies or cannot serve, and several laws have been enacted to lay out the contingencies.

The most recent, the Presidential Succession Act, was enacted in 1947 after the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945. (It was tweaked again in 2006.) The statute says the speaker of the House is next in line, followed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, and then members of the cabinet, starting with the secretary of state.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 80, said on Friday that she had tested negative for the virus and was confident that the right plans were in place, should they become necessary.

“Continuity of government is always in place,” she said on MSNBC. “I always say it’s a relic of the past, but nonetheless, they say we have our job we have to do, and this is what we’ll do.”

Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, is the current president pro tempore in the Senate. He is 87.

Under the 25th Amendment, ratified in the 1960s to clarify presidential disability and succession planning, presidents can voluntarily designate powers to their vice presidents if they become seriously ill or are unable to perform their duties.

If Mr. Trump became gravely ill, he could provide letters to the speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate saying he was “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” to transfer his powers to Mr. Pence, who would, in effect, become acting president. Mr. Trump could reclaim his full authorities when he recovered.

On Friday afternoon, as Mr. Trump was expected to depart for Walter Reed, Judd Deere, a White House spokesman, said the president would remain fully in power.

“No transfer,” he said. “The president is in charge.”

Since the amendment was ratified in 1967, the vice president has taken power in only three instances, each of them exceedingly brief. In 1985, when President Ronald Reagan was put under anesthesia for a colon procedure, he granted his powers to Vice President George Bush for about eight hours, though he avoided formally invoking the amendment. And in 2002 and 2007, President George W. Bush temporarily transferred his authorities to Vice President Dick Cheney during colonoscopies.

For the full story, click on link:


Anonymous said...

Nearly 3 in 4 think Trump did not take appropriate virus precautions: POLL

E S T U P I D O !

Anonymous said...

There are 35 senators up for re-election; 22 of them are Republicans. Odds of Democrats taking the U.S. Senate are pretty good. Even if Trump were to win, his Life in the White House would be made a Hell by a Democratic-controlled senate. That would be some payback reality show!

Anonymous said...

From El Paya Jerry McHale's lying blog -

"Trump is under the care of Dr. Polyphemous Pangloss. One of Brownsville's best, he is heading a team that includes Dr. Lorenzo Pelly and Dr. Romeo Montalvo."

El Paya Jerry, what a LOSER!

Anonymous said...

They should have taken this idiota to a local ICE medical back room just like everybody else pinche joto...

Anonymous said...

Trump family, aides flouted Cleveland hotel mask mandate ahead of debate
Time to pay the piper bola de idiotas

Now they are ALL wearing MASKS....
stupid racist republican hillbillys...

Anonymous said...

October 4, 2020 at 10:01 AM

And of course Dr. Mad-Haven Pisharodi the best lol...

Anonymous said...

He will be fine and back on the campaign trail, haters. Just to show you that corona is not a death sentence. Keep hiding and screaming with hysteria.Silent majority , common sense people, law and order people will prevail

Anonymous said...

As the virus spreads across GOP ranks, some Republicans say the party will pay a price for a “stupid” approach to the crisis.

And they are running the country?
There needs to be a change!

Anonymous said...

Secret Service agents outraged by Trump’s drive outside hospital "They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity."

Stupid and a idiot typical republican WE ALL NEED A CHANGE This is insanity!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump's photo op raises new questions about how seriously he takes the virus
The short trip, where Trump waved to his supporters through the window while wearing a mask in the back of his SUV, was an attempted show of strength that displayed the President's questionable judgment, his willingness to endanger his staff and the fact that he still does not seem to comprehend the seriousness of a highly contagious and deadly disease.

An attending physician at Walter Reed harshly criticized Trump's movement as a risk to the lives of Secret Service agents who accompanied him in his SUV.

"Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential 'drive-by' just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die.

Anonymous said...

Let’s just all unite and pray for a speedy recovery for him, (the President Donald Trump and the First Lady Melania.

Anonymous said...

You wish ... Trump 2020

Anonymous said...

Brownsville mayor takes over and the world comes to an end.

Anonymous said...

You wish..

Anonymous said...

I'm going to educate all you Trump haters making fun of him for catching the virus!!! First, he does not have the virus idiotas! As you know, he has been making light of this virus for months, even calling it the Chinese virus. What better way to prove that this virus is nothing, but to fake that he has it. Then he quickly goes back to work without any health problems from the virus. This will make him look strong that he has defeated the deadly Chinese virus without any health problems! It's funny that the fake news media are getting on porpose, false reports, that Trump is seriously sick, and the stupid fake news media falls for it...making them look stupid, when Trump comes out making videos of him doing ok!!! Grow a brain you all pendejos!!! Where's the half coco mutt who like an idiot is making fun of Trump? Pendejo! You are getting played!!! Hahahahaha Stop being so guible pinche retard!!

Anonymous said...

the fact that he has been started on dexamethasone - a generic steroid widely used in other diseases to reduce inflammation - is the strongest evidence yet that his case may be severe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That little fucker, Trump, better not die. I want him alive and running for president. Then when he loses, I want him live a long life with "serious secondary complications" from COVID and suffer, that Son of a Dick .

Anonymous said...

October 5, 2020 at 12:15 PM
Educate your ass pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Trump's message not to fear the virus a "slap in the face to all of those who lost a loved one to COVID-19, as well as all of us who put our lives on the line to save others.


Anonymous said...

Before Trump was diagnosed with the virus, many Republican incumbents followed his lead in accusing Democrats and the news media of exaggerating the threat. Since then, most of them have been silent about the grave nature of the disease

Hillbilly coco wanna be white is one of them but this moron just can't get it until he joins his half-wit racist republicans at the cemetery

Anonymous said...

@4:35 pendejos like this cara de verga will never learn, what can you expect from a 6th grade drop out!!! Hahahahaha Idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

There are some great humanitarians in the ranks of the progressive democrats, wishing death, sickness etc on someone , just because they have different political philosophy from yours. No room for other ideas except yours, sad!!

Reminds me of the nazis and the stalinist regimes. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Trump has been sicker for longer than anyone realizes. Maybe as long 2016!

Anonymous said...

October 6, 2020 at 11:18 AM

Must not have a mirror by your bed on central blvd bus stop! idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

What brave danger?
