Wednesday, November 4, 2020


U.S. Rep. District 34
Rey Gonzalez                  39,758                 35.75
Filemon Vela                   68.501                 61.53

Cameron County Sheriff
John Chambers               41,023                   38.13
Eric Garza                       66,666                   61.87

Cameron County District Clerk
Mirla Veronica Deaton      40,281     37.77
                     Laura Perez Reyes    66,566     62.23          

BISD: Place 2 unexpired term
Jaime Diez                       14,028                   31.93
Frankie Olivo                   12,089                   27.52
Denise Garza                    17,817                   40.56

BISD: Place 3
Argelia Miller                   4,374                      10.04
                  Philip T. Cowen               14,366                    32.96                  
Jessica Gonzalez              19,531                    45.04
Viro Cardenas                   5,215                      11.96

BISD Place 5
Daniela Lopez Valdez       28,303                    64.04
Erasmo Castro                  15,940                     35.96

BISD Place 6
Minerva Peña                    16,480                     37.87
Marisa Leal                        16,490                      37.89
Joe Rodriguez                    10,546                      24.23

BISD Place 7
Eddie Garcia                       26,359                    60.73
Carlos Elizondo                  17,043                    39.27

Brownsville Navigation District Place 3
Julio Graña                          26,288                      49.81
John Reed                            26,488                      50.19

Brownsville Navigation District Place 5
Sergio Tito Lopez                38,790                        74.56
Bill Berg                              13,233                        25.44

Texas Southmost College Place 1
Adela Garza                         41,779                        72.82
Jorge Luis Sifuentes            15,594                         27.18

Texas Southmost College Place 2
Ancelmo Naranjo                 10,869                        19.19
Alejandra Aldrete                 34,706                        61.26
Antonio Guevara                  11,075                         19.55


Anonymous said...

The more they steal the more bolder they become. NO SHAME NO SHAME...

Anonymous said...

Thanks to RR for the information since both local channels did not care enough to let us know. Now the new blood needs to prove that they have learned from the mistakes of those that were there before. We are for the children and the board should concentrate on this issue only. Putegnat Elementary is the oldest school yet, it has always had a top-notch education for it's students. Forget about "futureristic schools" for now and concentrate on instruction and those teachers who work their fingers to the bone to provide in every way for the students. If the building gets hot, open the windows like we did at Faulk when we had A/C and the school still came up from its reputation of low performing. I challenge the new board members to keep your promises to the children and your community and those who vote for you. Forget the past and lets go forward.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Louie Leal, HE won by 10 votes.
I hope he does well for the district.

Anonymous said...

President Biden: South Texas

South Texas always a rebel with a cause.

Anonymous said...

last minute fraud by the Republicans: Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina

More corruption and evil for the poor 111

Anonymous said...

The RR says Marisa won and the Herald says Minerva did? Which is correct?
Please tell me that RR is right. We can not afford more of Minerva's lies and wrong-doings with nothing happening to her. Please, please, please tell me
Marisa won.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry still won't admit that Olivos are losers, including la wifa Claudia for supporting a pervert to take care of BISD kids.

Anonymous said...

Everyone that surrounded themselves with Erasmo Castro lost. These candidates should have known that all Erasmo wanted was to garner votes off their base. He didn't care if they won. He cared about himself. He knew he couldn't get elected with the base he has. Bunch of disgruntle employees from all around Brownsville. The BISD teachers that support Erasmo are disgruntle employees who get in trouble all the time. AOBE got what they deserved when they chose to endorse felons and misfits. AOBE need new leadership because it was a big slap in the face and rightfully so. AOBE just became insignificant and BISD administration will never take them serious again because of the current leadership. I'm a teacher and they blocked me during a forum and right away it showed me that the leadership was not about hearing people out or caring about what is best for the Association. I knew tons of their members were mad that AOBE would show up to Erasmo's show being desperate and wanting the lime light. They didn't care wearing AOBE apparel while Erasmo cursed and slammed his innocent opponent who is a female. I warned Frankie to get away from Erasmo but he doubled down and got last place. The youth just don't listen anymore. At the end of the day our citizens of this great city spoke and trust me I'm so happy this city decided to vote in ethical candidates with integrity and good moral character. It's hard to run an election and I encourage more people to run for office. It's a humble experience. We have good hard working people in Brownsville and I'm grateful they showed up to vote to make sure idiots like Erasmo and Frankie would not sit as a Board of TRUSTee. I suggest these two get real jobs and start paying taxes to help our city grow. No more handouts Erasmo. No more begging for free food. No more lies and deceit. Your sister Melissa is breathing a sigh of relief that you did not get elected. NO one has to fear that you will bully them. We know you tried to bully some of our good administrators but this ended last night when you got your ass kicked by 10,000 votes. Your shitty show just became insignificant. Everyone that goes on your show will know now that they do so now knowing they will be placed in the same category as Erasmo Castro and lose support. Half his base are illegal and couldn't vote anyway. So you people who want to aspire to run for office should take note that EVERYONE who went on that show lost!!!!!!! Open your eyes idiots!!!

C. Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Inche Erasmo and your idiot slate. Keep hanging around losers baboso. Ya vete ala v.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya always keeping the community informed.

BobbyWC said...

Montoya has the correct result on Leal and Pena. I like the Herald closed down by midnight. The elections office adjusted the numbers 3 times between 4 and 4:30 a.m. Remi Garza and his staff still get an A+.

Also that race is not over. By federal law military oversees ballots are not due until next Tuesday. With a 10 vote difference things can still change.

With the exception of legal issues, I am handing off to Montoya all local political blogging. he is not perfect but he is better than any local news service.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

I agree with Charlie. Erasmo slate lost because he is a bad person. He constantly degraded his female opponent as did Frankie. No class, morals or integrity. No respect for women at all. I can't understand how Frankie and Carlos did not see that they were on a sinking ship. They appeared on that podcast confident they were going to win but all came up extremely short. Frankie even came in last. Erasmo is such a narcissist that he probably does not see that many of the followers who watch do so to make fun of him. Not because they agree or support him. It's very telling when a family is so divided as is Erasmo's. You can hide many facts, but family somehow knows them all. Frankie should have been smarter and listened to Melissa. He has no chance of obtaining suitable employment after Elia leaves the bench and much less of ever running for office again. They often referenced not taking money from vendors but it was probably because no vendor wanted to be associated with them. EVERYONE except them knew they were going to lose and the numbers they garnered prove it. And even with such a low vote count for each of these 3 candidates will they humble themselves.

Anonymous said...

May our new leaders not fall victim to the greed that surrounds our community. Review every RFP carefully look out for our tax dollars and stay away from evil people and hidden agendas.

Anonymous said...

Remember NOVEMBER!!! Ok, now what? Well, it's a new day with a GREAT START!!! November will be remembered!!!, especially for the Castro Felony Slate!!! I must say "La Rata Pelona" AKA Carlos Elizondo anda con la zonda en el Culo!!! He along with the entire FELONY SLATE will deny loosing to a better person and WILL never admit or except being ABORTED and OUTVOTED!!! THEY ARE LITTLE BOYS PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH THEIR PAST...but it is CLEAR they have now future!!!

Anonymous said...

Now he can get a REAL JOB instead of gossiping, lying, and damaging people's reputations and businesses. He can now concentrate in taking care of all his legal problems.

Anonymous said...

As Charlie Atkinson so eloquently put it! Erasmo and his cronies got knocked the fuck out! And good riddance to Minerva Pena and Paul Cowen as well. New board members please do what's right for the kids and this district NOT "what's in it for me attitude" and you will survive this very political position and the wrath of these merciless bloggers. We will be watching. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Frankie's dick pic prob got passed around and that's why he lost votes!! Se cree mucho pero no tiene nada. He used to date that pretty Lienberger attorney but no se como. She was probably feeling sorry for him and was slumming it por que he's nowhere in her league. Little league and Major league don't mix tonto. Talk about that on your sports talk show.

Anonymous said...

Evertime I feel like having a good laugh, instead of going to the movies, I watch the podcast and have a good laugh at all the stupid things they say. People who participate on the podcast have nothing constructive to say, all they do is critized people who don't agree with them and try to do the best to destroy them. This election has shown me that there is still hope in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Pa fuera lo que no sirve!!!

Anonymous said...

Charlie Me La Pela,
You sir are a loser. You got fired by the feds after having your family get you the job. Then you tried to snuggle up to a felon that was trying to scam Brownsville for millions. Then you lost to the first write-in candidate winner in Texas history. Then you get a job at BISD through special favors from a corrupt sister. And, now you have to suck it again by watching your sister go up in flames for accepting bribes.

You sir are a loser and are part of a corrupt family.

Anonymous said...

May our new leaders not fall victim to the greed that surrounds our community. Review every RFP carefully look out for our tax dollars and stay away from evil people and hidden agendas.

November 4, 2020 at 11:15 AM

They should have good training with good explanations of what is legal and what is not legal.
1. Do not accept money.
2. The person you are talking to: is recording you.
3. The bloggers NEVER FORGET.

Anonymous said...

Juan saw on fox news today they were talking about South Texas, Zapata, Starr, Hidalgo and Cameron counties, voters in these areas voting more percentage wise for republican candidates this time around then in previous years, maybe no republican victories yet but who know maybe in the future. Wow looks like the DemocRATS are finally losing their foothold or stronghold in the valley and people do want a two party system. Anyway local DemocRATS only enrich tyhemselves just ask gilberto hinojosa or Eddie lucio jr., how he was able to amass a fortune of over $90 million dollars in wealth? hard work i surely doubt it. RATS.

Anonymous said...

Sitting board members and new ones, LEARN from what just happened. Question, Why do you want to be on a school board non-paying job? The old ones, have you been honest and were you there for the teachers and students? Did you benefit monetarily for yourself, family or your friends? Do you now owe favors , because you accepted donations from certain groups, vendors or attorneys? To the new ones, Why are you there? Are you there for the right reasons? I hope you are not there to make sweetheart deals for your families or people who will secretly make you money by using them to represent your special interests, and cut deals with them.(ex. Insurance, goods, contracts ,jobs, etc) You will be under many microscopes, because I am tired of my hard earned tax money being used to benefit your lifestyles AND taking me as a fool. Your self-proclaimed eliteness will catch up to you someday. If you did wrong or planning to, I hope you get caught. If you have been honest, "THANK YOU" !

Anonymous said...

Many in South Texas are "cocos" and want to be white: rich, powerful, and not connected to the Hispanic people. That is why they are voting Republican..... the party of the white and rich.

Anonymous said...

November 4, 2020 at 10:12 PM

Fake news pendejo but its good that a estupido like believes all the fake news fox pukes. Be careful you just might catch Cyclic vomiting syndrome or cvs. fox is a known carrier. pendjo.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all
