Saturday, November 28, 2020


Special to EL Rrun-Rrun

With just a bit over 50 days before the inauguration of the next president of the United States January 20, in the midst of a raging pandemic that has killed more than a quarter of a million of our fellow citizens, and a polarized nation, the ship of state can only be said to be floundering.

The din from the demagogues on both sides of the political divide are drowning out the counsel of moderation from the center, the inevitable home ground of past majorities in U.S. elections.

The republic will survive, as it always has, but its moral standing and national character in the world has taken a hit because of the latest tenant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Will this nation ever achieve the international standard it once held? 

When Trump claimed that he was the best president in history, including the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Kennedy, etc., he was not just engaging in demagoguery, but also indirectly criticizing all his predecessors before the world. Our national life became a horrid reality show and he basked in slinging mud from the bully pulpit of the presidency. He demeaned every citizen of this country with his braggadocio.

To what end? When more than 80 million Americans voted against him (or for his opponent Biden) and he ended up losing the popular vote by nearly seven million (73,923,495), how can anyone not agree that it was a resounding rejection of his candidacy? More than that, it was a rejection of all the divisive rhetoric and weasel wording of this presidency. It was a rejection of the "alternative facts" Trumpites claimed when putting a spin on everything, notably their failures.

Trump would go on the stump and claim that administration had done the most "incredible," "outstanding," "beautiful" (you pick a flowery adjective) work on COVID-19 as the USA lost more people to the virus and had a higher infection rate than any country in the rest of the industrialized world.

And he launched a civil war between his militias of deplorables (armed and chanting "Jews will not replace us") on something as simple as a face covering to protect them against the virus even though his scientific COVID-19 team and the CDC recommended their use and begged him to stop holding superspreader mass gatherings during his campaign.

It didn't matter to him. 

What mattered was winning the game, and if not winning, then trying to steal it from the voters, something that he accused Biden and the Democrats of doing.

Black was white, the bottom became the top, and reality was fudged to complete the myopic vision of a blind man leading the lemmings over the cliff. 

Putting things right will not be easy for the incoming administration, and there will be a constant sniping from the Trump adherents who will continue nipping on the heels of the Biden Team. But no one ever said governing was easy.  

And making things right while a Republican Senate settles on a policy of obstruction and harassment will make it even harder. Hopefully, cooler heads on both sides will temper the national debate and internecine warfare can be slowed down to a dialogue for the good of all of us.  


Anonymous said...

White people are on the warpath. It's not over. Trump just opened the gates.

Anonymous said...

Com'on Man! And Biden is going to be any better?? 47 years of just scratching his nuts! Then you have este half coco mutt retard that says there was no fraud! Este pendejo watches too much CNN! Hahahahaha! I'm going educate you all! Trump will remain president because more than 80 millions of people voted him! The only votes Biden got was from los muertosđź’€, Montoya, y un pinche Half coco perro retard!

Anonymous said...

You don't sound like you are in the moderate middle!!! Typical left wing democrat

Anonymous said...

Making things Right, are you fucking kidding me.

Sleepy Joe Biden and Willy's little play toy are going to MAKE THINGS RIGHT.


Anonymous said...

My God. Is this blogger 13 years old? Did you forget the organized obstruction to Democracy of the Russian hoax? Are you under any delusion that Biden and his administration will be anything but the lethargy of O’Bama’s eight years? Get some maturity and life experience before you post again.

Anonymous said...

Los Fresnos trail extension celebrated
People are dying y esta vieja building bike trails.

Anonymous said...

Maggots start looking for a check out counter job I hear they will be the first ones vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

More than 91,000 -- the most of the pandemic -- are hospitalized with coronavirus in the US
PARTY HARDY GRINGOS and good-bye...

Anonymous said...

Embrace Socialism, open borders, tax increases, sanctuary cities, defunding the police, disrespecting our flag, packing the Supreme Court, more regulations, ignore illegal wiretaps of President, ignore the Biden family enriching themselves from the government (think Hunter), etc.
At least there's no hate. But wait now we can unite the country.

Anonymous said...

There are words that unify and words that divide, words that heal and words that wound. The article contains words that divide and wound, and not words that unify and heal.

He/she is certainly not one of the calmer heads hoped for in the article.

Anonymous said...

November 29, 2020 at 12:42 PM

Must be referring to the pendejo racist republican that seems to be our of touch HE LOST THE ELECTION PENDEJO, THE VIRUS IS REAL, WEAR A MASK AND USE TOILET PAPER ooopps hillbillys don't use toilet paper they use fingers and grass...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some are so concern with white people, they overlook that the people who screw us the most are other Hispanics

Anonymous said...

It is time for Americans to decide to make the USA a better country or to let other countries lead the way for humanity.

The USA is tired of working so much. Let Japan become the leader.

Also, maybe Americans need to live under a dictatorship to understand freedom and liberty.

Anonymous said...

November 29, 2020 at 8:09 PM

If that's the case we just lost a big opportunity to understand freedom and liberty it doesn't mean anything to you that this country started freedom and liberty.

Out of touch just like that idiota hillbilly coco wanna be white does not understand the voting process, does not not understand the virus and does not use toilet paper and uses his middle finger and dry grass IDIOTA...

Anonymous said...

blogs like this are why people dont respect us hispanics. YOU SOUND IGNORANT. Not once did you ever mention any facts or something more substantial than your obtuse opinion. America is where we are now because of how much freedom we have (positive) and how much we allow these special interest groups to kick and scream until their demands are catered to. Do you really support the rioting and violence because the BLM supporters FELT that they are being disproportionately killed? Look at statistics, do some actual research on the matter, youll see that it is them who bring this upon themselves. They reinforced the stereotype by acting out the way they did. COVID is not containable, look at the rest of the world and their struggles. if Trump is at fault, then so is every country leader in the world. Maybe if you ever left the valley, youd see that its a fucking jungle out there, but youd rather play monday morning quarterback from your couch.

Anonymous said...

November 30, 2020 at 5:31 PM

so why are you here idiota!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Some are so concern with white people, they overlook that the people who screw us the most are other Hispanics

November 29, 2020 at 7:54 PM"

Couldnt have said it better myself. All these crooked politicians and public office holders are maostly Hispanic, fucking their own community over so they can have a fat bank account...but you cant take it with you when you die.

Anonymous said...

@7:27 AM
As usual no facts. Why don't you respond with facts?

Anonymous said...

How can our nation be divided especially since the Democrats tried so hard to unite our country the last four years? The Democrats showed no hate and they tried to work with President Trump to better our country right? Right?

Anonymous said...

NATION DIVIDED...JUST like the Brownsville Police Department As Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda only accomplishment has been is to Divide the department as El Chapo Sauceda has managed to compromise the BPOA Union President. Great Job!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody has a major hard on for a hillbilly coco. Looking for one to go Deliverance on your ass.!

Anonymous said...

Sorry That wasn't then only accomplishment for Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda. He did turn the Police Department's interior to look like a children's day care.. All the degrees in the world can't save this idiot. #worstchiefever..

Anonymous said...

@ 7:27 AM
"so why are you here idiota!"
I'm here for the free housing, free school for my children, free medical, food stamps and monthly welfare check. In Mexico I didn't get anything free and I had to work two jobs. Can't wait to get my citizenship so I can vote Democrat. I love this country. I hate Trump!

Anonymous said...

December 1, 2020 at 9:42 PM
You mean the appalachian mountains idiot by way of cockroach europe go get a compass ooops you don't know what that is estupido hillbilly coco
