Wednesday, January 6, 2021


“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present…fellow citizens, we cannot escape history…The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation."
                                                                                       Abraham Lincoln, Dec. 1, 1862


Anonymous said...

President TRUMP, the president of misfits, mobs, and thugs.

Shame on the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

He should be prosecuted. He incited the riot and a woman was gunned down.


Anonymous said...

Da Blimp reporting from the front lines -


His objection to the Arizona Electoral vote started the attempted coup. If Mitch McConnell fails to ban him from any roll in the Senate then Chuck Schumer when het takes over should take action Cruz and Mitchell."

Of course, Blimps means "role"

Anonymous said...

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) noted video footage that went viral of Capitol Police officers allowing rioters past fencing in order to access the building. “I have no idea why that would be permissible,” he said. “That’s unacceptable. … We’ll be looking at all of that.”

The police response to the pro-Trump protesters was milder than the law enforcement tactics employed when officers used tear gas and rubber bullets in response to Black Lives Matter protesters over the summer.

“If Black people were storming the Capitol, they would have been treated so much differently than they were today,” Ryan said. “I don’t think there’s any question that communities of color would have been handled much, much differently."

No shit.

Anonymous said...


The President Trump supporter killed in the Capitol building Wednesday was an Air Force vet from California who tweeted a day earlier how “nothing will stop us” and “the storm is here.”

Ashli Babbitt, who had 14 years in the service and did four tours of duty, was married and lived near San Diego, her husband Aaron told KUSI-TV.

“I’m numb. I’m devastated. Nobody from DC notified my son and we found out on TV,” the husband’s mother, Robin Babbitt, told The Post, saying of her daughter-in-law, “She is a Trump supporter.”

Everything is “pretty surreal,” added Aaron’s brother, Justin. “It’s hard, because we haven’t been officially notified.”

The day before she was fatally shot — apparently by Capitol Police, Babbitt tweeted, “Nothing will stop us…. they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light.”

Idiot dies for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Remove This Vicious Parasite Now So He Can Never Run Again!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

“This is not who we are,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this afternoon, although earlier today he had been doing plenty of incitement of his own. As the whole world now sees, this is exactly who the Trumps are and who his most loyal supporters are. But it does not have to be the enduring legacy of all Republicans and all conservatives.

Everybody connected in any way to Trumpism must instantly put as many miles of distance as possible between themselves and this president and the mob that he raised and unleashed. There is still hope that the word Republican can be wrenched back from the thugs and insurrectionists. And the new majority in the House and Senate should act fast to offer Republicans the chance to return to faith in the Constitution they have attacked.

Schedule an impeachment vote for this very night. Stay ’til dawn. Do whatever is necessary. Avert any potential for martial law. Deny Trump command of the military; withdraw the nuclear codes. Don’t wait until the next crossed red line, until the next smashed barrier, until the next putsch attempt. Install Mike Pence right away as the 46th president and work with him to manage the transition on January 20 to Joe Biden as the 47th. Bar Trump from ever again holding office — and get ready to prosecute him for his crimes on January 21.

Act now. And everyone who acts now — even those who were most in the wrong until now — can share the credit and recognition as a protector of the Constitution. There is no time for delay.

Remove this treasonous president. Invite his own party to join the effort to remove him now, or to share now and forever Trump’s guilt.

Hear, hear!

Anonymous said...

Trump is responsible for all of it. This country has a serious fascism problem now. It has a fascism problem that is fed and encouraged by what is at best a fascist-adjacent media ecosystem and, at worst, a communications network that would embarrass Goebbels.

There is a genuinely subversive rightwing movement in this country that found its focus in this president*, and that will be rested and ready when the next one comes along. There is no Republican politician with either the courage or the clout to cure the prion disease that has now eaten away all of the party's higher functions and reduced it to a rough beast that is no longer anything but an accumulation of base and abandoned appetite. History has turned down a dark alley and he sent it there. He has to go. Now. This moment.

Everybody knows it. By seven o'clock Wednesday night, rumors ricocheted all over Washington that powerful people were meeting in whispers, making plans to pry the government out of the crazy man's hands. Leaving him in place even for an hour would be the final dereliction of duty, and we have had far too many of those. Force him out. Do it now. Complicity is its own dark reward.

Anonymous said...

Congress can take immediate steps to answer these attacks and incitement: Step One, impeach, remove, and disqualify Trump, so that he cannot run again and more importantly, he can be out of the chain of command before he can do more damage as Jan. 20 approaches.

Sen. Susan Collins pathetically asserted that the House had already “taught Trump a lesson” with its 2019 impeachment vote. It’s too late for such fictions, but actual removal could mitigate the damage from the failed lesson and send a message to his supporters.

Disqualification means Trump cannot run again, a crucial step toward ending the Trump era.

Step Two, as Rep. Cori Bush has suggested, rely on Article I, S 5, cl 2 of the Constitution, which states: “Each House may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.”

If the incoming and outgoing Senate Majority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell meant anything they said about protecting democracy on Wednesday, they can punish senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, along with their fellow democracy delegitimizers by stripping them from all committees and suspending them from the Senate for an appropriate cooling down period.

If this timeout doesn’t take, these members can be expelled.

Anonymous said...

If it happens again they need to open fire, period. Freakish Trumpie goobers do not own this country and a bunch of racist redneck cretins don't get to run roughshod over whatever they please. It'd also be very refreshing if perhaps "the media" would declare a moratorium re: reporting on or even mentioning Waddles on the 20th, just to thwart his sad attempts to hijack and spoil Biden's inauguration.

Lard belly lost the election.

Anonymous said...

Todo tiene su tiempo y Trump va a pagar con las nalgas.

Anonymous said...

The cowardly silence from local Republicans is exactly the image we want of these insipid, soul-less humans. May God drop the hammer on every single one of them. Perhaps they know they are now dirt. Shit covered with dirt. Desgraciados!

Anonymous said...

Where was the gas, rubber bullets, the military, the national guard, helicopters, electric batons, sound grenades, BORDER PARTOL ooops no mojados here so sooory puros pinches gringos...

Anonymous said...

Oh, and much shit goes to El Paya Jerry who supported Trump for months before he started saying he hated him. Paya McHale, eres un lambiscon, un baboso y un cagapalo de primera. Que pinche vato mentiroso!

Paya, eres uno de ellos!

Anonymous said...

Who needs a white house rent one of trumps hotels cheaper and no security...

Anonymous said...

Are the British back in town. Not since 1812 when they left now they're back?

Anonymous said...

Did they just escaped from the Porter Zooooo. Looks like it pinches gringos pendejos...

Anonymous said...

Somebody should have put Bernie Sanders in front of that racist republican rioting mob. End of story!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillbillys and redneck racist republicans what more do you want to tear this country apart they're almost there...

Anonymous said...

The democratic government in DC will pass a law on the 21st of january 2021 that prohibits the printing of the name "Donald J Trump" on ANY and ALL on books, newspapers and other facsimile materials

Anonymous said...

If this was to happen in Mexico they would all be shot.

Anonymous said...

The protesters were not Trump supporters, they were ANTIFA agents disguised as stupid, white hillbillies.

Anonymous said...

Sit back and stand down. In 13 days we will have a REAL justice department. Trump can't pardon himself. That's when you prosecute him and the MAGAcrats.

Anonymous said...

"Unmoored" is what hillbilly coco wanna be white has become kick him out of the bus shelter pinche guey

Anonymous said...

Bunch of Bozos

Anonymous said...


You're the dumbest guy in the room, buddy. Parroting Fox, are we?

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

The protesters were not Trump supporters, they were ANTIFA agents disguised as stupid, white hillbillies.

January 7, 2021 at 10:59 AM


Anonymous said...

Democrats have done more damage especially in Brownsville because the idiot voters of Brownsville like to blame the other side because the Mexicans are used to been rob all the time. Brownsville is the star of the Democrats, Vela is one idiot Democrat that shits through his mouth to support what happens in Brownsville. The millions of dollars missing at PUB and where are all these DEMOCRATS, laughing at the taxpayers period. These KINGS of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

“Johnny rosin up your bow and play that fiddle hard, ‘cause Hell’s broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals the cards...

The Devil bowed his head ‘cause he knowed that he’d been beat, and he laid that golden fiddle on the ground by Johnny’s feet.”

Ossoff defeats Perdue, Warnack beats Loeffler, and Biden defeats tRump in Georgia. Time for tRump to lay that golden fiddle on the ground and get the F outta here!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage


Anonymous said...

Worst president ever.

GGL said...

Just do this simple thing write down today the price of gas per gallon, the income tax rate, the interest rate for a
home loan, the cost of your health insurance and what date you think you will have to turn your guns in. Oh also what date Harris will be your President!

Anonymous said...

Puros pinches idiotas just like the ones here!!!

Anonymous said...

Lock 'em up

Anonymous said...

Republican GOP is Nazis and Confederates in disguise
Outed yourself pendejos

Anonymous said...

To January 7, 4:57 PM. What I do know is that I am at the most, in 2nd place on the dumb list. You jumped me and took 1st place with your inability to appreciate satirical humor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6:28 All you idiotas that believe everything the mainstream media reports concerning the chaos at the capitol being done by Trump's supporters are being played again. If the real Trump's supporters really wanted to do damage, there was no way any amount of police officers would be able to stop the multitude of people! By the way, Trump never really conceded, but was just trying to calm the millions of supporters and let the Democrats believe that he had surrender. Pence is playing the Democrats like a violin and on January 20 expect a surprise, courtesy of Trump! Hahahahaha! The Dementiacrat knows this, and that's why they want to impeach him before January 20. Use your brain idiotas! Why would they even think about impeachment or Amendment 25, if January 20 is so near??? Trump will not stop his fight for justice! He promised that to the more than 80 millions supporters! Ese pendejo guey half coco retard mutt thinks everything is over because of what he see in CNN! HAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2021 at 8:36 AM

Cure your mental illness first go see dr pestes from the mountains. Pinche delusional shit holding idiosyncratic beliefs and impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument pinche racist hillbilly republican - culo...

Anonymous said...


