Thursday, March 11, 2021


By Juan Montoya

First, the good news.

The Brownsville Public Utility Board made $121,488,315 selling electricity to the Energy Reliability  Council of Texas during the worst of the polar cold front February 15 through February 18 while local residents huddled in dark homes in subfreezing temperatures.

Now for the bad news.

As the statewide grid of electricity was threatened with a collapse and power outages spread across the state during and after the storm, ERCOT raised the price of energy and kept it high so that it cost providers like PUB more to produce electricity. It cost PUB $145,381,315 to produce the energy during that period and as a result they – or rather its ratepayers – ended up an estimated $38,190,065 in the hole.

And even though the totals remains "fluid," and subject to change as ERCOT settles accounts with power providers like PUB across the state, the utility's management and the city commission are looking around for loose change to pay off the debt.

Specifically in PUB's case, the $121,488,315 profits in off-system energy sales was offset by an estimated $145,381,351 in production costs at higher fuel prices to give it an initial deficit of $23,892,936. Add in the city's 10 percent share of the profits ($9,364,713) and another $7,500,000 in "short pay" charges by ERCOT, and PUB is $38.2 million in the hole that has to be paid somehow.

How to pay it?

PUB energy mavens like John Bruciak, the architect of the notorious

Tenaska Power Plant to Nowhere fiasco, has some ideas. But neither they nor the city administration really want the public to know. So on Tuesday, during a joint meeting of the city and PUB, they hid in executive session, delivered the bad news to the city commission, and suggested some "ideas" on how to address the shortfall.

And as far as the public being made aware of the PUB and city predicament, what they don't know will hurt them.

Here's a few:

The city could consider giving up its $9.4 million share of windfall profits and return it to a fuel adjustment subaccount to offset against the shortfall and the total debt would be reduced to $28.8 million.

And guess what? Remember the $29 million that was left over from the Tenaska fiasco after the private energy company decided in 2017 that the planned $500 million  gas-powered electric plant was no longer economically feasible even after the commission approved increased rate hikes foe electric by 36 percent for ratepayers in 2013? Yeah, that's the one.

The PUB went through approximately $135 million raised for the plant's construction before Tenaska pulled the plug on the project and the $29 million was all that was left of the failed undertaking. So Bruciak and his bean counters suggest: Why not use that remaining $29 million in the Tenaska Equity Fund to erase part of the debt to ERCOT? You know, continue to throw bad money after worse. And the plans to use some of that to fund fiber optic or LED lighting in the city? Fuggedaboutit!

Or, they say, if that is too cynical for the city commission, why not implement a shell game and use $20 million available cash in their existing Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) from prior years "surplus" funds and tweak the capital improvement project budgets by floating some "commercial paper" to replace the money?

That incurred debt could then be used to raise an additional $10 million. That would leave "only" a $8.2 million shortfall. 

That's where you, dear fellow PUB ratepayer, come in. Not only did you fund the PUB playing of the spot market with ERCOT and lost your shorts, but you also have an opportunity to make up for their shortfall. They sold low and bought high. It's not their money anyway. It's yours.

This is what Bruciak and Da Boys over at the PUB black hole suggest:

"Gradually raise the fuel factor charged ratepayers to cover the cost over future months. Our policy does not allow monthly increases to the fuel factor greater than 20 percent, therefore, it would take time to set fuel factor at actual recovery rate."

The game gets better. Are you watching the sleight of hand as they move the shells over the pea? Where is it? Donde quedo la bolita?

Watch closely now. 

If the commission gives PUB the go ahead, PUB could could use $15 million from their Capital Improvement Reserve Fund and another $17 million from something called Operating Reserve Fund. But there's a catch. All that loot would have to be replenished over the next 36 months. Maybe a rate hike, you think? 

Hey, maybe we could "borrow" $13 million from something PUB calls a "Plant Fund" it set aside for long-term liabilities like post-employment benefits (PEB), other than pension distributions, that employees may begin to receive once they retire. Other PEB funds can include vacation and sick leave accruals, life insurance, health insurance, and deferred compensation. In other words, dip into PUB employees retirement benefits.

You know that's not a bad idea. If the commission lets us, we could also raid other PUB workers' retirement benefits like the employee Health Insurance Fund for an additional $11.3 million. After all, they argue, "these funds are not held in an irrevocable trust." Sorry PUB workers. Now you see it, now you don't.

As a last resort, we have something called a fuel subaccount that has a balance of $6.6 million and another $9.3 million could be raised from the 2021 FIscal Year budget pending transfers for March to September of 2021. But there's a catch. Those funds are needed to maintain the current fuel factor for the remainder of the year. 

If all else fails and the mark (PUB ratepayer) catches on to the sleight of hand, the city commission could give PUB the approval to "issue commercial paper notes or other bank financing." 

You know, borrow our way out again. Plenty more where that came from.

Of course, if the city commission approves such a "commercial paper ordinance" to float say, Certificates of Obligation, it would require an amendment to add a taxable component and it will all have to be paid, you peeked!, the PUB ratepayer!

We caution you, though, things are still "fluid" and ERCOT may "forgive" some of this $38 million by owning up to its "errors" during the emergency. But we wouldn't hold our breath. 

Can you guess where the hit will come from?


Anonymous said...

How about reducing salaries of employees making over 70k like a 10% reduction or hire a new ceo one that will bring out all the crookedness going on in that runaway agency. Give him a percentage of all the monies he recovers... A new hunting dog will do the job...

Anonymous said...

Juan once again, the taxpayers and rate users are held hold the bag, City commission, PUB Board members how much longer are you all going to give the Chorizo San Manuel to the Citizens of Brownsville, this is ridiculous. God have Mercy on you all starting with Mr. SPI-Bruciak and the other two top Magilla Gorillas at the PUB. CULEROS

Anonymous said...

Sell the CEO's stock!

Anonymous said...

What a cluster@%$&. At the end of the day nothing is going to happen unless the City Commissioners do something. The PUB does not answer to the taxpayers or the people of Brownsville, they answer to the Commission. As long as that buffer sits and watches, it will be business as usual.

Anonymous said...

They are going to start doing away with employees retirement and health benefits, just like the city has been doing it to its employees since the arrival of the new city manager. Shame on them all, employee retention and morale are at all time low. Way to go for Total Alignment.

Anonymous said...

Citizens of Brownsville can most certainly do something about it. It is a largely indigenous population that ought to use the Native American model to protest. Stop paying BPUB bills.

That'll get their attention pronto.

The publicity would be enough for COB to do its duty and represent people, not a long-protected, taxpayer-funded entity. You just have to want it bad enough.

Anonymous said...

A 39-year-old single mom in Utah with no underlying medical conditions died four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, according to a report.

Kassidi Kurill, a mother of one from Ogden, received the vaccine due to her work as a surgical tech for several plastic surgeons, KUTV reported.

“She was absolutely fine with getting it. In fact, she told all of us, ‘It’s fine, you guys should all get it,’” her father, Alfred Hawley, told the outlet.

Kurill experienced a sore arm after the first jab of Moderna, but had no other side effects.

But things took a tragic turn after she received her second dose on Feb. 1.

Anonymous said...

Bluntly shameful and no empathy for citizens of this community. Making money while the rest of us are dying of cold weather and now wants US to pay!



Anonymous said...

So, did BPUB sell electricity to the state grid? How much?

heh heh

Anonymous said...

The city commission past and present along with PUB board are freaking worthless to this communit and executives have sold there souls for greed on the backs of the poor there is a special place for you all you will reep what you sow.✝️ Your dirty deeds will come with consequences sooner or later Guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

Kiss you stimulus money goodbye!

Anonymous said...

The solution is to join other cities in suing ERCOT and particularly, PUC, for artificially setting an outrageous kwh price and keeping it inflated for much longer than the actual crisis lasted. In fact, they should be sued for price fixing in an allegedly " free market" and no, PUB and the citizens here should not end up paying for the Public Utilities Commission's fuckup.

Anonymous said...

LOCAL BLOGGER NEEDS ASSISTANCE: EDDIE,TREY,JOEY! Please help local blogger get the vaccine.

Local blogger is desperate to get the vaccine. After bitching about the procedures being followed by the county and city in administering the vaccine, local blogger finds himself hoping that somebody can help him gets vaccinated. Sitting in front of the computer and spending time surfing the internet for the opportunity to register for the vaccine is out of the question. Blogger claims that the process is to "hard" and time consuming.

There is rumor going around the community that a local city commissioner candidate has 38,000+ vaccines available for the local community. Perhaps he get help our local blogger.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:18 PM

Local blogger can go fuck himself.

Anonymous said...

If we put aside ideological differences and political stances, if we ignore levels of intellect and ability, if we discount personality type and management style, we are left with the fact that Donald Trump is a bad person, of poor character and lacking attributes of ethics, honesty or diligence.

America, feel free to elect whomever you wish from across the political spectrum. Choose a leader with whatever combination of personality and style you see fit. It's your country...elect whichever president you see fit.

However, please, please, please do not ever elect another president so devoid of basic human goodness.

Anonymous said...

It's a scam people there setting PUB to fail so the city can sell PUB and take that money and use it on there projects.Brownsville should be proud to have there own utility service one of the few in the country.Mayor Martinez started this crap and many are following his debauchery.THE CITY COMMISSION PAST AND PRESENT ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TRAVESTY.People call your commissioners and Mayor and tell them how you feel those idiots are supposed to work for us not themselves.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville voters, wake up, dont elect or reelect anyone with "Historical Designation" bullshit on their personal homes. Property owners with this designation dont pay a penny on property taxes. Elected officials should and must set the example to their constituents and be paying their fair share of taxes just like the rest of us. Let's do the right thing and elect someone who leads by example.

Anonymous said...

Cheken la cuenta de pat

Anonymous said...

Looks like we’re all about to get a taste of that “free market” republicans like to push.

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic senile old Biden addressing the nation! We are suppose to believe this jerk off got most votes in the history of mandkind! Hahahaha! He's pushing and pushing that all get vaccinated! I wonder why? Bill Gates also wants everyone vaccinated! What they are not telling you, is that this vaccine is not completely safe. Some people have gotten bad reaction and died. Others might be ok for now, but later many will get sick and some will get cancer. This vaccine which no one really knows what's it has inside, will be inside your body doing damage little by little until you get sick with something. If you trust the government so much, then go enjoy your vaccines Pinche vacas! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

It was reported that Biden won't be signing those stimulus checks that will be mailed! Another clue he isn't really the President of the United States! Apart from that, he's not allowed in the white house and not allowed to use any presidential airplanes. Also, he has his own personal security guarding him and not the secret service. A real President would be answering questions from reporters, but he runs away from them like a frighten squirrel. Hahahahaha! The best is yet to come! There's a big surprise coming soon! I won't say more! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic senile old Biden addressing the nation! We are suppose to believe this jerk off got most votes in the history of mandkind! Hahahaha! He's pushing and pushing that all get vaccinated! I wonder why? Bill Gates also wants everyone vaccinated! What they are not telling you, is that this vaccine is not completely safe. Some people have gotten bad reaction and died. Others might be ok for now, but later many will get sick and some will get cancer. This vaccine which no one really knows what's it has inside, will be inside your body doing damage little by little until you get sick with something. If you trust the government so much, then go enjoy your vaccines Pinche vacas! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels these 3 top PUB Gorillas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

City elections are around the corner
Don't vote for bike trails
Don't vote for commissioners that support PUB
Don't vote for commissioners that don't pay taxas
Don't vote for el enano
Don't vote for vaccine jumpers
Don't vote for voucher holders that gave them to their families, friends and their voing pals.
Don't vote for those that attended the secret meeting
Don't vote to re-elect any of them....

Anonymous said...

March 12, 2021 at 3:29 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

@6:06 And senile diaper user China Biden is an upgrade to Trump! Idiota! El pendejo viejito isn't even allowed to sign the stimulus checks! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@3:12am I believe that Biden is way superior to Trump. Biden has done many good things in his 47 years of public service, I can't name any right now, but trust me he has done many good things. He is in very good mental and physical condition. He respects women's space and love kids very very much. As a young man, he was willing to get drafted to go fight for our country, if wasn't for mysteriously getting Asthma, he would of been a war hero. As President he has lower the price of gas. I'm happy I voted for him and more americas voted for him than anyone in history! Viva Biden! The people's choice!

Anonymous said...

El Mago Marine controls the PUB board. Replace them, Bruziac, and El Mago

Anonymous said...

Mr SPI-Bruciak, no need to worry your job or performance you are SAFE along with you two other compadres-TOP DOGS. Citizens know that the City of Bronwsville City Commission and El Enano Mayor Tray plus your BPUB Board memebrs will not even attempt to give you guys Das Boot in your behind so you all are SAFE & OK. Like Snicky Nicks says in his song-NOT TO WORRY.

Anonymous said...

The blogger who believes the vaccine will cause cancer must be related to the idiot who also believed that the Windmills in Raymondville caused cancer.
He was our nation's cancer and thank God he is gone.

Anonymous said...

If all of us refuse to pay any new fuel adjustment fees or any rate hikes, pub cant do anything but accept what they get. No customers, no pub. Simple. We go on strike.
