Sunday, March 14, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Great COVID-19 Exodus is slowly coming to an end.

The Palm Lounge took its time to unlock its wrought-iron gates and then was harassed by city inspectors who shut it down temporarily until the misunderstandings over the city codes and uneven COVID-19 enforcement was straightened out. Now, with the 100 percent capacity combined with the precautions, it is now featuring a fine kitchen and even live music.

And two streets down, on Adams Street, the Half Moon also closed due to the death or owner George Ramirez. His death, plus the onslaught of the pandemic and the lack of a buyer during the hard business times may doom it to permanent closure unless a buyer steps forward to take the risk.

Next to the Half Moon is the Double Trouble which under owner Rodrigo Quintero has started his sports bar going again and his award-winning karaoke customers come by every Sunday night and deliver open mike renditions of popular country, rock and roll, and modern Mexican pop and tear jerkers.

About a block away, Queren and Chris are pleasing their regulars with DJ Memo's Mexican norteno music every weekend. They also had to deal with code inspectors who prohibited them from giving customers slices of lime for their beer or selling anything to ea –  even potato chips – although their business is across Mayor Trey Mendez Dodici's which is wide open and selling wine and pizza, among other things.

But between them (next to Double Trouble) Daniel Alvarado's Kraken Lounge remained – until this Saturday – MIA. The venue - popular with grunge bands and esoteric rock and roll - told the local daily in January that it would welcome customers again soon under COVID-19 safety guidelines. Before the pandemic, Kraken customers could jump on a pedicab and cruise the downtown area.

And just yesterday, he told El Rrun-Rrun that with those COVID-19 precautions in place and the opening of Texas to business, he will open from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Sunday starting this  week. On hand Saturday were noted Herald photographer Carlos Roberts and Claudia, his better half, graphics maven Gilbert Velasquez, Leroy, the Walgreen guy, and assorted Market Square denizens.

"They're going to have to follow the guidelines if they want to be in here," Alvarado said. "It's just what it is. And by now, people should already know."

Alvarado said then that 2020 was difficult, but he believes 2021 will be a better year.

"There was one thing that kept me going through all this. It can't get any worse," Alvarado said. "This year's going to be better. It has to be better. Something good has to come out of this."

Now the true music fans who enjoy his freshly-made pizzas while rocking out await his coming.

"Ain't nothing like the Kraken," said a street person who frequented the Market Square area and lounged by the fountain digging on the tunes. "I'm going to wait here until Danny opens again."


Anonymous said...

Nice Matamoros motif. Do they speak English?

Anonymous said...

I'd been there twenty seconds, and already nothing was happening.

Anonymous said...

What's new in Adela Garza's story of that weirdo relationship with Sylvia? Heard an interesting tidbit about Juan Cortina, too. People you protect, in other words.

Ben said...

I spent my Birthday Oct. 6 2019 at the Kraken and had a blast with People of the Sun ( Rage against the machine tribute band ). what's weird is I wasn't the oldest rocker in the place.

Anonymous said...

Gilbert Velazquez is still alive? Thought he died a while back.

Anonymous said...

Even after undergoing such a painful one year, people still believe that the most important thing is opening up the Cantinas in town. They cry for the stimulus checks and can't wait to cash them so they can go blow if off at the local cantinas (local business devotion). Pay off what you owe and start learning how to save money so as not to be caught again in a dilemma like the one that hit us from all ends. If you must drink, get a 6 pack and drink it at home and stay off the roads. You may want to wait until your children go to bed.

As for Sylvia and Adela, it would be such a let-down for Sherry if it were true, for she has taken shit from Sylvia in so many ways. Maybe it is for the best, Sherry?

Anonymous said...

rocker? hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Transit agencies received $30 billion in stimulus aid. What does that mean for riders?
More bike trail shelters? She needs to be voted OUT OUT OUT!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

TxDOT commits to developing medians for monarch habitat
Any plans for white cockroaches?

Anonymous said...

Sens. Cruz, Cornyn to lead delegation to Valley
par de idiotas
