Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's been just about two months since the Jan. 20 official opening of Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport's Brownsville's new $43.8 million terminal.

For the most part, the new facilities have drawn rave reviews from air travelers. But one passenger noticed something amiss. There is no food or beverage concessionaire and there is not a restaurant in operation. 

That jet setter was none other than Arturo (Turi) Treviño – of Los Trevi's Drive-Thru fame – who pointed that out on his social media page and took the city to task for that oversight and criticized the airport management for that omission. 

"Great food service at the brand new multi million terminal," he chided with a picture of a vending machine.

The airport management then replied that the small matter of a pandemic, restrictions on fliers because of the spread of the virus, and the reluctance investors to dump money into a restaurant with a lack of air passengers.

"The pandemic put the restaurant on pause, and as we have experienced the recovery, the project has restarted," said airport directors in answer to Turi's complaint.

While seeming to understand that all industries and major businesses took a plunge as the pandemic progressed saying everyone was dealing with "unprecedented and uncharted waters" he nonetheless managed took a swipe at the airport planners by saying any group worth their mettle would have done things differently and would have made sure they had all their ducks in a row before any undertaking.

Airport management said they were overcoming the effect of the pandemic on air travel (and the construction of the new terminal) and that a food and beverage concession "is in the works" and that they expected to be able to start offering a variety of products in the very near future.

Not pacified by the explanation, Treviño managed to dig in one more time and said that: "If that way of doing business were a private venture it would gone bankrupt..."

As in previous dealings with the city, it seems like there is no satisfying Turi when he's on a roll. 

It was Treviño, after all, who complained that the construction of the brick work at Market Square was deficient after grease from food vendors of one of his mindless "new traditions" like Gringo de Mayo left ugly stains visible for months after the event. They weren't "sealed" he complained and it wasn't his fault.

And he complained that the electric service there was also wanting. This is even after the city allowed the events to be held at city facilities for free and provided city staff to manage traffic around the closed for-pay event. 

In previous news reports, airport officials said they were looking past the pandemic toward the future in terms of the new terminal's capacity for generating new flight activity. 

As of today, it was reported, airport users can buy a plane ticket, check a bag, rent a car and buy a snack from a vending machine, but they can't order or a salad in the airport restaurant or a beer in the airport bar until the concession is established.

"We're still working with various entities on the restaurant/snack bar concession," an official was quoted saying. "We did go through a request for proposals for a vending company, so we do have vending machines both on the upper level and the lower level."

Of course, if air passengers can't wait, and the pandemic is not enough reason for no restaurant, we're sure that Treviño won't mind if they take a taxi (or Uber) to one of Los Trevi's dive-thrus and buy a snack (avocado tacos maybe?) and satisfy their hunger when they get here.

Or better yet, maybe he can set up a puesto de tacos a la Gringo de Mayo in the terminal, for a fee, of course.


Anonymous said...

Los favoritos de los mojados son chetos o maíz en la mazorca they love mazorcas pendejos...

Anonymous said...

How can you compare the price of a bag of fritos to a round trip ticket to Mexico City, no unchartered waters here, just plain facts and common sense. No que no vale (casi nada) no cuenta (casi nada).

Anonymous said...

Orale Ernie Hernández go fuking put your vending machines at the Airport pinche rata!

Diego lee rot said...

Oh yeah I ordered everything closed!

Anonymous said...

Turi, Turi, Turi, what would us Brownsville simpletons do without the elite Matamorenes such as yourself and Pedro Cardenas? How come no one ever thought about a restaurant at the Brownsville Airport? We are glad you brought this slight lookover to light and schooled all these undereducated professionals. Te lo sico guey! Go worry about your run down drive thru shitholes you placed all around the city! Worry about the undocumented chachas you have working for pennies on the dollar as they strut their stuff in short shorts. Worry about the health and fire code violations at your dumps.  Since all your business is handled in the old Matamoros way of transas and mordidas, you are too stupid to realize that covid affected real businesses and investments. Pero no ahí estás preocupado por una pinche snack machine. Lo baboso nunca se te quitara.

Anonymous said...

Limpia los ladrios pendejo pinche mama gringo lambiscon.

Anonymous said...

He is whining about the food. He should be whining about the lack of airlines interested in flying out of Browntown. He should be whining about the millions of overspending on the browntown boondoggle. Brownsville will never experience the success of professionally run airports like Harlingen and McAllen.

Anonymous said...

Get Trevino to ask for a BISD sign to place in front of his house so that BISD knows to deliver free food. My neighbors, both Mexican nationals who have a spoiled rotten kid that does not want to go school, just brought home one of those signs so that Daddy won't have to trouble himself by going to go get the meals 3 blocks away. The brat is not even working on virtual learning so he should be counted absent, but yet, BISD still sends him food. Both parents are at home and could easily cook a pot of beans to feed the brat. Now, maybe Trevino could sign up for a sign instead of dining and winning at the airport.

Maybe Trevino could start a program for the elderly who do not know where to go to get help or assistance for meals on wheels or even a provider. All of this is a shame.

Anonymous said...

March 25, 2021 at 4:41 PM

He never started one in his hometown of matamoscas what gives you the idea that este pendejo will start one here to help the elderly. Son puros pinches mamones y mojados he should move to rancho moscas viejas he will be very welcome there with his compadres mamones.

Anonymous said...

Pinches vatos! Their native Matamoros is falling apart and here they are complaining and trying to seek office. Shiiiit! Turi, your 400 bike donation (of course with someone else's mooney) so kids could cross the bridge was a flop! Not to mention your stupid grino de mayo. No Turi, it wasn't that the bricks weren't sealed. It's that your dirty ass didn't care! You were too busy getting drunk at other people's expense. No vales ver*@!

Anonymous said...

This is what's wrong here a lot of mojados cross over and start kissing gringo ass. pinches lambiscones

Anonymous said...

Chronic complainer. Why even give this loser the time of day?

Anonymous said...

Arturo Trevino nomas se la pasa quejandose de todo y buscando como chingar al pueblo.

Anonymous said...

Es un pinche lambiscon besa gringos y cocos mojarrete.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville PUB annouces the building of a new Downtown sewer treatment plant..
PUB has announced it will name the new sewer treatment plant after a local leader. After overwhelming votes the new plant will be named after Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal. THE VOTERS ALL Choose Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal as the face of the new sewer treatment plant because he is full of shit just like the new sewerage plant!!!
