Saturday, August 28, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Ask any professional journalist what their editors did when they were told there was a death of a young person and the obit got to their editorial desk.

They want the reporter to make inquiries to find out if the deceased passed away due to an illness,  an accident, or whether they were victims of foul play.

In the case of sickness, we left it alone unless it was a public person. If it was a car accident, we usually gave it a few graphs and fulfilled a newspaper's societal role and chronicled it. 

Homicides, of course, were open game for extended coverage as the investigation developed. That's when the who, what, when, where, and the if it was possible, the why (motive) of the homicide is investigated.

In the case of suicides, they were generally off limits unless there was some public person or entity involved in causing it or bearing on the reason for the person taking their own life.

We are in a very gray area when we tread on these parameters. 

Just recently the Brownsville community became aware that troubling case of a suicide involving a 27-year-old teacher. That in itself is tragic, that a young person entering teaching, a profession dedication to educating children, could have found no other way out. We can only send our heart-felt condolences to her family and loved ones.

Then details began to emerge on the "why" this young professional chose to take her life, however, are troubling and bear on the hiring policies of the Brownsville Independent School District and the moral behavior of its board members.

Apparently, the young woman had been hired as a teacher with the BISD for the 2021-2022 school year and was one month on to her job when questions reached Human Resources Director Carmerlita Rodriguez concerning the possible violation of district policy on nepotism. The young woman, the district's Human Resources Dept. was informed, was board member Minerva Peña's daughter-in-law. BISD's nepotism policy states that:

"Except as provided by policy, a public official may not appoint a person to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees of office if: 

*The person is related to the public official by consanguinity (blood) within the third degree or by affinity (marriage) within the second degree; or 

*The public official holds the appointment or confirmation authority as a member of a local board and the person is related to another member of the board by blood or marriage within a prohibited degree. Gov’t Code 573.002, 573.041; Atty. Gen. Op. JC-0184 (2000)

BISD sources say that when confronted with the potential nepotism in the district hiring her daughter-in-law and given the ultimatum to resign her board seat or her son's wife to be terminated, Peña refused to relinquish her seat. 

Four days later (this past Thursday) the distraught young teacher – confronted with loss of employment compounded by marital problems – took her husband's gun and pulled the trigger, killing herself. The fact that it might have been a government-issued weapon (he is a U.S Customs agent), caused the incident to be referred to local prosecutors to determine if any state or federal laws may have been violated.

Now, Minerva had to know that her son's wife had applied and been hired by the BISD. Hell, she probably voted for her employment during the approval of hiring the BISD's teaching staff which included her daughter-in-law, if not taking a more direct personal role in opening doors to get her employment at the BISD. That has not been investigated yet, and if it has, the authorities are keeping the facts close to their vest. 

Did Peña know her daughter-in-law had been hired in violation of BISD nepotism policy? Did she pull some strings for her? It would be unreal to think she didn't. And does that seat mean so much to her that she did not measure the consequences or collateral damage incurred by her hanging on to the board seat at all costs? In fact, there is currently a lawsuit alleging illegal voting in the election which could possibly require that another election be called to fill it. If Peña loses, would all this have been worth it?

These are not only legal questions, but serious moral issues that come to the fore in this matter. Is there a board sanction in the works against Peña, a board member who has constantly cloaked herself in her religious beliefs and moral values? That slap in the hand is trivial compared to the real-life consequences of the violation.


Anonymous said...

Man, you backed all the way home on this story. Just tell it. Montoya. Readers don't care about inside newsroom baseball. Still, you made it to the crux of the matter, finally.


Anonymous said...

This is total bullshit Juan. Why did the HR department make an issue of this now? With this particular hire? Why did they not go to Sylvia Atkinson many of her brothers and sisters were hired or relocated within the district? I remember Rubén Cortez’s wife was made a principal while he was in the board? Hell, Otis Powers same thing, he had all his brother-in-laws working for the district while he was on the board, and he voted for raises, promotions and benefits for all of them, even his wife! Where was HR then? No Juan, this smells of politics. This is in no way an endorsement for Minerva Peña…. Just calling bullshit when you see and smell it. There have been many a time when this has happened before at the glass palace of crime…. But never has HR acted in this way. Now juman has killed herself, and for us to speculate that this issue is the cause is not right. It very well could have, and I ask the question again…. Why now HR and not all the time’s before?

Anonymous said...

Sure, Biden’s Better on Covid Than Trump. That’s Not Good Enough.

If the Biden administration doesn’t step up now — on vaccine mandates and production, testing, mask supplies, and protections for essential workers — millions more will die.

But imagine what we'd have with the idiot Trump!

Anonymous said...

You're too-emotional on this story.

get a grip.

Anonymous said...

HR has blood on their hands. Everyone in this town has some-kind of relation. Heck, BPUB directors are all sleeping with the help! Where is Following of Human Resource policy? Just a tragic incident that was not needed … they had already hired her …. They should have brought the issue up then.

Anonymous said...

This story is a layered mess, Montoya!

Hard news angle, Guey!

Anonymous said...

3:54. Exactly.

Anonymous said...

This is a tragedy. Poor teacher.

Anonymous said...

HR doesn't have blood on their hands. Minerva is to blame. She must of know that her son and daughter-in-law were having issues. She should of resigned without hesitation! She's guilty of this. Minerva needs to resign NOW and do us a favor.

Anonymous said...

For something that everyone knows is common knowledge... someone went the extra mile to hurt this young teacher and go after Peña. Eso es ser canaya y envidia!

Anonymous said...

How did Charlie Atkinson got his position and without papers. The entire BISD system is corrupt and assigning women principals is a bigger mistake.

Anonymous said...

You fully identified the victim and her survivors

Not good

Anonymous said...

Every board member in the past has family working for BISD. Look at Sylvia's Atkinson family and extended family. Denise Garza has the aunt who is in the Parental Department. Dr. Prisci has a bunch of family members and all of the TSC MOUs. Daniela López Valdez too and Dad involved with many BISD vendors. Minerva Pena has Rose Longoria and many others. This was a target by a board member using HR to cause this tragedy. HR always looks the other way with bad hirings. The Dora Sauceda AA got rehired by Carmelita and big Zarate when she was booted from Dallas. Now Dora is begging to be Deputy. HR Admin Carmelita hired the son of Maricela Franco with no certificate. So for HR to look at this is very suspicious to get Pena out and have a majority with Daniela. Horrible! HR needs to be investigated.

Anonymous said...

What school

Anonymous said...

Did Minerva vote to approve the hiring recommendations when they came to the board for approval. All she had to do was abstain from voting. Most of the Atkinson's were already on board when Sylvia came in, so they were in no violation until promotions came to be. What may have been the whole issue since she was having marital problems with Minerva's son? and so is that why Minerva refused to resign? Policy needs to be held up and overseen by the supt. and his assistants. Now we lost a young lady due to someone ineptness.

Anonymous said...

You are a bullshit “blogger” for sharing details about the young woman’s death. Surely, someone with blogger experience could’ve shared the conspiracy with the story without disrespecting the deceased.

Anonymous said...

Seems that HR does not have internal procedures/processes in place to prevent nepotism before it reaches the Board.

Anonymous said...

‘Constitutional carry’ awareness walk scheduled

Yes from veterans part to price rd that's only two blocks must not be too important o son puros huevones... ONLY TWO TWO TWO BLOCKS NO MAMEN...

Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault!

Anonymous said...

She should have shot Minerva before taking her own life and done Brownsville a favor.

Anonymous said...

Bring in the FBI not the TEA full investigation. This place needs a cleansing but by a bruja...

Anonymous said...

This story is really not about a board member- it’s about mental health and how the school district hires and fires and counsels their staff

Anonymous said...

The real story here is how manipulative you are .. pushing your views on the readers , where was your concern when your friends were being hired while their relative was serving the board ?? you are pathetic

Anonymous said...

The Government code 573.002,and 573.041 are the law prohibiting and addressing NEPOTISM, that have and still NEVER HAVE BEEN enforced. Our so called educated leaders are the main instigators in ignoring and breaking laws. Follow the Garza's, Lucio's, Salazar's, Luis Saenz's and the list just goes on and on. There is no way that or so called Human Resources Director Carmel Rodrigues was not aware of such corruption, and if she wasn't then she needs to go. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

“This is not the Texas of the past,” Perales said. “I know that we have a sort of traditional imagery of Texas as maybe a lone cowboy in a hat on a horse riding through a rural area

WHAT? Who is esta pendeja she watches way too many John Wayne movies... cowboy hahahahahaha pinche idiota... coco

Anonymous said...

Remember when Donald Trump saluted a North Korean general?

Trump is a traitor!

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is who you know and what you know... that is universal not only in Brownsville... Minerva is the laughing stock of the rgv

Anonymous said...

No Vale puro Verga at BISD!!

Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault!

Anonymous said...

Please don't make Minerva Pena the bad guy in this. Clearly it was political move, someone or a group had an agenda to oust MP and it back fired. Young teacher was collateral damage.

at 6:31 well she doesn't have to resign now and what do you mean do (us) a favor and resign why? What do you know that we don't?

at 3:54 you are correct. Then according to 6:31 there should be a lot of people resigning or fired. Why single out one person when it's happening quite often.

Anonymous said...

HR do the right thing and stop caving in the board members "Special Requests". Board members and local politicians learn from this. Did the board set up failure for this young girl knowing that it was nepotism ,voted her in then have her resign to embarrass someone? HR and school board members, you have a lot of explaining to do. Did Minerva Pena pressure administration or HR to hire her?
HR stop pressuring administrations to get special favors for you families. School board members, we know we have 2 different cliques in there, but how far will you go to get what you want? Did you sleep well last night?

Anonymous said...

BISD Board is a cave of SOBs...Minerva is a prime example of it: she got money for her campaign from BISD's legal counsel, then defended his contract and now this (and this is what we are aware of).

On a different note Biden es un pendejo!

Anonymous said...

BISD HR is the problem. Carmela Rodriguez has done so many favors to Board Members and people close to her. Unqualified hirings, no teaching certificates or given an extended chance to take exams. Drunk on the job but Carmela needed to keep Sauceda AA happy. HR targeted this new teacher. BISD Board Call on an investigation and find out. Oh no, Dr. Prisci only investigates bank loans. So much for those 3 hr policy meetings and in fighting. It's all to benefit a certain Board Member.

Former RGV LEO said...

Sad situation for sure but my question is? What did the pedophile loving ex-DPS POS say to her that might have contributed or set her off? Was she already unstable mentally due to her rocky marriage and POS pena knew about it? No doubt this lying POS knew her daughter in law applied and was hired, staying quiet, I'm sure!

Sad situation but like everything that happens in bisd will be swept under the carpet to maintain public scrutiny. What a waste of life and R. I. P. young lady!

Anonymous said...

Hr is a big mess and the administrator should be reassigned to another department. I had emailed ms Rdz last summer to try to get in as a teacher assistant with my associate degree. Ms Rdz never answered my email. I was assigned to cafeteria with no experience. I was terminated last September. Shame on Hr.

Anonymous said...

Juan Stop with your lies!!! Why are you so set on hurting this young girl’s family, by talking about what she did? Why are you doing this?

Anonymous said...

School District, County, city, college, local state officials: Amazing how you bend the rules, hurt and bulldoze people along the way. How do higher ups get rehired so quickly as soon as they come back crawling when they had to resign at other districts when they were outed for wrong doings? How are higher ups protected when drinking on the job? How can you vote to benefit your family? Remember that your choices have consequences.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This story is really not about a board member- it’s about mental health and how the school district hires and fires and counsels their staff

August 29, 2021 at 8:19 AM

You are correct. Only people that have been fired understand how alone you are. Your family gets angry at you. Your friends gossip about you.
You alone go through sleepless nights, anguish, negative feelings, plus your pride in not keeping your job that you love and seeing your dream go down the drain...
This teacher's principal and coworkers were unable to help when facing the power of Human Resources. The teacher could have been suspended, could have been given another job etc.... So many solutions to help a young teacher.

Anonymous said...

What gov agency is next? OOOOOOOh I know the dept of los panzones "FIRE" always at HEB somebody yells fire and they run to HEB....

Anonymous said...

The one that should get fired is Dora Sauceda for trying to commit fraud in Dallas. Pinche señora apestoso!!! She thinks her shot doesn’t smell.

BobbyWC said...

Anonymous Former RGV LEO said... - spot on. That is the story. I am trying to research it but making no headway. But that is the story.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know this poor young ladies name to at least give condoleces to the family? Nobody knows anything. Minerva Pena hasn't posted anything other than scriptures to lift herslef up. No one has posted condolences on her page. Weired how on his blog the poor young girl is mentioned but her name is left out. We can't even pray correctly for her family as they mourn.

Anonymous said...

HR to blame. They like making teachers look stupid, when they can. HR does many favors for there family and friends. And no one over sees HR.

Anonymous said...

and the herald que??? no puede y esta vendido shut it down now

Anonymous said...

You know what’s immoral about this? The fact that you felt the need to write this article about someone’s daughter, wife, sister, and friend as if we don’t deserve the privacy and respect to mourn her death and instead turned this into a political mess. How dare you. No one deserves to know details such as you stated unless they’re directly connected to her personally. Let my beautiful friend Rest In Peace my goodness.

Anonymous said...

Just like JJ Deleon. He is getting the ESSER Director job for 3 years and then after that gig he wants Federal Programs as per his bestie. Dr. Prisci Tipton pushing for JJ Deleon so she can get a big job at TSC. JJ Deleon is a board member at TSC. A very qualified person was not even interviewed. HR at its best.

Anonymous said...

What kind of descent person associates themselves with MP, her friends, or her family members? Descent people don't.

Anonymous said...

If you do keep a gun at home, keep the gun unloaded and locked up with the bullets locked up and stored separately.

Women do not know how to use guns. They scream with loud noises.

Something doesn't make sense here.

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2021 at 2:58 PM

Blessings to you and my condolences to you.

However, this can not be a secretive occurrance.
This affected students, parents, coworkers, principals, and the public in general.
The Board needs to give training to new teachers about what to do if they get a bad evaluation, if they are terminated or if they are accused of a wrong doing. This has to be out in the open.

These trainings are a must: to talk about things that many teachers are not aware.
1. Coaches can not look at girls. Nor exchange phone numbers nor offer them a ride to the home. The coaches will be fired.

2. Teachers can not beat a student. The teachers will be fired.
3. Teachers can not argue with principals. Teachers will be fired.

BISD needs to help its employees. The BISD retired teachers can create a help group to advise, fired employees. The fired teachers need a mentor, to help them survive this ordeal.

This young teacher's death, can not be in vain.

The City of Brownsville also functions this way: they need to take care of the employees they fire. They need to establish programs to help employees.

Anonymous said...

Carmelita and all the bitches that get together for Botox parties are involved. Linda Gallegos is involved.
Minerva and her sister Linda lurk like witches day and night, along with Rose Longoria. They hide behind scriptures and false prophecies. They should ALL be held accountable for their heinous actions.
Minerva might have even turned this poor young lady in to vilify her. She will go to any lengths in order to deliberately cause harm to someone.
Luke 12:2-5
You can't keep your true self hidden forever, Before long you'll be exposed. You can't hide behind a religious mask forever; sooner or later the mask will fall and your true face will be shown. You can't whisper one thing in private and preach the opposite in public.
The day will come when those whispers will be heard all over town.

The time has come. The whole town is seeing Minerva for who and what she really is. An Evil, conniving, nefarious, self serving, spiteful, corrupt snake.
Rest In Peace little one for she can no longer hurt you.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for her, it was her dream come true. Teach kids.

Anonymous said...


None of these topics were covered in college classes or alt. cert. programs?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!! I can think of a handful of people that are on or have been on the board and they had family members working for BISD!! Powers, his wife and brother in law are teachers or were, Lehman...really??? So NO ONE ON THE BOARD can have relatives working for BISD?? Is that what you're saying???

It's just awful how you crucify people...

Anonymous said...

Juan has nothing to do with the diabolical actions of the BISD School Board or the administrators involved in this conspiracy . Those of you that are insinuating that Juan is to blame, don't comprehend what you read.
Minerva Pena and all of the self serving heathens that she surrounds herself with are to blame. .They set out to cause harm to a young teacher and we all know she is not the first or the last.
What role did the Superintendent play? He succumbs to every demand that Minerva Pena shouts out.
He had to have known. The DA needs to question everyone suspected of being involved, starting with
the illiterate Superintendent. Send his ignorant ass packing back to Mexico. He can't even speak correct English.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of these topics were covered in college classes or alt. cert. programs?

August 31, 2021 at 1:43 PM

No, they are not covered in education programs.... these are delicate subjects.

Anonymous said...

It was different with Atkinson and Powers, their family was already hired prior. Powers daughter couldn't get hired in BISD because of it. Still doesn't work in BISD. HR isn't at fault, they did their job.

Anonymous said...

This WITCH of Peña has got to go !! We don't need garbage like her in B.I.S.D. Peña should had come out clean and fix the problem if she is a professional , but I smell a rat in here ..TRUTH WILL COME OUT OR HER CONSCIOUS WILL EAT HER ALIVE. STOP VOTING FOR GARBAGE LIKE PEÑA! OR YOUR "COMADRES".
