Saturday, October 23, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Late Friday night, Brownsville Independent School District Trustee Minerva M. Peña – accompanied by her former board colleague and attorney Rick Zayas – surrendered to Cameron County Sheriff’s deputies on a Class C nepotism charge in a case involving employment of her former daughter-in-law as a teacher at Veterans Memorial Early College High School.

The 12-year school board veteran has denied she had anything with the hiring of her daughter-in-law to a position at VMECHS. However, BISD sources say that the district administration had given her and her daughter-in-law the option of resigning or being fired.

The woman resigned and Peña remained on the board. About four days after she left the district, her daughter-in-law reportedly committed suicide with her husband's handgun.

The charges involve allegations that she helped her then-daughter-in-law secure a teaching job at VMECHS, which would violate the state’s nepotism laws and which Peña has told The Brownsville Herald never happened. 

In August the BISD Board of Trustees referred the matter to Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz.

Zayas told news broadcasters late Friday that Peña is accused of violating Section 573.041 of the Texas Government Code between June 8, 2021, and Aug. 6, 2021. The law states that a public official may not “appoint, confirm the appointment of, or vote for the appointment or confirmation of the appointment of an individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees” if that person is related to the public official.

He denied she had acted illegally.

“Minerva Peña did not ‘appoint, confirm the appointment of, or vote for the appointment or confirmation of the appointment of an individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds or fees,’” Zayas said.

Zayas posted an attorney surety bond and she was released to his custody.

The penalty for violating Section 573.041 of the Texas Government Code is a fine of not less that $100 or more than $1,000.


Anonymous said...

Waste of money, all the present and past board members have done this hiring of family. Ok DA, arrest all of these fools on the board. Women are messing up the school system in the BISD and in the schools. How bad can things get in the BISD? There are more to come in all departments.

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche show!

She's out and eating!!!

Anonymous said...

Puro Show.

Anonymous said...

BS! As a board member, they are given a list of the upcoming hirings as approved by administrators and supt to be placed on the agenda. Have Pat
turn over the voting documentation on that item and you will she that it was a 7-0 vote, so how can she not have voted for her. She claims she didn't know about it, so that means they don't bother to go over the list before they vote. How can she lie through her rotten teeth and still sleep at night especially when this issue could have been the major cause for her ex-daughter-in-law taking her life. What does she say about that?

Anonymous said...

Sad for her son to deal with two blows to the family. She may get away with it. There have been other former board members that made it their passion to hire family members. In addition, there was a former pelon Board Member that hasn't even been in court for theft after nearly four years. This issue is chicken shit compared to a thief.

Anonymous said...

It's a class C? Do people get arrested for class "C" violations?

These generally don't require jail time. So why the arrest? Is this a public parade?

Granted it is a Class C (the lowest form), and our public officials are creating havoc all over town (city/district)...but this seems like a "show."

Anonymous said...

Doen't change anything a rat is always a rat regardless

F said...

What a waste of time for all involved! This pedophile lying bitch has about as much credibility as that white speck on chicken shit! Did this bitch pay for the recount or did her bitch mouth talk her way out of it? Was she cited to the "naca" court, Salazar? She can get away by getting married?
You have all this nepotism in the county and especially in the courthouse, and nothing has been done?
Oh well, its CC!

Anonymous said...

Power corrupts. Minvervita was not counting on the gossip mill, her enemies, and the envy that many felt when a young teacher got a good job at BISD.

Anonymous said...

If her former DIL had not offed herself, this would never have happened. It was just business as usual at BISD. But a dead body changes the equation.

Anonymous said...

OK now resign from school board,better not play the victim goofy.

Anonymous said...

Y la esposa del pelon ha hicieron counselor en la rivera y a la comadre del otro board president ke ahora esta en bedc or bcic or whatever tambien

Anonymous said...

Que Trieste que la vida de una persona vale tan poco. Now is this her mug shot or her next political campaign photo? I ask because she is smiling.

Anonymous said...

When will Daniela Lopez and Joey Lopez next? Joey is using her
" Deer in the Headlights Look" vote/voice to later recant with " Oops I didn't know"? Is it easier to say I'm sorry than ask permission? I don't care if Joey get's paid $250.00, $1.00, or 0 dollars. The fact that he is on that Banks board justifies how she voted on this one. Luis Saenz, please don't forget about all these unethical votes. Line them up.

Tax payer said...

She is full of s*** her cousin Jerry Martinez stealing from maintenance department big time in the electrical and air condition department they hire subcontractors when maintenance department can do things and save money this big pendejo needs to go don't be a fool superintendent and bored members

Anonymous said...

The DA is putting up the show. He has a lot more on a bunch of current and past board members and he decides to go after a $100 fine? IF Minerva did not vote, the record should show 6-0-1 with her abstaining at the start of the meeting when approving the agenda. If I had the same name as anyone applying for a job, I'd sure as hell would investigate to make sure there is no relation and if so, abstain from Voting. Hechenla al bote como cellmate de la otra hambona. Saenz, unseal all indictment in their case. O le tienes miedo a la vieja Atkinson?

Anonymous said...

They should arrest the Brownsville City Manager on the same charge after he hired his Wife Felix Sauceda as the Brownsville Police Chief!!

Anonymous said...

Post October 23, 2021 at 9:14 AM is a nice employee at main office. Mensos, don’t gossip about your post if you don’t want people to know you posted the post about Pat.

Anonymous said...

Minervita??? De adonde? Que tiene de 'ita." She probably figures that God will forgive her sins with all her chest banging. I wonder why she did not use her high school picture for her misdemeanor shot?

Anonymous said...

Lot so f crazy stuff here:

Only TEA can sort it out….bring in the state.

We’ve had way too many suicides and deaths for one district……and it stinks.

Anonymous said...

Every dog has her day. Uses the Bible to do side shows. She will pay sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but unprofessional jokers on BISD board. Rarely do you see a real professional. The dumbest board with biggest budget in south Texas. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Isn’t she the one that wanted Erasmo to get arrested? My how the tables have turned.

Anonymous said...

"A LA CARCEL" vamonos y pronto and hold BISD meeting at your new home and you know with whoooooo

Anonymous said...

October 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hay, has everyone forgot that
zayas was involved wirh the cafeteria deal with the cameron county jail
and nothing came out of that? What about the fajita scam? JUSTICE FOR ALL. HA!

Anonymous said...

I heard they (cameraman) had to remove a tortilla burrito de carne guisada from her mouth to take the picture pinche busga.
