Monday, October 25, 2021


By Bynjamin Appelbaum
New York Times

Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the top House Republican, recently took to social media to warn that Democrats have hatched a dastardly plot. “Democrats,” he said, “want to track every penny you earn so they can then tax you and your family at the maximum possible amount.”

Well, yes. Democrats want Americans to pay the full amount they owe in taxes.

What doesn’t get enough attention is that many Republicans seem not to agree.

Resistance to taxation is the rotten core of the modern Republican Party. Republicans in recent decades have sharply reduced the federal income tax rates imposed on wealthy people and big companies, but their opposition to taxation goes beyond that. They are aiding and abetting tax evasion.

Republicans have hacked away at funding for the Internal Revenue Service over the past decade, enfeebling the agency. When the rich and powerful open loopholes in the tax code, Republicans reliably fight to keep the loopholes open. Indeed, they valorize Americans who find ways to pay less, a normalization of antisocial behavior that may be even more damaging than the efforts at bureaucratic sabotage.

Former President Donald Trump’s loud and proud declaration that paying very little in taxes “makes me smart” was just a more brazen articulation of what has become party orthodoxy.

The Democratic proposal targeted by Mr. McCarthy – in the video he posted online, he calls it “un-American” – would make it harder for wealthy people to cheat on their taxes.

The I.R.S. estimated in 2019 that Americans conceal from taxation more than half of income that is not subject to some form of third-party verification like a W-2, the form that the government uses to verify ordinary wage income. 

This blind spot costs the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars in unpaid taxes. In comparison, more than 95 percent of wage income is reported.

Under th current version of the Democrats’ plan, which is part of the Biden administration’s sweeping “Build Back Better” legislation, banks would be required to submit annual reports on accounts with total inflows and outflows exceeding $10,000, excluding paychecks and government benefits. The banks would report the total amount deposited in the account and the total amount withdrawn. 

There would be no reporting of individual transactions. The information would give the I.R.S. a better chance to catch cheaters – and it would provide a salutary reminder for people to pay what they owe.

The Biden administration recently cemented an international agreement to establish a 15 percent global minimum tax on corporate income. The long-sought deal would reduce the incentive for American firms to evade taxation by pretending to generate revenue in low-tax havens like Ireland and roughly half the islands in the Caribbean – a practice that has become all but business as usual in industries with intangible products, like finance, technology and pharmaceutical research.


Anonymous said...

Democrats don't worry about taxes because the majority of them don't work, they are sucking the government in one way or another, while the people that work pay for all of them.

Also where is the democrat outrage for all the corona deaths under biden more than under trump. Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Republicans are evil, unamerican.


Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that the highest number on non-paying tax group are the hillbillies, they never have paid their fair due in centuries and will never do - why they are all on welfare and food stamps a culture of poverty inherent dysfunction at the heart of Appalachian Mountain poverty. Yell FREE and they all run and line up yelling gimme gimme gimme. IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

Desde que la mujer gorda lo echó de su casa de dos pisos, el duardo ha estado en una espiral descendente. El niño no puede deshacerse de sus fracasos mientras su santa madre observa con desaprobación desde los cielos. ¿Crecerá el fracaso de su hijo antes de que él fallezca? ¡Sólo Dios sabe!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Huevones, arrastrados y mantenidos for Biden!

Anonymous said...

Lol Browntown people still obsessed with TRUMP! Let’s talk about Bidens failure as President.

Anonymous said...

what about all the dems down here in the RGV? how are they not theives

Former RGV LEO said...

To this lame brain idiot, Applebaum from NY Post. I seriously doubt that US citizens "want and like" taxes raised? As for Republicans protecting the rich from higher taxes? That' a no brainer, hello! I am sure that the democrats in Washington won't raise taxes on their rich contributors because the lame brain elected officials in Congress are rich and sure as hell don't want to pay taxes, stupid! So, to blame President Trump about polluting the Republicans about higher taxes? Thank God there is a someone who is willing to represent and take care of the US citizens. Applebaum, you idiot! Do you really want to pay higher taxes? You really think that the democrat followers who majority are on some kind of welfare or assistance want to pay higher taxes? Oh wait, they want higher taxes SO they can continue to receive that welfare and assistance. Applebaum, you really good with that? Nothing but idiots in the White House along with that senior citizen they babysit!

Anonymous said...

What a Crock of SHIT.

So we should be happy to pay for wasteful spending.

This is exactly why Trump was elected in the first place.

Grow up
Get a job
And save some money for a rainy day so you won't have bend over and take a dry from the Govt.

Anonymous said...

Covid deaths under Trump: 600,000

Not even close under Biden!


Anonymous said...

Brandon sucks!!

Anonymous said...

Let's see draft dodger,veterans are suckers,filed for bankruptcy 6 times on the backs of taxpayers, loves Putin,Greedy,egotistical, grab women by the puss,sore looser,threatens everybody even people that were his friends,no loyalty but to himself,he double talks nonsense which Trumptards can't see through the BS etc.etc.the worst part many Republicans are cowardsand non American to call him out on his BS at least Demos and independents have balls to call out Biden. Stop bending over for lardass dummies.

Anonymous said...

El duardo los burros tiene un talento especial. Cuando rebuzna, la mierda sale de ambos extremos con cada extremo tan apestoso como el otro. El burro está desempleado y no amado. Solo puede mirar con celos cómo los sementales y las yeguas chillan de alegría.

Anonymous said...

No investigations by the New York times into Hunter Biden. The story is left wing propaganda. The coco/hillbilly obsessed poster did get a kick out of it.

Anonymous said...

Hillbillys paying taxes what a joke they don't even work the gringos make fun of all the hillbillys

Anonymous said...

No wonder democrats live in la la land and make up facts as they go.

7:50 pm said 600,000 deaths under trump!!!!

Total deaths as of now are 737000. Deaths under trump in 2020 are 350000.

The rest are deaths under biden.

Talk about misinformation and wish full thinking

Anonymous said...

The sad part is the person claiming 600000deaths under trump actually believes ig.

Anonymous said...

Rigged elections? Who was the one trying to cheat in Georgia? Find me 11k votes! What a joke!! Keep on believing his big lies.

Anonymous said...

"Let Go Vegetable Brandon" Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel good about yourself by paying more taxes there is no law that says you cannot do that.
