Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

With the redistricting shenanigans foisted on South Texas by the GOP of the Texas Legislature, Texas Senate District 27 now has a candidate who lives and works in Hidalgo County, has a $300,000(+) condominium on South Padre Island, and lists her primary campaign address in a beer warehouse in Harlingen.

Redistricting by Republicans in Austin has now opened the door to the big money candidates like Morgan Lamantia, an attorney from McAllen, who announced she will be running for the Democrat's seat.

Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. announced he will retire after 30 years in the senate as did his son Eddie Lucio III from State Representative District 38 (good riddance). They are now hitching their wagon to the LaMantia wealth with gusto, like sucking they suck on Republicans and on Bud Light! 

LaMantia is an attorney who works as in-house counsel for her family-owned company L and F Distributors. She joins San Benito attorney Sara Stapleton Barrera and District 37 Representative Alex Dominguez in the race to succeed Lucio.

She, in fact, originaly listed her campaign residence as the family's business at 3502 W. Spur 54 in Harlingen, the address of the beer distributors. Until recently, she was registered to vote in Hidalgo County.

Capitol Inside reported that LaMantia could face some backlash among hardline Democrats as a
consequence of campaign cash that she's dished out to several Republicans including State Senator Charles Schwertner of Georgetown and Buckingham.

The online newspaper reported that according to Texas Ethics Commission records, Morgan LaMantia contributed $5,000 to Buckingham less than a month before the 2020 general election. LaMantia had given Schwertner $1,000 two years before that.

But the number one beneficiary of LaMantia's generosity has been Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller –- a Republican who's close to Donald Trump. LaMantia gave Miller $10,000 a week before the general election in 2018. 

LaMantia also contributed to then-Governor Rick Perry when he was a candidate for president in 2015. She has donated to U.S. Senator John Cornyn as well. GOP leaders and lawmakers in Austin approved a new Texas Senate map last month that made SD 27 more competitive on paper with a boost in white residents and corresponding drop in Hispanics.

Lucio was often criticized by fellow Democrats for siding with Republicans on many conservative issues. 

Will the new infusion of Hidalgo County-based candidates into the reconfigured district – and their money – tilt the balance toward candidates like Lamantia who have contributed heavily to statewide Republican candidates?


Anonymous said...

At least there will be a change of frijoles and chicken plates in cameron county to miller lite and bud plates , as far as the candidates are concern it will be same o same no improvements anywhere in the RGV gracias racist republicans...

Anonymous said...

“I have really good lawyers who are taking care of that right now,” Rittenhouse said. “So I’m hoping one day there will be some — there will be accountability for their actions that they did.”

ACCOUNTABILITY????? Are you serious?

Anonymous said...

police officer convicted of rape is sentenced to home detention

WOW untouchables they can do anything they want...

Anonymous said...

Well, Hidalgo County hasn't done badly, Montoya.

Economically, it is way above Cameron County. They seem to have do'ers, not bullshitters over there.

I'll vote for her, and for Vicente Gonzalez!

Anonymous said...

Successful business people that are not politicians contribute to both parties. Successful wealthy business people donate to good causes. People vilify successful business people usually because of envy and they hate them because they can't and/or won't even attempt to take the risks business people take. Instead of hating successful business people you should learn from them. You can learn from these people. I'm glad people are successful. I don't hate them for being successful. Most politicians have never run a business. An attorney is not a businessman. They think they are but they don't take any risks.

Anonymous said...

This LaMantia woman is a non-starter.

Vote NO on this Republican mole!!!

(Republicans are evil and anti-American)

Anonymous said...

No la queremos, No la necessitamos. Yo con Alex .

Anonymous said...

This woman is NOT Brownsville.

Where's our women?


Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez le va a meter la verga a esta señora. She is not from Cameron County…. She will govern for Hidalgo County. She has never migrated to Cameron County! She thinks her shit don’t stink… vieja jedionda! I’m with Alex Domínguez!!

Anonymous said...

Alex Domínguez no tiene un pelo de pendejo. La Mantia thinks her money entitles her to an elected position, what has she done for her community as far as public service goes? NADA! Fuera con esta fraude….

Anonymous said...

You can let a republican into church but don't make them a deacon as Sam Rayburn said a very long time ago.

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2021, at 11:33am, The Sucio Lucios are from Brownsville, they enriched themselves, and did nothing for Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the first beer pachanga coming to a barrio near you.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaay aaaaay aaaaaay uuuuuho pasa la botella pinches gueyes

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2021 at 9:12 AM

porque te duelo idiota? this is not north korea pendejo!

Anonymous said...

a gringo man arrested on cattle theft charges
I heard he is a cowboy from the past

Anonymous said...

The bad attorneys are the ones in public office can't make it on their own so they run for an elected office and wind up screwing every thing...

look lat their record bunch of f*** ups.....

Anonymous said...

Job should fit like a Glove. If you like and who doesn't like payments under the table for political favors. I wonder what that Blow Hog Lucio's net worth is right about the time of retirement.
There has to be a very good reason why his son is not running.
Ese Cabron traie maleta.

Anonymous said...

Its what texas needs more racist republicans
don't vote for one
the lapdog state of trumputo
