Sunday, November 21, 2021


Carl Hamblin
By Edgar Lee Masters

The press of the Spoon River Clarion was wrecked,
And I was tarred and feathered,

For publishing this on the day the Anarchists were hanged in Chicago:

"I saw a beautiful woman with bandaged eyes

Standing on the steps of a marble temple.

Great multitudes passed in front of her,

Lifting their faces to her imploringly.

In her left hand she held a sword.

She was brandishing the sword,

Sometimes striking a child, again a laborer,

Again a slinking woman, again a lunatic.

In her right hand she held a scale;

Into the scale pieces of gold were tossed

By those who dodged the strokes of the sword.

A man in a black gown read from a manuscript:

'She is no respecter of persons.'

Then a youth wearing a red cap

Leaped to her side and snatched away the bandage.

And lo, the lashes had been eaten away

From the oozy eye-lids;

The eye-balls were seared with a milky mucus;

The madness of a dying soul

Was written on her face 

But the multitude saw why she wore the bandage."


Anonymous said...

The USA won. This 17 year old defended America from chaos. He did not want to kill, he just wanted to protect the law and order of the nation.

It is not important that those he killed were violent rioters, abusive people towards their loved ones, and a danger to themselves.

The important thing is that this teenager went to protect the USA while I was on the internet playing games, reading gossip and talking on the phone.
Well, that is what the police asked for: stay at home, stay away from danger, because we are going to protect our democracy from the evil doers.

Anonymous said...

White on White crime is rampant in the country.

Let them kill themselves!

Anonymous said...

he is a killer.

Anonymous said...

@9:59 AM

17-year-old White teenager feeds his undeveloped brain on Trumpshit, buys a weapon with his mother's welfare check, waits on protest, goes out with weapon into the night and kills two white men.

Stupid Trump-loving judge sets him up for acquittal with horrendous application of law.

17-year-old is freed to kill again.

Yeah, America was saved from chaos. Ha ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

pendejo who says USA won is Retard of The Year.

Protesting is as American as el culo de tu vieja, puto. But I think any woman with you has to be illegal.

sin duda.

Republicans are evil and anti-American.

Anonymous said...

This boy was an active, mass shooter. None of the people he killed were destroying or looting property, one of those shot was a paramedic.

Says more about how far the GOP has fallen, that they want to associate themselves with a mass shooter. Ongoing legacy of the defunct NRA, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

9:59AM is a perfect illustration of how mass psychosis works.
I won't ever participate in that sick fantasy!

Anonymous said...

Two games to watch this coming weekend ion high school playoffs:

Austin Vandegrift vs. Edinburg Vela

Austin Westlake vs. PSJA North

(watch the RGV teams get routed, we mean!)

Anonymous said...

Innocent. His only crime was only wounded the 3rd. guy. I would not have missed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Rittenhouse verdict is proof that it is reasonable to believe that the fear of Black people can absolve a white person of any crime.

Yes, he killed two white men and wounded a third, but White people will tell you Rittenhouse responded to a BLM protest out of what whites know as "fear of stronger, more aggressive Blacks".

That "privilege" to defend yourself even as nothing is coming your way led to the verdict of not guilty. It's, to use modern vernacular, a "White thang".

Anonymous said...

On my post about "privilege" helping Rittenhouse walk, I should have noted that the philosophy is one being pushed mainly by White Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Law enforcement stepped down and Rittenhouse stepped up. An American teenage hero.

Anonymous said...

candidate for president of the old USA a racist republican

Anonymous said...

Stupidity on stupidity is rampant in America.

Unfortunately they don't kill themselves and we have to live with them.

Anonymous said...

INNOCENT! keep crying Libtards.

Anonymous said...

November 21, 2021 at 5:34 PM

"one's mother tongue" yours seem to be more Appalachian dialect than real us english JOTO

and certainly NOT Black English linguistics ("White thang") the sociolects spoken by black people.

True usa english is "You F***ing Moron"...

Anonymous said...

Kyle Rittenhouse just proved why we need AR-15 and AK-47 weapons. That's what he used to protect his life (aka self defense) from 3 criminals that were chasing him. Notice how nobody tried to chase and hurt him after he shot 3 of them. Democrats call it racism. They don't even care if it's a lie because nobody calls them out on it. Even Biden said that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist WITHOUT ANY PROOF. How does lying like that unite the country? Biden is promoting racism by doing this and NOT A SINGLE DEMOCRAT CALLS HIM OUT ON IT. Sad, truly sad.

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2021 at 9:23 AM

The country was going to the toilet the the racist republican SAID NOTHING not even when the white cockroaches were climbing up the white house walls - did they say anything of course not sad truly sad...

Anonymous said...

Those who believe Kyle killed innocent people should watch the videos that show that he was chased by the people he shot. The guy whose arm he shot agreed during the trial that Kyle didn't shoot or point the gun at him until he pointed his gun at him. Watch the trial. Joseph Rosenbaum, the one he shot in the head, was convicted of molesting several young boys. Are you stupid enough to defend a pedophile? Kyle Rittenhouse killed three criminals who came at him. Bring that kind of looting and rioting to the RGV and see how things turn out for you.

Former RGV LEO said...

To all of you in CC especially in Brownsville where corruption is rampant and as welcomed as being democrat. Rittenhouse was judged by a jury of his peers and found NOT GUILTY! So live with it!

As for Republicans being the evil, guess again! We have the new evil in the White House and he is a democrat! Democrats have been the evil since political parties started and worst after John F. Kennedy!

Anonymous said...

You democrats are idiots… anybody that works should be a republican oh I forgot nobody in Brownsville works go figure

Anonymous said...

The only thing worse than a stupid chicano is an Africanized chicano who is illiterate in two languages. The paramedic that Kyle shot wad only shot after he pointed his gun at Kyle. The stupid poster who called Kyle an active shooter is incredibly stupid. Get your talking points from a more reliable and intelligent source.

Self defense is not a privilege. It is a natural right that everyone has regardless of race or skin color. Privileged are the criminals who aren't prosecuted for breaking the law by leftist DAs.

Anonymous said...

Trying to talk politics, racial issues or the economy with people from Browntown is painful. These victims of BISD find it difficult to comprehend
The basics. I come here only for the comments which always prove my theory correct.
These Beto supporters are clueless. You all voted for Biden, how’s that working out for you? Your hatred for the orange man was stronger than the need of providing for your families.

Anonymous said...

Hillbillys are still in their cesspools by the mountains and waiting for the bread and bagels but will never arrive racist republicans are having a fla party so wait another 30 days jotos

Anonymous said...

IDIOTAS AT: November 23, 2021 at 9:03 PM, November 24, 2021 at 7:05 PM,November 24, 2021 at 1:25 AM, November 23, 2021 at 9:03 PM, November 23, 2021 at 9:03 PM, November 23, 2021 at 9:03 PM

Ese red-ass ex-wanna be cop and the cocos he inspires are nothing but a bunch of illiterate hillbillys with no talking points and with their fingers stuck up their rear ends.

All graduates from the gimme gimme university of the mountain district of mamones.


Anonymous said...

The new thang among whitey "Self-defense" I feared for my life, but it has to be white on white only, otherwise it won't work.

Anonymous said...

Trump is no longer President. The article isn't even about Trump. Yes we know he lost be he still continues to torment you. He lives in your head and torments you night and day. It's also a way to avoid talking about Biden WHO WON AND IS OUR PRESIDENT. There is no known cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. You will have to live with it the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

He killed those killers before they made him a victim. He’s picking the color of his new Lambo right now. God Bless Kyle.

Former RGV LEO said...

At November 26, 2021 at 9:39 AM, Idiota? You voted for the lame brain biden and the I think I'm black whore! How is your financial situation right now? What part of Brownsville do you live in, where you think we are the idiota's for being true Americans? You're one of those who believe anything the corrupted politicians and media tell you! Ah que pendejo o pendeja!

Anonymous said...

November 28, 2021 at 11:02 AM, November 29, 2021 at 6:56 PM any every trumputo loving postings:

So very proud you voted for el ojete trumputo brainless racist republican be proud of that and a coco to go with your stupidity and by the way vote for ese idiota again and again and again until you learn to speak russian OJETE
