Wednesday, December 1, 2021


By Michele Goodwin
New York Times
(Ms. Goodwin is a professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, and the author of “Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood.”)

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of a 15-week abortion ban in Mississippi that provides no exceptions in cases of rape or incest. What’s at stake in this case matters to the countless girls and women who have been raped — including those who, like me, were raped by a father, an uncle or another family member.

It was the early morning of my 10th birthday the first time that I was raped by my father. It would not be the last. The shock was so severe that I temporarily went blind before I began the fifth grade a few weeks later. By the time the school year began, my father had taken me to see a battery of doctors — a medical explanation would paper over the fact that the trauma caused by his sexual violence had caused my body to shut down.

The physiological suffering that I endured included severe migraines, hair loss and even gray hair — at 10 years old. While other girls may have longed for puberty, I loathed the idea of it. My body became a vessel that was not mine. It had been taken from me. I lived in fear of the night, and the footsteps outside my bedroom door.

I gravitated to closets — I would find the deepest corner, sit with a flashlight, read and rock myself. Only years later, while in therapy at 16, would I understand that my involuntary rocking when relating to these experiences was the manifestation of my stress and anxiety.

My father’s predations were hidden behind wealth, social status and his acting the part of a committed and attentive parent. I attended elite schools in New York City, studied ballet at a renowned academy and took private violin and tennis lessons. 

My father never missed a parent-teacher conference. However, that veneer of normalcy belied intimate family violence that had begun years before with his physical abuse of my mother. At times he was so violent that she was hospitalized.

At age 12, I was pregnant by my father, and I had an abortion. Before we got to the doctor’s office, I had no idea that I was pregnant. My father lied about my age and the circumstance of my pregnancy, informing the doctor that I was 15 and that I had been reckless with a boyfriend. 

My father shook his head, explaining to the doctor that he was doing all that he could as a single parent – my parents had divorced by this time – but that I was out of control. 

Both men seemed to convey contempt toward me. For many years, the shame of my father’s lie lingered with me – the stereotype embedded in the narrative of the risky, hypersexualized Black girl.
My shame was never about the abortion. I will forever be grateful that my pregnancy was terminated. I am fortunate that my body was spared an additional trauma imposed by my father – one that today would be forced by some state legislatures and courts. No child should be pressured or expected to carry a pregnancy and give birth, or to feel remorse, guilt, doubt or unease about an abortion under any circumstances, let alone rape or incest.

As Justice Harry Blackmun recognized in his majority opinion in Roe v. Wade in 1973, the barriers to a decent life are enormous when there is an unwanted pregnancy — for many, they are insurmountable.

In the end, my way out was to leave the economic security of home at age 15. That, too, is a decision that I will never regret. But it was not easy. When I left, I had $10 and no access to the savings account my father held for me. I enrolled myself in a public school on Staten Island. 

To support myself, I cleaned the house of a very kind couple. I lived in an unfinished attic and survived on a modest diet that mostly consisted of beans, rice and cans of tuna. To win my freedom from my parents, I went to court, where I endured interrogation from ill-prepared and insensitive lawyers about being raped as a child.

To read rest of story, click on link: 


Anonymous said...

You said the magic word, "NO CHILD", should have to endure the ignorance of such behavior. The judicial system, the law enforcement system, the educational system and the medical system all failed this "CHILD". They played the blind eye and covered their ears to allow such corrupt behavior. The judicial system should have put the Dad in jail, the law enforcement and the district attorneys should have prosecuted the "wealth" criminal, instead of bargaining and covering up for such criminal behavior. The educational system should have noticed the child's behavior and being more observant of any physical harm to the child. The medical community, should have reported such arrogant wrongdoing to this child. These failures of excuses are no reasons as to "killing a fetus at six months. Why wait six months to abort?

Anonymous said...

And, she is not alone in her story.

Anonymous said...

At some point, reproduction will be a negative for the human species. Robotics will bring an end to that, too.

Anonymous said...

Not even the most rabid pro-lifer is against abortion in the case of rape and incest. Rape and incest are responsible for a very small percentage of pregnancies', yet the ant-life people used it as their stalking horse for abortion on demand and the wholesale killing of the unborn.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are evil and anti-Americans.


Anonymous said...

Judge: Trump 'stoked the flames of fear' that led to Jan. 6 violence

Lock him up!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump, president best known for lying, may have lied about Covid-19 status before first presidential debate in 2020

Anonymous said...

caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and a 1,000 kilocalorie (kcal) meal caused more contractions in the colon (culo).
stupid hillbilly coco wanna be white eating the used coffee grounds is NOT going to stop your ass from contracting MORON.

Anonymous said...

First Case of Omicron Variant Is Detected in the U.S.
put your masks on pinches republican idiotas.

Anonymous said...

Most abortions down here are brown.

Anonymous said...

Their is something called ADOPTION, a much better option than murder in the womb. Life begins at conception...any questions? Even for unwanted children. This nation has become so twisted with liberalism that evil has become an acceptable practice. There will be a “payday” for your actions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a dark times we live in, when supposedly "moral" people would force an incest victim to birth her dad's incest baby. When we can now give her a pill, and end the pregnancy quickly and safely.

We really are sliding back into the Dark ages again. The rejection of reason, choosing silly religious fervor and emotion, rather than reason, as the basis of our governing choices. Throwing the Founders' separation of church & state out the window.

Anonymous said...

Republican lawmakers plan to shut down U.S. government on Friday -

(They don't care about you.)

Anonymous said...

December 1, 2021 at 4:36 PM

So why are the gringas protesting IDIOTA. Must be a racist republican and a coco wanna be white born out of an abortion

Anonymous said...

From Pharr Keyla "La Patrona" Pruneda: RGV Boxer Ranked No. 1 in Nation

Anonymous said...

This is why I left the Catholic church.

You people are cruel, in the guise of being holy.

You enjoy the suffering of children, while pretending to love fetuses.

Both priests molesting boys and then telling the girls molested by their father they need to give birth to the abomination and keep quiet.

Idiots pushing pro-life who have never adopted, are hypocrites. Adult teens age out of orphanages and foster care every day. They were never adopted, never had a family, and are now homeless and living under benches. Where were the pro-life fetus lovers for them?
Ah, nowhere to be found.

Anonymous said...

So the homeless came from not having an abortion?
WOW so hillbilly coco wanna be white idiota was aaaah dumped? No wonder he keeps close to those dumpsters. pobresito and a gringo/coco tooooooooo
