Tuesday, January 25, 2022


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Visiting Judge Joel Johnson – after throwing out 24 votes cast in the Brownsville Independent School District Place 6 runoff election between incumbent Minerva Peña and challenger Marisa F. Leal – ordered Monday that a new election be held to decide the outcome of the race.

Leal, through her attorney Gilberto Hinojosa, had petitioned the court to throw out the Nov. 4, 2020 election results and call for a new election claiming that enough illegal votes were cast in the race that resulted in a 8-vote victory for Peña, who had called for a recount after losing on election day by one vote.

Peña's attorney, former BISD board member Rick Zayas, disputed the challenge.   

Johnson's order means that – unless Peña appeals – the special election will be held within the proscribed time. Johnson's final order has not been entered on the docket.

The lawsuit was filed December 30, within the 30-day period following the December 3, 2020 final and official canvas and certification of the November 4 election for Place 6 of the Board of the Brownsville Independent School District.

Peña, who was seeking a fourth term on the board, filed for a recount after the final tally in the Nov. 3 election showed Leal had won by one vote, 16,535 votes to 16,534.

Peña specially took exception to paragraph 11 of Leal's original motion wherein she alleges “numerous voters casting votes during early vote and on election day were assisted at the time that they voted even though the voters were not eligible for assistance in reading or completing the ballot.” 

Peña requested that Leal specifically provide the names and addresses of the individuals who were not eligible for  assistance and the names and addresses of the individuals who assisted the voter that was not eligible for assistance. 

Peña specially took exception to paragraph 12 of the Leal lawsuit wherein she alleged that “said illegal assistance included encouraging the voter how to vote and/or even pressuring or coercing votes in violation of the Texas Elections code.”

That is not the only challenge facing Peña. 

On October 2021, Peña surrendered to Cameron County Sheriff’s deputies on Class C nepotism charges in a case involving employment of her former daughter-in-law as a teacher at Veterans Memorial Early College High School. 

The case involves allegations that Peña helped her then-daughter-in-law secure the position, a charge that Peña denies. The case is making its way through district court.


Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Marisa Leal, again.

Anonymous said...

Is it really worth the hassle for A non paid position ?

If yes, why?

Anonymous said...

It's time to start replacing all these RATAS, compadres comadres, family of elected officials and friends.


Anonymous said...

The bar remains very low in Brownsville. You get what you ask for, and Browntown doesn't ask for much.


Anonymous said...

Every elected official here comes into office and hires all their family, friends, compadres, comadres and voters that helped in their campaigns.

ELECT SOMEBODY NEW DO NOT RE-ELECT ANYBODY son puras ratas maniosas!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is paying this special election? Just have it in May during Tsc and brownsville navigation election.

Anonymous said...

Donald "Hugo Chavez, II" Trump would like Brownsville.

People here can be buffaloed...and buffaloed often.

But the ugly never win.............................

Anonymous said...

Get some fresh blood in there. What do we have to lose? We already lost big time with Pena.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:11

Why you ask? Because Gilberto Hinojosa is paid by delinquent tax firm Linebarger….. Minerva always voted against Linebarger. So they want her out…. This Leal Lady is for Linebarger. Linebarger is paying for her lawsuit. Gilberto is representing her for free… but Linebarger is paying Gilberto Hinojosa…. The state Democratic Party Chair. When Donald Trump said their was fraud in the presidential election regarding mIl-in ballots… Gilberto Hinojosa said on camera that Trump was crazy…. But now he is using the exact same argument Trump was making in this BISD case. It’s all about the delinquent tax contract. Linebarger knows they are a vote away from losing the contract…. And this is the way they keep it.

Anonymous said...

A great crowded place with some very nice alleys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Leal if elected... will eventually become a rata as well

Anonymous said...

Muñeka siempre te sigo en Instagram sigue como siempre hermosa linda sexy

Pelona me la quieres.

Kermit said...

The photo of Miss Fatty with her mouth open is downright scary! I bet she doubles down on the barbacoa every Sunday!
I wouldn’t want to get between her and a plate of food. Oink, oink.
For those reasons, I’m out!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville/Matamoros ISD is a Third World substandard public school. The morons on the School Board do not have the academic or intellectual sophistication to do anything. This district would be a laughing stock in the cities north of Texaco. Any questions...

Anonymous said...

Browntown is a disgusting place.

Anonymous said...

Really Guys! Brownsville wants Marisa Leal, Erasmo Castro’s friend of over 20 years, to be in office at BISD? Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I think "mas vale el diablo por coinciding que diablo por concer." If the Leal woman gets elected we are electing her husband. Both think they are to good for browntown but live here.

Anonymous said...

Without the 24 votes that were thrown out, which candidate had more votes?

Anonymous said...

@January 25, 2022 at 12:06 PM

Marisa is friends with a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask for public records of the 1312 e Adams building specifically about the interior designer procurement for the new city building

Anonymous said...

Open it up to new candidates.

Anonymous said...

Have the election and see who really wins. Ojo politiqueras.

Anonymous said...

Marisa Leal has my vote and my family! enough of the the heartless rata

Anonymous said...

Zayas representing a crooked politician. Says more about zayas than anyone else.

Unknown said...

Let's get rid of the superintendent and his Bulldogs

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Marisa? Leagues better than the current office holder.
