Thursday, March 31, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Would you believe strong enough to bring down a street light? Some estimated that the winds gusted between 40 to 50 miles – if not higher – per hour. It is fortunate that there was no one under the street light when it toppled or it it might have been lights out for them, too. March is supposed to leave like a lamb, but this week it has been roaring like a lion.)


Anonymous said...

shoddy workmanship, as always.

that's more likely.

Anonymous said...

That's a cantina corner, surprise there were no borrachos around, si no se les uviera quitado lo borracho IDIOTAS. "TOINK"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Old and corroding infrastructure are tell tell signs of a city in decline...Brownsville is where the sewer meets the sea under the palm trees. And for all you illiterate Mexicans out there, an ocean or Gulf is considered the sea.Oh, that’s right, you didn’t finish the eighth grade!

Anonymous said...

That guy in the photo symbolizes why Brownsville people do not fear strong winds - they are all fatsos!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan! This is a warning to prepare for Hurricane Season! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! I hope the city and county prepares! Will there be a Hurricane fair hosted to help the community prepare?

Anonymous said...

Damn, right in time too for that Downtown light pole project that’s taking ages to finish!!

Anonymous said...

Breaking News!Ese guey half coco transgender dumpster rat retard lost his cardboard house which flew with the wind! Hahaha! He's now living in the downtown dumpster bins! Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

It's not the winds, lol. It's the workmanship 😒

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are prepared to fail.

Anonymous said...

That's the pole where the sharp shooter was at, during charro days parade.

Anonymous said...

March 31, 2022 at 12:26 PM
Surprise they didn't do it during a holiday or during charro days (installing pole lightings)...IDIOTAS.

Anonymous said...

March 31, 2022 at 1:50 PM

So you came up for air? Pinche maricon. So the FBI (federal board of inbeciles) is looking for your ass.
