Thursday, April 21, 2022


By Steve Clark
Brownsville Herald

A project to replace downtown Brownsville’s old pedestrian street lamps with new, more energy-efficient lighting fixtures has run into a couple of snags.

The pilot project entailed 15 new lights and poles along East Elizabeth Street downtown. The work began late last year and was completed in time for Charro Days, though now the lights have been switched off until certain issues can be resolved, such as the fact that delivery trucks have been accidentally running into and damaging some of the new fixtures.

Unlike the old design, the new LED lights overhang the street, which makes them vulnerable if the pole is of insufficient height.

“We are having an issue in the areas where we have delivery trucks,” said City Engineer Doroteo Garcia Jr. “They have hit … the (light) skirt, or the guard basically.”

No one thought it would be an issue since most trucks make their deliveries in the alleys, despite the obvious exceptions, he said.

"Where we have city bus stops we’ve turned the lights away so they’re hanging over the sidewalk instead of the street,” Garcia said. “We did that where we knew we were going to have an issue with the buses. With the other ones, we didn’t anticipate delivery trucks.”

The city has already talked to the supplier about how to fix the problem, he said.

“They’re going to send us an arm extension, basically to raise it about three feet,” Garcia said. “We’re going to try it out and see how that works before we proceed on ordering that for all the lights.”

If the results are satisfactory, the city will install the extensions on every new pole for the sake of uniformity. The vendor is also sending 10 replacement shields and five new crystals free of charge, though the city will have to pay for the extensions, which may cost in the neighborhood of $1,500 a piece, Garcia said.


Anonymous said...

There was a time when bloggers disdained The Herald.

Look at you now.

My, my.

Anonymous said...

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin Wanted ‘Son of a B*tch’ Trump Out of Politics After Jan. 6 Riot, Book Says

“What he did is unacceptable. Nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it,” McCarthy reportedly told Republican associates on Jan. 10.

Say it loud.

Anonymous said...

A lot of those dented warped ones in downtown. Should've just kept the old ones and some how modified them to LED.

Anonymous said...

Who was responsible for engineering this project? If it's an Elon Musk project, then one must wonder if he is really legit. Is Elon Musk also going to pay for the $1,500 a piece extensions? What about the corrupt Mayor? In my opinion all these lights should be returned to vendor for failure of not fulfilling the height requirement to function properly for project intented, problem solved. Who is the vendor? Who was in charged of this project? Tax payers should not have to pay for this stupidity so call solution.

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor pitiful Brownsville. it just can't get ahead.

God has planted it in a geographic alley.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes they make their deliveries in the alley how do you think they're going to get there.
Then again, downtown does look like an alley. So, I see the confusion.
They need to overhang on the sidewalk area. There's no traffic at night so don't worry about that part.

Anonymous said...

Hire a consultant from another country, please!

Anonymous said...

Seriously!!! This city is in need of sidewalks for the people that walk home from work and students that walk home from school! The only reason they are working on building up downtown is because the people in political office, here in town, have opened businesses downtown. Those new owners are now trying to make downtown look attractive to the people with money, so that those people can go spend their money downtown. News flash, not gonna happen! New restaurants downtown are too expensive!

Anonymous said...

That's why we can never have good things.

Anonymous said...

You're not going crazy at HEB.

The price of hamburger meat is rising every day and stores are about to limit how much of it you can buy. Stock up!

Buy now and freeze it.


Anonymous said...


Rediculous, only for the buses at some stops.
Trey Mendez mediocre mayor accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Damn… those City Engineers must be some of the biggest pendejos if they didn’t take into consideration of clearances for the delivery vehicles that use Elizabeth for loading/unloading… knew from the beginning this was going to be a real bad decision… pinches idiotas…

Anonymous said...

Just like the fiasco Mayor Nacho Garza made when he had those gardens in the middle of the road where people were turning and where all the water used to
accumulate. What happened to those? Bola de tontos jastando dinero para

Anonymous said...

The lights have been out for weeks. No police to patrol the area. The funny thing about this, no drunks in the downtown area only outside area. Brownsville, booze town U.S.A. get drunk downtown, get a ride home, get caught outside in North, East, West of Brownsville, jail time.

Anonymous said...

There's a reason Brownsville can't have nice things. Put lights in any other town, they'll last 20-30 years, put them on Elizabeth street and they'll be smashed and stolen in a week.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Browntown can’t get anything right. How many gringos are in charge? Ohh, none.

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2022 at 10:02 AM
During charro days he toured the flea market by mistake he thought it was the charro days party. That's where he purchased the lights. NO SE HAGAN PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

I've always hoped one day a volcano destroyed downtown like in that Tommy Lee Jones movie. Now we don't need mother nature to do that, just elect demohomocrats.

Anonymous said...

I love that these folks don't make idiots out of us. With your comments you demonstrate that we know what is going on. It is pathetic that the people in charge don't know what to do and that all they can say is "oops, let's fix the mistake", without a worry that their assinine way of thinking shows. Please, do not vote for Trumputo even Brandon is the better choice. I hope to see a Hispanic of Mexican origin run the White House in my life time. Can you imagine "tamales," "jalapeños" and "chapurrado" at the White House for Christmas. I know it is all a dream but what is life without aspirations?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love that these folks don't make idiots out of us. With your comments you demonstrate that we know what is going on. It is pathetic that the people in charge don't know what to do and that all they can say is "oops, let's fix the mistake", without a worry that their assinine way of thinking shows. Please, do not vote for Trumputo even Brandon is the better choice. I hope to see a Hispanic of Mexican origin run the White House in my life time. Can you imagine "tamales," "jalapeños" and "chapurrado" at the White House for Christmas. I know it is all a dream but what is life without aspirations?

April 22, 2022 at 7:17 PM

And be sponsored by Buchanan’s

Anonymous said...

Pa pendejos no se estudia!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda Bernal costing the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars from civil lawsuits..
One from the shooting death of a unarmed subject.
The in custody death of a man who was tased to death.
The in custody death of a female who was placed inside the jail handcuffed and placed faced down leading to her death.
Internal lawsuits also beginning to mount with the latest being prepared in reference to a 8 hour shift used as punishment shift for Officers.
All gonna cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars 💵 $$$!
