Tuesday, September 6, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Any hope that the Cameron County Commissioner Court would overturn the 7-2 denial by the county's salary grievance committee for a salary increase for two justices of the peace was unanimously dashed today.

Justices of the Peace Sally Gonzalez (JP Pct. 5, Place 1, San Benito) and Juan Mendoza (JP Pct 4, Place 1, Los Fresnos) were scheduled to l come before the commissioners court today to appeal the committee's decision.

But Gonzalez, who had to attend to other business, was a no-show and Mendoza made his request that the county's 10 JPs be placed on par with the constables average of about $67,000. Currently, the JPs salaries lag behind the constables by about $5,000. 

The Brownsville Herald reported that  Gonzalez and Mendoza last month filed letters that outline why they believe their salaries should be increased to $67,000, which is equal to that of the county constables. According to court records, both receive $62,943 annually, which includes auto and phone allowances.

“We had our hands tied during the budget process, and no elected officials received an increase across the board,” County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr. said. “I understand, obviously, that the grievance committee voted 7-2. It is up to commissioners court to approve the requested increase or not.”

Under the grievance committee rules, the committee must vote unanimously to grant salary grievance requests. However, if they get six positive votes out of the nine, they have the right to come before the county judge and commissioners and appeal the grievance committee's decision. The vote on the two JPs requests was 7-2 for the increase. However, the vote only allows the commissioners to "consider" approving the JPs request, and is not a recommendation to approve it.

Both have come before the court since 2019 asking for salary increases. 

During his presentation at the grievance committee,  Mendoza alleged that most JPs don't answer their phones at night and that as a result, he has had to answer police calls from all over the county in a few cases. 

And both say that there should be a more equitable way for the county clerk to distribute weddings their way so they could get a bigger share. They say the Brownsville JPs get the biggest number of weddings. Under Texas law, JPs keep what they are paid to perform the ceremonies, usually averaging about $300.

But it was Mendoza's claim that the other JPs didn't answer calls from law enforcement that rankled many present.  

"He didn't say which JPs he was talking about," said the grievance committee member. "But he said that he ended up doing their work and needs to get paid as much as the constables."

"We've had our hands tied in regards to the budge process," County Judge Treviño told Mendoza during Tuesday's meeting.

"I know that the salary of the elected officials as a whole has been woefully inadequate," echoed Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza."Maybe as the economy recovers, we can address that." 


Anonymous said...

Commissioners need to look at salary scales and compare with private sector.

Anonymous said...

Greedy justices, always complaining about not getting more money. If these justices don't like their pay, quit and find another job. There are jobs at McDonald's at 15 dollars.

Anonymous said...

Panocha Treviño said no elected officials didn’t get a raise across the board…. Except for you and commissioners MAMON! And you wanted more!! Sin vergüenzas

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Oh but Trevino and Company had no problem giving themselves an $11,000 raise, without going to any grievance committee. The hypocrisy rings loud with these public servants.

Anonymous said...

No degrees no high school diploma not even a jr high certificate nor a fake one of any kind and they want to make 70k a year PINCHES MAMONES VOTE ALL OF THEM OUT CITY COUNTY jps, judges (they kind they are God), bisd, da port bola de mamones y de harlingen.


Anonymous said...

McDonald's won't hire these justices why? because they don't have a high school diploma nor a ged, we vote puros pendejos into these highly intelligent offices that have no education at all. Most or all would never qualify to work at McDonald's...

Anonymous said...

@ 5:53PM, do you even understand what you are commenting about? Name one private sector JP to compare to. As for Gonzalez, come on, you work 3-4 hours a day. Heck, you won't even show up to a meeting held to decide on your greedy request. You're almost never available to citizens who walk into the Co. building. As for the weddings, count them up divide them up and everyone gets the same number of weddings. Oh, and please don't forget to contribute at least 20% to the government that provides you with office space, utilities, employees, phone and vehicle allowances, and toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

As a Peace Officer I can attest that Sally Gonzalez, Juan Mendoza and Johnathan Gracia Never Answer the County paid phones for anything. Vote them Out!!

Former RGV LEO said...

Good to see that the county commissioners finally did something right! The gall of Sallie and Juan asking for a raise? We all know that Sallie has health issues and is just wanting to pad her retirement? Its just boggles the mind how she can perform weddings (personal gain and probably not taxed by the county or IRS) but cannot be in her office from 8:00 to 5:00, Monday thru Friday? She has that not done one thing to justify her not being in office unless its her health? Sallie should have retired years ago. I've had two civil cases in her court and not once was she the sitting JP. Juan was sitting in for her, so I guess he is working?
Have either of these two ever documented or proven their worth in recovering the millions of fines in outstanding warrants? I know that one of the two makes a lot of money doing weddings? I am sure that she is getting her social security also?

TexMark said...

Are they Justices or are they Judges?
Why do they run for office as elitist Judges and then act like common Justices?
Make up your minds and maybe you'll get a pay raise!

Anonymous said...

juan is there any information on the amount of money or wedding ceremonies these jp or judges do? That is public information taxpayer need to know, also is that money or cash extra income reported to the IRS? just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

They can't even eespell REWDUCE THEIR SALARIES TO 7.50 AN HOUR mamones/as

Anonymous said...

Guess Juan mendoza ran out of drug money from his time as THE CHIEF DEPUTY UNDER CONRADO CANTU. Juanito, we will never forget . Never

Former RGV LEO said...

Lets not forget that POS eddie trevino & county commissioners gave themselves raises! Vote them out in November, forget the democRAT blood or palanca BS!

Anonymous said...

Que cute....democRATs...how about RepubliKans-of-shit....these folks are scum and beholden to Doofus Jackoff Trumpley...LMAO!!
