Thursday, December 22, 2022



El Nuevo Rinche de la 4-21

It had been a rough day for Juanita. 

It was her day off from her tedious home provider job but she had been grinding chores and errands since eight that morning. She had a sick kid at home and her live-in mother-in-law had been bugging her all day on the cell reminding her not to forget to pick up her Lithium at the drug store. 

It was only two in the afternoon but her unemployed husband was already en la Catorce, drunk at one of the dive bars. Cruising down the expressway, the December day had turned warm in Brownsville and her cheap polyester sweater was chaffing at her neck. Turning into the Mall parking lot all she could think of was her long Christmas list, the overdrawn bank account, and the maxed out credit cards.

As she cruised the packed parking lot, suddenly, there it was – the prized possession of the Holiday Season – the empty parking space right in front of the mall entrance! She deftly maneuvered her eight-year old Toyota to the spot and turned off the engine. She stood tall as she exited her vehicle, relishing this small victory of the day. 

It energized her enough to enter the Mall and wrestle through the throngs of last-minute shoppers.

The short burst of enthusiasm quickly waned as she went through her list of gifts for family and realized the scant cash she had saved all year in the old coffee pot was not going to be enough. It had been of rough year with her husband getting fired as a bus driver at Brownsville Independent School District for testing positive for coke. 

Her son was in constant need of medical attention because of his chronic asthma and the food stamps and Medicaid were not cutting it. Her mother-in-law moving in was the last straw and was in essence another child to feed and nurse. She had already been to the cash register once and embarrassingly had to return some items under the glare of the impatient shoppers waiting in line. 

 All Juanita wanted to do was pay for her items and leave the tumultuous environment that was the Mall during the holidays. 

 As she finally paid and placed her items in the shopping cart, a calm thought crossed her mind. Her car was right outside the entrance and she would soon be home enjoying a cool drink in front of the TV before having to cook dinner.

As she walked out her calm feeling quickly evaporated as she saw that some idiot had parked so close to the driver’s side of her car that she could barely open the door. The passenger’s side door of the old car could only be opened from within. 

Her frustration grew as 15 minutes turned into a half hour with no sign of the owners of the car. She attempted to talk to a security guard but was told they could not help. 

Finally, two young men in their 20s and what appeared to be their girlfriends show up. They were laughing and thought it was a big joke. Juanita maintained her composure and politely asked that they move their car. They said “No, we’re going back in, besides you can still slide in through your door." 

The other guy starts to laugh, “Nombre vato, la ruca esta bien gorda, verdad mamasita, estas bien gorda?”

Suddenly, the world stopped for Juanita. A deep sense of calm washed over her body and she felt at peace. The world had gone silent and she could not hear a sound other than faint singing from what sounded like a children’s choir. 

The young person’s mouth’s moved, but as the song goes, she couldn’t hear what they’re saying. She perceived everything around her with a profound clarity which filled her with an inner joy unexperienced in her drab, weary life. 

Her hands seemed to move on their own in a slow motion with clear purpose. Her left hand opened her large purse and her right hand drew out a 9mm handgun. 

 As she turns, smiling at the young adults, all she remembers is seeing several gentle puffs of smoke and the gun’s slide gently moving back and forth as the children’s choir became louder with the crescendo of Hallelujah! Hallelujah! as the last body of a young girl hits the ground. 

There is one last round in the weapon. The bullet pierces the roof of Juanita’s mouth and leave her body through the back of her head. Her shopping is complete. 

 All is calm, All is bright. Merry Christmas to all.


Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief El Chapo Sauceda and the rest of the police department would like everyone to know that several newer trucks have been recently stolen in Brownsville. The police department will not be able to investigate any of these thefts since El Chapo is too busy out and about taking selfies for Facebook.
When was the last time you saw a "chief" taking so many facebook pictures?
Instead of acting like a teenager on Facebook, why don't you actually do your job and order some of your "investigators" look into so many theft of vehicles from Brownsville, which according to you is the 6th largest city in Texas.
Get off Facebook Chapo, act your age.
By the way, how is that kiosk at the mall working out? Is there a line of people waiting to use it?

Anonymous said...

Christmas trees cost more this year. Maybe it’s time to cut your own

A US forest service initiative encourages people to cut their own trees in an effort to maintain healthy forests.

- average retail cost of a tree is $70 (like at HEB). A US Forest Service tree-cutting permit costs $5 to $20.

Anonymous said...

Somos afortunados ver visto jugar a Lionel Messi. Gracias Messi por que por muchos años nos has deleitado con tu fútbol no se que vamos a decir cuando no te miremos jugar ya, pero gracias por darnos esta alegría no solo a Argentina sino a toda América.

ole, ole

ole, ole

Anonymous said...

This story is intensely popular all over Las Prietas. It has become synonymous with the closing of malls, food trucks, taquerias, theaters, and other places of business for the night. It is read routinely as a song that means we are closing down for the night. It is a soothing way to conclude the day of work and go home.

Anonymous said...

tragic southmost story

Anonymous said...

Delta Air Lines returns service to Valley International
Y aqui? this director here at the airless port needs to go he ain't doing nothing but picking up his 375k a year check.... fire fire fire and vote out das how you improve bad situations

Anonymous said...

okay. next story.

Anonymous said...

Arizona agreed to remove shipping containers placed as a makeshift wall along its shared border with Mexico as part of an ongoing lawsuit, according to a Wednesday court filing.

In August, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey – a Republican and critic the Biden administration’s border policies – issued an executive order telling the state Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to use shipping containers to fill in gaps along the border, and did so without official permits or authorization, CNN previously reported.

“Arizona has had enough,” he said at the time. “We can’t wait any longer.”

The 8,800-pound, 9-by-40-feet containers stand about 22 feet tall when stacked, welded together and topped with four feet of razor wire, the governor’s office said, while border fencing built during the Trump administration is about 30 feet high.

The federal government has been battling with the state ever since to get the ugly, rusted containers removed.

Anonymous said...

Uta! se mato sola la gordiflona nalguda chichona mamona!!

Ay, traiganme un chela fria que no aguanto el desarollo lento de este rollo de papel sanitario!!!

La cagas, Juan, la cagas.

Anonymous said...

I don't condone her gun behavior, but I do understand her frustration. A lot of inconsiderate bastards out there. Common courtesy is lost and gone.

I was in a similar situatin at a gas station. As I'm getting into my car an SUV parks right next to me at an angle blocking the tail of my car with his SUV tail. So I was trapped between his SUV and the parking curb median. I had to back up several of times and go over the parking curb median to get out.

Worse part is when you approach these people that are in the wrong they get all bothered even though they know they are in the wrong. Oh! But do it to them and they will get all bothered. Yet for them it is OK, to do it to everyone else. Inconsiderate bastards! Learn some manners and common courtesy.

They ought to teach a class in manners and common courtesy at school cause it is being lost, and parents nowadays aren't teaching it at home. This world is spiraling down the hell hole.

Anonymous said...


Frigid/Cold temperatures coming, Raza. A las tamaladas todos!

andale, andale!!!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday (literal) was such a gentle time. When I think of my grandchildren in the chaos that our world is now, I'm so glad I was born when I was.

Anonymous said...

Well this is what I got from the story. Her husband the "desgraciado" is going to have to work. Her live in mother in law is up a creek. Juanita probably went to hell but she sent three mother fuckers there before her. The lady had balls. She put up with a lot of shit.

Anonymous said...

Pissed that the January 6th Committee let Ginni and Clarence Thomas off the hook in its final report. Ginni, the plump White wife of the Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence who does not know he is Black, was all over that 2020 election-denying cowshit.

And Thomas never did recuse himself from any crap trying to stick to Donald Trump. Both worked long & hard in their own way to push lies about the election and the winner, Democrat Joe Biden.

They should have at least been listed as being assholes.

Anonymous said...

4-21? Didn't the UTB buy out all the houses there or were they all a repossession by tax consequences?

donde estan los rinches when we need them? 4-21?

Anonymous said...

December 22, 2022 at 12:08 PM
Pinche guey no sale de la catorce y les compra rounds a todos y pone canciones de los cadetes de linares FACT el desgraciado!

Anonymous said...

que susto they thought she was going to flash her panties - pendejos...

Anonymous said...

Why you should get pet insurance in 2023, with most gringos carrying guns you need to feel safe about your pet.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Let's get some news on here! What is this now, a gathering of quilting putos?


Anonymous said...

She only used her gun after kindness failed.

Anonymous said...

December 22, 2022 at 5:15 PM

Aaayy si..
Ooooooh rolandito pass me the needle and threads the red ones por favor, $%^&*(#$.

M A R I C O N E S !

Anonymous said...

She'll vote Democrat for hundreds of years.

El savage truth said...

Most of the genzers have have no morals. They are just chiflados(spoiled). Wanting to start useless arguments. They also think that they could take on anyone, but don't realize that older generations can be more savage.

Anonymous said...

December 23, 2022 at 12:11 PM

and twice, screw the racist repupblicans, in el valle everybody votes two or three time times 10. FACT

Anonymous said...

She did the right thing. People abuse, make fun, talk bad about others.

The others are not going down without fighting.

Kudos to this lady.

Now she can tell all her friends that she is strong and brave.

The other solution: go shopping early and stay away from public places during peak hours. Or park away from all the other cars.
