Friday, December 23, 2022


(Photo credited online to Bronsbil Estacion.)


Anonymous said...

Just like Brownsville, frozen in stupidity like the city commissioners that are frozen with the PUB's lost millions of dollars from Tanaka but blame the citizens of Brownsville for voting these bozos in office. Shame on the stupid voters.

Anonymous said...

Have you nims seen photos of what's happening with the cold blast upstate and farther north?!

This, as they say at the city's sewage dept., "ain't shit!!!"

Brownsville, always fronting its wimpish attitudes.



Anonymous said...

"Free speech absolutist” Elon Musk bans journalists, brings back far-right activists

Twitter's mercurial new boss has allowed right-wing extremists (Trump Republicans) to return, while banning reporters on flimsy excuses.

Musk is no one to trust or follow.

Anonymous said...

Uh. At least 12 dead as bomb cyclone wreaks havoc across the US

50-car pileup in Ohio as harsh weather cripples midwest.

(and you have the fucking gall to bring us a little bit of fucking ice on a downtown water fountain!!)

Blanketed blogger Juan Montoya has gone soft.

Anonymous said...

No homeless with similar icicles as eyelashes to photograph?

that would have been the meaningful post, Monty.

heh heh

Anonymous said...


Dallas Cowboys play today, at 3:25 PM

best to blow it off, Raza.

Anonymous said...

How about a photo of a frozen-toes old lady waiting at the bus stop?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Por cada mala leche que no queria que gane lionel messi hay gente como ustedes bancando a esta seleccion. gracias por tanto aguante.

arriba Argentina!

saludos sinceros desde Matamoros, mexico.

Anonymous said...

Fuertes. Arriba mejicanos contra el frio!!!

Anonymous said...


Those revelations include:

Top White House officials were warned January 6 could be “real bad” but ignored those warnings

Trump wanted to go to the Capitol after his speech at the Ellipse, is said to have had a physical altercation with a Secret Service agent, and broke things at the White House when his aides wouldn’t let him join the insurrectionists

Witnesses claimed Trump said Vice President Mike Pence “deserves” the threats of hanging he received while at the Capitol to certify the election
Justice Department environmental lawyer Jeffrey Clark attempted to take over the DOJ in order to use the department to challenge the election results; his effort, said to be sanctioned by Trump, failed

Far-right Reps. Scott Perry (R-PA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) all were said to have asked Trump for pardons for their roles in the January 6 riot; many have denied doing so

Trump refused to admit he’d lost, though he was repeatedly told he had — and those around him repeatedly showed him why the conspiracy theories he has publicized were false; he appeared not to listen

Court of Public Opinion verdict: Trump is GUILTY.

Jail him.

Anonymous said...

I have to remove 100 ads before I get this blog. Is there anything the government can do about all this fake advertising?? Scams are increasing
everyday. Where's the FBI all this shit is getting way out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Republican Mitch McConnell Says Trump's Political Clout Has 'Diminished'

Independent and swing voters have been turned off by Donald Trump's presentation of Republicans as "nasty and tended toward chaos," McConnell said.

Trump is history. Adios, MOFO!!!

Anonymous said...

Anoche soñé que anote un Gol para derrotar a Inglaterra.

Mejico! MEJICO!!!

Anonymous said...

"Ay, tengo frio!"

bola de soflameros.

Anonymous said...

carta roja para juan Montoya!

fraude! esto no es periodismo de primera! es trabajo de un novato!!!

BobbyWC said...


Not everyone with Covid shows symptoms. I am not going to say where this is happening. A person who knew they were immune compromised refused to continue to where a mask. So they are isolated with Covid. Family flies in thinking they are safe because the person with Covid is isolated. But someone who is not showing signs spread it to several other family members who are immune compromised.

A lot of money was spent by a lot of people for this gathering. Christmas has been cancelled for all the gatherers. Making things worse a 48 year old female in the family just had 2 widow makers and one regular stent placed in the heart arteries. Then after being released had a mild stroke, which is not common but does happen after placement of a stent. So that clan's Christmas was already cancelled.

People yes Christmas is about family and giving to the less fortunate. Be safe. Maybe there is a reason thousands of people are not going to make the Holiday because of all the cancelled flights.

Be safe, and enjoy the time with your family. But please wear a mask.

I predict the experts are right, we are going to see a jump in Covid about a week from now.

Next Thursday I will be at the 2 week mark for my Omicron Booster, which interim studies shows is not working well against the latest Omicron variants. The latest variant now is 20% of all cases.

Everyone is tired of the masks. I hate it with a passion. Of late I have been hit and miss about using it outside the home. Not anymore now that I know the latest variant of Omicron is becoming the dominant strain and the Omicron booster may may not work to prevent its spread.

Be safe and enjoy the Holiday.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2022 at 6:07 AM
tell that to they mayor el enano he adores hims and loves gringos pinche coco

Anonymous said...

Ay viene la migra correnle pinches mojados correnle correnle maricones

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2022 at 7:32 AM
hillbillys now mojados time to go.
