Thursday, March 9, 2023


(National Lampoon)
Dear Members,

I am writing to ask for your support and co-authorship of HB 1179: informing the public
about the availability of provisions in protective orders, including provisions regarding pets
and other companion animals.

Pets can be highly relevant to the protection of a victim of domestic violence, but are many times overlooked in protection orders. Abusers often threaten pets or livestock to control their victims and make them stay. Sickeningly, this is used successfully as an intimidation tactic. 

Many families and survivors of abuse are likely to stay in abusive environments if they are not aware of current options available to a court when rendering a protective order.

Currently, Texas Family Code 85.021 allows judges at their discretion to include pets, companion animals, and assistance animals in protective orders. HB 1179 requires the Attorney General and the State Bar of Texas to jointly develop information to provide to the public regarding this issue. 

This bill also requires the office of a prosecuting attorney to make such information readily available at the prosecuting attorney's office to persons who wish to apply for a protective order.

I sincerely ask for your support of HB 1179. If you have any questions, please contact my Legislative Aide, Alexa Murarescu, at or (512) 463-0454.

The co-author form form for HB 1179 is now available for signature in the Chief Clerk’s office.


Anonymous said...

Is this the most important issue confronting our people? The price of food, fuel and medications are extremely expensive. Families are often forced to cut back on some of these items in order to make ends meet. And this moron is worried about pets? Give me a break. Typical democrat. Always off point!!

Anonymous said...

Hispanic judges require such low bail in animal cruelty cases that this proposed bill won't make a difference unless there is a high enough minimum bail.

Anonymous said...

DOGS? This is a gringo thingy catering to gringos/as. Typical coco...

Anonymous said...

Next time campaign to get more dog votes. They can register to vote over at the central library building between aaah there is no in between for Dogs that want to register to vote. Pendeja.

Anonymous said...

"wofwooof", DOG MEANING OH SHIT!!
