Monday, March 27, 2023



Anonymous said...

China is Mexico's primary Fentanyl supplier. Mexico does not produce its drugs, legal and illegal, Monty. Weed, yes.

Mexican president makes it a custom to say Mexico does not have a drug problem; that's it's U.S. citizens serving as the market. It does, however, have a murderous criminal cartel problem it ignores.

Anonymous said...

The British made the Chinese addicted to Opium. (NOBODY PROTECTED CHINA FROM THE BRITISH ABUSE).

The USA prohibited alcohol and the Mafia was born.

Marihuana and cocaine use in the USA, gave birth to the Sinaloa Cartel.
Heroin and Cocaine are expensive. (The USA citizens thought that it was cool doing drugs and being rebels).

Fentanyl is sold by China but now the Mexican cartels manufacture the drug (they learned how to combine the ingredients).

All these drugs are used to feel happy and relaxed.

All the violence in the world is due to the illegal traffic of drugs.
That is why the Mexican president is cool about the Cartels... he believes this is the way to avoid more violence in the country.

Anonymous said...

March 27, 2023 at 6:59 AM
Pinche pendejo OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG quit your lying shit and quit insulting people here. pinche joto.

Fentanyl was first synthesized in Belgium by Paul Janssen.
Fentanyl's ease of manufacture and high potency makes it easier to produce and smuggle from India and Other Third Countries: The DEA noted that India has emerge as a more prominent source drug trafficking organizations and that this trend will continue as Indian nationals circumvent China.

Anonymous said...

Good thing Biden secured the border.
