Thursday, May 4, 2023


By Alan Feuer and Zach Montague
New York Times

Four members of the Proud Boys, including their former leader Enrique Tarrio, were convicted on Thursday of seditious conspiracy for plotting to keep President Donald J. Trump in power after his election defeat by leading a violent mob in attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The jurors in the case failed to reach a decision on the sedition charge for one of the defendants, Dominic Pezzola, although he was convicted of other serious felonies.

The verdicts, coming after seven days of deliberations in Federal District Court in Washington, were a major blow against one of the country’s most notorious far-right groups and another milestone in the Justice Department’s vast investigation of the Capitol attack.

The trial was the last of three major sedition cases that federal prosecutors brought against key figures in the Capitol attack.

The sedition charge, which is rarely used and harks back to the Union’s efforts to protect the federal government against secessionist rebels during the Civil War, was also used in two separate trials against nine members of another far-right group, the Oath Keepers militia. Six of those defendants – including Stewart Rhodes, the organization’s founder and leader – were convicted of sedition; each of the others was found guilty of different serious felonies.

Mr. Tarrio, Mr. Pezzola and the other defendants – Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs and Zachary Rehl – will now await sentencing.

The Proud Boys – who had been fighting on the street since 2017 for a range of far-right causes – became a central focus of the F.B.I.’s investigation into Jan. 6 within days of the attack. The defendants were taken into custody in a series of arrests beginning in January 2021. More than 20 other members of the group from chapters ranging from New York to Hawaii were ultimately charged in separate cases in connection with the Capitol attack.


Anonymous said...

racist republicans all sent them to prison and throw away the key. Next is that idiota trumputo.
TODOS A LA CARCEL y el da que?
haciendose pendejo mas de lo que esta.

Anonymous said...

Let's stop lollygagging and mete out the proper fuckin punishment, like 20/30 years in prison or deportation. Home imprisonment is not enough. Probation would be absurd.


Drop the pinche Craftsman hammer, not a Harbor Freight piece of shit.


Anonymous said...

Otra ves con Trump? Ya suelta ese pescado!

Anonymous said...

is swartsaneggar still running saw him by cameron park and veterans park and downtown in the alleys.

Anonymous said...

Keep fucking Trump. He's the day's catch.


Trump must go down.

Mexicans for Trump are idiots, inferior mollusks.

No condom. Keep fucking Donald.

Anonymous said...

Onta Hunter??

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 11:53 AM

racist republicans tambien suelta esa jaiba con los democratas jotos.

Anonymous said...

They were set up by cockroach FBI agents. The same scum who are covering up Biden's corruption.

Anonymous said...

A lot of dumbassess that listened to Trump to take over the Capitol are in jail but the main instigator remains free. Stop the steal, rigged elections? But, "Georgia find me 11k votes". And he still wants to be president again? What a pathetic liar.

Anonymous said...

Enrique Tarrio is a Cuban. He was the leader of the Proud Boys.

A natural leader for evil doers. You can see it in his face: he is violent and is used to manipulate the law and getting away with everything.

Anonymous said...

Jack Smith is gonna bitch slap Trump.

Anonymous said...

The FBI set them up! Jajaja!Those fools set themselves up with Trump. Estan enfermos. Tario esta prieto.

Anonymous said...

Onta Hunter?

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 3:52 PM
and the ones here that still support trump were not at the capitol why? son puros mamones y yellow belly cowards. pinche miedodos mamones. shut da f*** up!!

Anonymous said...

dressed like a pendejo cop.

Anonymous said...

I love Trump greatest President ever He loves America and so do I

Anonymous said...

Trump,Biggest liar and instigator. Worst president in the history of the USA. To top it off, three-time draft Dodger refusing to serve his "beloved" country in time of war. And he still had the guts to criticized senator John McCain for being a POW during the Vietnam war. Pathetic is not the adequate word to describe him. Despicable maybe.

Anonymous said...

Three time a draft dodger but he wanted to make America Great Again. Greatest President to ever love America. He was so good that he went to war to defend her. He went to defend America.

I am being sarcastic. Trump is a sore loser and those that follow him are tards.
