Tuesday, May 2, 2023



Anonymous said...

Since the start of this year, executives and senior officials in the financial and political sector have been put under investigation or sanctions, according to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the country’s top anti-corruption watchdog, and the National Supervisory Commission, the government regulator that works in concert with the discipline commission.

Many in the political sector that are connected to many banks will face strict dicipline accorting to a goverment official.

Local small municipal cities will come into the eyes of the anti-corruption watchedogs. Soon many will be facing confinement.

Anonymous said...


Brownsville PUB audit raises questions over involvement of Cameron County judge's law firm

After the Brownsville Public Utilities Board announced it will conduct a review of the forensic audit that alleges customers were charged $118 million for a project that never came to fruition, Channel 5 News decided to take a look at where some of that cash may have gone to.

According to the audit, $30.9 million of that amount has already been spent — and a majority of those costs were for engineering and legal fees. Eleven vendors charged Brownsville PUB more than $25 million in total.Among the vendors on the list is current Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. Treviño’s law firm racked up nearly $1.3 million in fees for work related to the failed project between Brownsville PUB and the energy company Tenaska.

Treviño released a statement in response to the audit that reads in part, "My role was as a legal advisor and not as a decision-makerThe report shows that of the $1.9 million paid to Trevino's law firm from 2013 to 2018 as general counsel, $1.28 million was for work related to The audit goes on to read that Trevino's “role as board counsel was a potential source of conflict due to his elected position of Cameron County judge. In fact, it appears to be that conflict that sparked his resignation in late 2017." failed project.

Anonymous said...

When is this going to stop call the FBI investigate everybody. all elected officials here in cameron county


Anonymous said...

"Chief" Sauceda is the biggest clown in town, along with his puppet Louie De Leon.

Anonymous said...

And YES all these clowns came to Brownsville. Step right up folks the circus is in town!!! PATHETIC

Anonymous said...

Heard that Carlos Quintanilla, the ex-con that was in cahoots with Pat Ahumada and Charlie Atkinson at that time is running for congress. That’s about what one would expect, one more crook attempting to be added to the US congressional pot of corruption. If citizens hadn’t been so vocal, Brownsvillites could have added his Fly Frontera scam to the long list of others that have bilked our community for decades.

I heard he has become an Al Sharpton-type where he grabs onto any controversial topic so that he can lead the hype to become hero of the cause. Slime balls like that guy should be run out of every town he tries to infect. I feel very sorry for those he cons going forward.

For the record, he did serve time in prison for things involving fraud, corruption, and financial schemes to steal from a client and/or the public.

Anonymous said...

and the band marches on

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HUD finds that Texas GLO discriminated against communities of color in $4 billion CDBG-MIT program
Now they are discriminating agains meskins the glo should not have been rehired to contiure their racist tactics but we have a racist governor that don't gives a shit.
My glo application has been non validated after more than70% had been approved, and give a certain amount of time to complete. They use postal mail so your time will expire and appliction thrown out, postal mail takes 5 to 6 days to arrive, they block all their phones and stop the message system so no messages can be recorded. Every phone and every email address is blocked. The same tactic was in use in Houston and now here in the valley.
Juanito can you help???

Anonymous said...

If you applied for assistance in rebuilding your home with the GLO program and are having problems with them here is why:

HUD finds that Texas GLO discriminated against communities of color in $4 billion CDBG-MIT program

report their asses now.

Anonymous said...

It’s absolutely incredible that a fox who already helped pull off one of the biggest heists against the public’s trust has been let back into the hen house. Marilyn Del Bosque Gilbert, a one-time BPUB manager, was hired as their next General Manager. Did the board not read the audit or did they simply just want the cover-up to continue? Del Bosque Gilbert was named in the audit as Bruciak’s accomplice. She corroborated the false narrative to bamboozle the public out of millions.

When will our community ever learn? Just like a zebra that can never remove its stripes, a crook can never remove its taste for corruption. It’s only a matter of time before political leaders will be apologizing for her corruption that will likely follow.

Bolas de pendejos!

Anonymous said...

seems like corruption has now become part of the civil "bill of rights: of crooks.

A certain percentage will be put aside on all projects either locl state and feds for the crooks to chew on, the racist republicans are working on what will be the percentage.
