Monday, May 1, 2023


"I was in a restaurant a few months ago and at the table next to us was a group of people laughing at the fact that this woman agreed to be on the ballot to take votes from another woman. They even discussed using the same graphics and clothing as the other woman to confuse people. There should be an investigation into why this woman tampered with an election. Was she paid to make this mess? Is this legal to pay someone to run?" Commenter 8 minutes ago
(As can plainly be seen, the permanent and mailing address of City of Brownsville mayoral candidate Jennifer Stanton is the same, 6631 Tallowood Circle, and obviously not within the city, but in Cameron County. With the eight-day early voting period to be finished on Tuesday, what happens to the votes cast up to now? And with Saturday's election coming, will they be counted? Stay tuned.)
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Here we go, again. 

This City of Brownsville mayoral race just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.

First, one of the original candidates (Jay Nagy) withdrew. Then, City Secretary Yolanda Galarza-Gomez declared another  (former mayor Pat Ahumada) ineligible because of the new term limits approved by city voters.

Then, former Brownsville Independent School District board member Erasmo Castro jumped in the fray as did commissioners John Cowen and Jessica Tetreau and private citizen Jennifer Stanton, a newcomer to city politics.

Advising her are none other than former city commissioner Ben Neece and her treasurer, former Public Utility Board member and perennial city commission candidate Robert "Capt. Bob" Sanchez. Curious that these two former commission candidates did not see her address was outside the city limits.

Or did they but still encouraged her to run and supported her financially for some other reason? Perhaps to confuse the electorate and draw votes from another candidate, or candidates? Who? Did she know and go along anyway?

But then – with just one day left in early voting – the social media cyberspace has been glutted with claims that candidate Stanton has never lived in the city and that she is ineligible to run for the citywide election for mayor.

The city's election code states that if a candidate is at least 18 years old and, have not been convicted of a felony, must be a qualified registered voter of the City of Brownsville, and have resided continuously in this state for twelve (12) months preceding the date of the deadline for filing for office.

If filing for a Single-Member District Commissioner position, the candidate must have resided in that district for six (6) months preceding such date, and if elected must maintain their prime place of residence in such district for the entire term for which they were elected.

No mention of the mayors' residency requirement is in the ordinance, but it stands to reason that one must reside in the city to be a qualified city voter.

And there's the rub.

When Stanton filed her application for the ballot, she listed her permanent and mailing address at 6631 Tallowood Circle, Unit A, in Brownsville. But here's a snag. 

That address is outside the city limits and in the county in the city's Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). In other words, say local political observers, Stanton is not eligible to run for a city position.

According to legal scholars, "If you live or work in an area near the city limits, you might have heard of a concept called “extraterritorial jurisdiction.” Texas cities have authority to regulate certain activities in their extraterritorial jurisdiction (“ETJ”), which is the unincorporated area that is contiguous to the city’s corporate boundaries. People who live in the ETJ have to comply with those municipal ordinances, but generally can’t vote in city elections."

Take Cameron Park, for example, a colonia which is surrounded by the city and is in its ETJ. Residents there can vote in county elections, but not in city elections. In fact, the early voting site at the Cameron Park Community Center is not open during city elections because its residents cannot vote.

How on earth, they ask, was it that City Secretary's Office approved her application and gave her a place on the ballot if the address is not in the city and she is not a city resident?

Now people are asking, will the same ruling that the 13th Court of Appeals made in Mierva Peña vs. Marisa Leal in the 2020 BISD election which threw out the 24 votes cast illegally in that race that was decided by 8 votes and voided the election?

Did the city secretary fail to perform her due diligence when she accepted Stanton's application and placed her on the ballot?

And what will happen now that voters have cast their ballots in the mayoral election? Will their voices become meaningless and voided? Or is the calculated  disenfranchisement of those voters mere collateral damage in Brownsville  politics?


Anonymous said...

Vaya quede impresionado de este lugar. deberían mantener una limpieza al sitio. no importa la economía. es reflejo de la cultura Hispana. se me hace un País bonito con su gente. cuiden ese bonito País. soy mexicano. no tomen como ofensa mi critica. les tengo respeto

BobbyWC said...

Without getting into the merits, only a candidate can challenge the candidacy of another candidate. In 1980 in the case of John Anderson for president the U.S. Supreme Court found the election belonged to the people and ordered his name to be placed on the ballot. When the issue reached the Texas Supreme Court on a local election they found the Anderson decision did not apply and only another candidate can challenge the ballot access of the other candidates. They were clear the people do not own the election. It was odd because locally we elect our officials but for president the Electoral College elects.

Nothing can be done. She will not make the run-offs. Castro has already thrown in the towel. The only real issue is how high will the undercount in the mayor's race be. That is the total number of people who voted, minus those who did not vote for mayor. If it is high then Ahumada made a difference. And for the record he did not lose at the Texas Supreme Court. The clock had run and it was too late for the Court to act. It is the same reason the Supreme Court gave in Gore v. Bush. It is the same reason the judge gave in Yolanda Begum v. Garcia. The redistricting mess of 2010, made any election contest impossible. I was in the courtroom when the judge and even Yolanda's attorney admitted the clock had run.

She will not make the run-off, but if she were to make the run-off then the only option would be a recall if she were to win.

The clock has run and no judge can rule she was not qualified for the ballot. This if true speaks to the other candidates. Why did they not act when they had a chance.

Ben Neece did not live in the city when he won. The city had no record of his address, and no certificate of occupancy had issued for the upstairs of that building. This was well documented and he was not challenged.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) - She was living under city governance.

What's the problem?


Anonymous said...

I was tempted to vote for this woman now I'm glad I didn't. It was bad enough to see her with Beb Neece now the Bottom Dweller Captain Bob! I guess he is also getting a piece of her tail. These people are degenerates.

Wasted days and wasted votes...

It is all about manipulation. Hope we don't end up with boy lover Sewer Rat Erasmo.

Anonymous said...

If all the facts have been presented, here we go again. Only in Brownsville we have this circus atmosphere when it comes to politics. Its a clusterfuck. And this comes out the week of the election. How convenient i say. Throw a wrench in it and let the finger pointing begin. Was this a plan from the getgo to allow chaos to set it. Or is it just plain stupidity from all sides. Beginning with the candidate, how can she not know if she is eligible to run ( first thing to check before running). You would think but then again with her advisers being Ben Neece and nut case Capt Bob ???? Then the people in charge of the application paperwork, you would think they’ve checked or was it just overlooked. This lack of professionalism and integrity makes people wonder. What is the real truth here. This is why people dont vote. Apathy, mistrust, dissatisfaction/disappointment in the system are some of the reasons. We want answers , we demand answers. Sort this out ASAP

BobbyWC said...

I do not know the conditions under which this area may have been incorporated as extra judicial, but the law says. 43.130 Local Government Code. "b) A resident of an area annexed for limited purposes is not eligible to be a candidate for or to be elected to a municipal office"

In reality not enough information to make an informed decision.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

This will have an effect on the final results even if she doesn’t win, An election is the only way a citizen can have a voice in city politics, A regular citizen does not have access to the CM Helen Ramirez, who truthfully has failed to manage her employees. This is just one example, there are many more, I can’t wait for a current city commisioner or aspiring commisioner talk about accountability, it’s seems like Helen has nobody to answer to, very sad

Unknown said...

Yup that's county
Ask any sheriff deputy
Ghetto as ghetto can be
Very appropriate domicile for such a woman

BobbyWC said...

625. Spit on

Anonymous said...

I was in a restaurant a few months ago and at the table next to us was a group of people laughing at the fact that this woman agreed to be on the ballot to take votes from another woman. They even discussed using the same graphics and clothing as the other woman to confuse people. There should be an investigation into why this woman tampered with an election. Was she paid to make this mess? Is this legal to pay someone to run?

Anonymous said...

Yup!That is Reid Hope King, Tx, not Brownsville. Ride through their, and notice how your phone will no longer say you're in Brownsville. It will switch location to Reid Hope King, Tx.

Anonymous said...

If this is true, then they should fire the city secretary. Incompetence!

Anonymous said...

BobbyWC, as regular and as futile as a clock in an empty house, showed up once or twice a week.


Anonymous said...

Republican Greg Abbott demonized the victims of the Texas shooting. It says a lot about why the GOP loves guns

The GOP base has embraced white nationalist conspiracy theories — and they don't care if immigrants get murdered

Anonymous said...

Wow! The thing is isn't Tallowood surrounded by the CITY OF BROWNSVILLE? If it is then she is eligible.

She pays taxes to her business, WHICH IS IN BROWNSVILLE.

I also think it is ironic that this is coming out now so close to election time.

What needs to come out is how corrupt the incumbents running for candidacy are!

Stanton is part of Brownsville.

This woman is the better choice because the rest are all inappropriate criminals who continue to steal from the city while treating law abiding citizens like criminals! I know a lot of unsavory people and sometimes I will be seen with them.
That doesn't make me unsavory.
It just means I don't discriminate.

Anonymous said...

With the people who have paid to be on your wall, makes it clear where you stand. It is clear you want Tetreau to win.

That is clear. if that were not the case there would be other people on there.

BobbyWC said...

So I have learned with her Birthday anyone can get her voter registration. based on a Houston case is should say ETJ, which means she can vote but not be a candidate.

BTW where I wrote "spit on" I meant to say "spot on." At this time there is no legal remedy. After the election and the numbers are final, about a week from Tuesday, if either person in the run-off can show the true outcome cannot be determined the judge can toss the election and we start from square one without Stanton, But to prove this a run-off candidate must show had they received at least 50% of Stanton's vote they would have had 50.1% of the vote, then they can challenge the result. If they cannot, a suit will change nothing. And we move forward. but if is in fact Stanton was not qualified the City Commission needs to fire the city secretary and manager immediately.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Its a confession in public that the D.A. will do nothing, but if a borrachine crosses or jay walks he is instantly arrested. The "Borracho Unit", a recently organized (similar to scorpion )will jump on the guilty party on the spot and a palisa (beating for you cocos)will insue.
There will be cocktail parties galore over by the rich and famous silk section "sic" of this RATA city and will continue until one of them is arrested and plastic handcuffs are placed.
new meaning of mostachon = (pussy), but only in this RATA city..

like muskies he hires from el norte
y aqui que?

Anonymous said...

@8:24 PM

BobbyWC writes "spit on".

It should be "Spot on," you imbecile!!!!

May God damn you.

Anonymous said...

line up all the rich and famous and tell them I will give any of you a million dollar if you are an honest person, step up. NOT ONE WILL DO THAT FACT........


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People don't become successful overnight. What most people see at a glance - wealth, a great career, purpose - is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life.

BobbyWC said...

This morning a Jennifer supporter called me with a bizarre conspiracy theory. I challenged her as to why Jennifer was not addressing the issue on her FB page. Well she just did and is claiming the city changed the rules after first taking down the city web page. An edit is an edit, you do not have to close the web page. She does not say what the change was, but the law is the law. Just because the city may have not known the law does not change the law. All she has to do is post her voter registration card which will say ETJ or not. The city has made mistakes on the maps before.

Bobby WC

BobbyWC said...

So I went for coffee, someone took down her signs on Boca Chica. I live near the airport.

But I challenged her to post her voter registration card so we can see if it says ETJ, and she deleted my comment. I made clear the city maps cannot be trusted and that is why she should post her voter registration card. The fact she deleted my request proves when cornered she will no be transparent or honest.

I do not believe any lawsuit will change anything. The runoff is there is one will be Jessica and John.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

el pelon started all this bs. why, stands to gain, wants more land thats what gringos go after - land, they've done it before and will continue to do so in the future. The name of this RATA city came from the commander at the fort he was promised to have this RATA city named for him if he just kept quiet. Look around and you see his answer. Everything is owned by the RATA gringos.
They are starting to sell parcels of 5,10, 15 patches of their stolen lands to meskins at astronomical figures and have place a few on their RATA board.
They do this cause now they need the money they can't figure how to make more money and to steal is no longer allowed los rinches are not interested anymore. FACT

Anonymous said...

Dont waste your time voting for Mayor, Brownsville politics are and have been corrupted for years. These bozos are only interested on getting rich at taxpayers expense. The poor gets poorer and the rich richer. We are now more corrupted than Mexico, unfortunately.

BobbyWC said...

I do not know the truth on the ETJ issue. She is refusing to post her voter registration card which should say ETJ if she is ETJ. It is so bad she posted a bunch of county commissioner maps to show she is not ETJ as to Brownsville. I live in district 2 and have for 12 years. her district 2 map which is for the county, has me nowhere near district 2.

If her voter registration card does not say ETJ then then entire issue is up in the air. It will up to Remi to work out and to request an immediate AG opinion if need be. If she is ETJ she just needs to withdraw and put the blame on the city secretary for approving her to be on the ballot. That protects her, and gives her a good argument for the immediate firing of the city manager.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

This is PERFECT.
A mayor who doesn’t live here
Chief of Staff positions that don’t exist
City officials openly supporting another candidate (lending your position/person is odd to this dummy). Maybe BWC knows the rules.

Anonymous said...

I would't give a bucket of piss for any of these individuals

BobbyWC said...

Jennifer is claiming she is in precinct 82. No one is saying she cannot vote, the issue is she cannot hold office. This interactive map shows precinct 82 is in ETJ location. She needs to protect herself and show this proves just how incompetent the city secretary office really is when they approved her application.

Anonymous said...

it is interesting that NOW it is an issue when it was not an issue when she signed up. This should have been caught OUT OF THE GATE!

Shouldn't someone have caught this sooner IF IT WAS A PROBLEM?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's the big, when there's a candidate that can pose a danger the another candidate, that no good for nothing can candidate is going to put another candidate to spit the vote. Nothing new in Brownsville. Jessica is dingbat and a lier and an experience jailhouse veteran. A Husband beater and good wino with jail time video. The 4 rats running for mayor are all a joke. But look at the record? Jessica has the most time as a commissioner but hides her stupidity and doesn't remember anything about Tanaska? Kiss ass Jessica for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer agree to disagree, pos ni modo jennifer it was a good run or try, next time do you homework girl, since you live in the county so run for sheriff, jo county judge or county commissioner, plenty of lana and opportunities there to just ask sofie mata benavides , joey lopez , david garza or gus ruiz or eddie trevino, muncha lana girlfirend. animo

Anonymous said...

Who is responsible for vetting the candidate applications. That individual should lose their job.

Anonymous said...

Attention: Bobby "never right" Wightman

Once an election begins, a challenge to the candidacy of an individual becomes moot. See Polk v. Davidson, 145 Tex. 200, 196 S.W.2d 632, 634 (Tex. 1946) ("[W]hen the time comes that the issues cannot be heard and a final judgment entered adjudging the validity or invalidity of the nominee's certificate so that absentee ballots can be printed and available to voters as and when required by statute, the contest is moot and must be dismissed."); see also Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tex. 620, 119 S.W.2d 91, 92 (Tex. 1938); Bejarano v. Hunter, 899 S.W.2d 346, 352 (Tex. App.—El Paso 1995, orig. proceeding); Law v. Johnson, 826 S.W.2d 794, 797 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1992, no writ); Smith v. Crawford, 747 S.W.2d 938, 940 (Tex. App.—Dallas 1988, orig. proceeding).

In re Uresti, 377 S.W.3d 696, 696 (Tex. 2012)

The separation of powers doctrine is related to mootness. See Abbott v. Mex. Am. Leg. Caucus, Tex. House of Representatives, 647 S.W.3d 681, 689 (Tex. 2022). A case is moot when a justiciable controversy does not exist between the parties or when the parties do not have a legally cognizable interest in the outcome. See id.; Heckman v. Williamson County, 369 S.W.3d 137, 162 (Tex. 2012). Courts lack subject-matter jurisdiction to decide a moot controversy. Tex. Dep't of Fam. & Protective Servs. v. N.J., 644 S.W.3d 189, 192 (Tex. 2022). In general, a challenge to the electoral process will be considered moot when the validity of the alleged error cannot be finally determined in time for the error to be corrected or, stated otherwise, for the requested task to be substantially accomplished by election officials. See, e.g., In re Uresti, 377 S.W.3d 696, 696 (Tex. 2012) (orig. proceeding) (per curiam) ("Once an election begins, a challenge to the candidacy of an individual [**10] becomes moot."); Polk v. Davidson, 145 Tex. 200, 196 S.W.2d 632, 634 (Tex. 1946) ("[W]hen the time comes that the issues cannot be heard and a final judgment entered adjudging the validity or invalidity of the nominee's certificate so that absentee ballots can be printed and available to voters as and when required by statute, the contest is moot and must be dismissed."); Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tex. 620, 119 S.W.2d 91, 91-92 (Tex. 1938) (orig. proceeding) ("Under the law absentee balloting has begun," thus, "[t]he election therefore is already in progress, and no order which this court might enter [*50] could be effective at this late date to govern such election."); Sterling v. Ferguson, 122 Tex. 122, 53 S.W.2d 753, 761 (Tex. 1932) (per curiam) ("The courts generally follow the rule that where no date when the authority of a court or other body for exercising a special jurisdiction shall cease, then that it does cease when any judgment which might be entered by the court would become moot—that is to say, when any right which might be determined by the judicial tribunal could not be effectuated in the manner provided by law."); Salazar v. Gonzales, 931 S.W.2d 59, 60 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi—Edinburg 1996, no writ) ("An election contest becomes moot, and the issues no longer justiciable, when a final judgment adjudging the validity or invalidity of a candidate's certificate of nomination is not entered in time for election officials to comply with the statutory deadlines [**11] for preparing and conducting the general election, or when absentee balloting has begun during the pendency of the appeal."); see also Garmon v. Tolbert, 614 S.W.3d 190, 194 (Tex. App.—Tyler 2020, pet. denied); In re Nat'l Republican Cong. Comm., 608 S.W.3d 544, 547-48 (Tex. App.—Austin 2020, orig. proceeding).

In re Cty. of Hidalgo, 655 S.W.3d 44, 49-50 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 2022, no pet. h.)

Anonymous said...

maps are used only to get away from something that is not good for your ass.
