Thursday, June 22, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Call it the case of the whitewashed Pride colors. No one knows who first used Elon Musk monies to paint it, and then someone else came and painted over it. An "investigation" is now underway to find out whodunit in both instances. Obviously, there is some major dispute among certain factions in the city. But finding out whodunit should be easy given our $500,000 camera surveillance system. 

What is it about local art that incites this kind of response from some quarters? The traffic would have erased the bright colors in no time. We have a feeling that this will continue to degenerate and poison the toxic political environment as time goes on.)


Anonymous said...

Jĵjjjjjjjjjjjjj better color and cheaper from the fea market paint shop

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Queers think highly of themselves. They should just maintain as low a profile as possible, in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

And in front of the old fire station of all places! Where many men have slept under the same roof together.

Anonymous said...

We are an all inclusive city. There are several voted in prominent leaders in our city who proudly identify a gay. There is nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

it's bad, amateurish art, Guey!

why beat around the mulberry bush?

Anonymous said...

End qualified immunity! All law enforcement personnel must be held accountable JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!!!


Anonymous said...

‘Catastrophic Implosion’ Suspected in Submersible Tragedy

sometime in the future there will be an implosion at city hall, no wait, at all the toilets at city hall.

Anonymous said...

Rainbow coalition?

Anonymous said...

Be careful of groups of people you hate or bully ,because it may be someone you love. Peace

Anonymous said...

I say can the City of Brownsville paint:

animals in a crossing
Christmas scenes
shopping bags
welcome signs

it will be great to have all this around the city

KBRO said...

God is alive and well in the hearts and minds of His church which is His people. Don't expect local church leaders to speak against the celebration of sinful PRIDE. Or will we hear what the Bishop has to say about it. No one is bullying lovers of PRIDE. People are rejecting EVIL - that is all.

Anonymous said...

Can you paint the crosswalks pink during the Month of October?

Can you paint them orange, white during January?

Purple for Autism?

Blue for Child Abuse?

Anonymous said...

Can you paint the crosswalks pink during the Month of October?

Can you paint them orange, white during January?

Purple for Autism?

Blue for Child Abuse?

Anonymous said...

Can the City of Brownsville explain all this before doing this type of paintings? So this probably went to the Commissioners and this was approved but they did not inform the residents of Brownsville. This created this confusion. It is actually a good idea to give PIZZAZZ to downtown.

Involve the Beautification Committee and all will run smoothly.

Brownsville needs to look pretty, clean and nice.

Also make 14 th Street pretty. It has cantinas....that is amazing. Cantinas are historical places. Put banners, paint crosswalks, put planters, etc Put a platform/show for the mariachis to play outdoors !!! More people will go just to listen to the mariachis and drink aguas frescas.

Anonymous said...

Russian flag colors. communist amongst us.

Anonymous said...

Faggots for Biden!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville needs a PRIDE parade.
It will be awesome to see all the people participating in the parade: children, clergy, adults, leaders

When you see the large number of participants, keep in mind that not all of them were participating.

THERE ARE A LOT OF LGBTQ people in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Daum they put that next to the fire station, old school firemen are definitely rolling in there graves . There are some in fire service but tattoo angry lesbos.

Anonymous said...

Inspector Gadget:

This was an inside job.

They didn't throw paint on the rainbow, they painted it with a paint roller!

I think whoever did this, wanted to expose the bigots in town and show the self hating commissioner in office(ROY DE LAS CHANCLAS) who now identifies as OPENLY gay because it got him the commissioner's seat and all sorts of bank from Elon Musk.

Chancla BOY deceivingly won the hearts of the local LGBT community with his lies and hypocrisy.

Get on the case, Inspector Gadget!

Anonymous said...

If eldelasprietas is any indication, it is clear this was an inside job.

It seems that he is not the only one who has shitty misconceptions about LGBT people. Some of those people with those shitty misconceptions work for the city!

He can take comfort in knowing that he is not alone in his thinking and hatred.

There is enough hypocrisy and hate in Brownsville for everyone. Just look at the Chick Fil A lines. LOL

Someone said something about beautifying Brownsville. I think 14th street needs to be beautified. Who is in charge of that district?

Fly the Pride flags out there and color their sidewalks and make the area pretty. It will bring a lot to the area. That side of town needs it!

Anonymous said...

We have Memorial day and Veterans day but we have national gay MONTH? Something is terrible wrong with our society.

Anonymous said...

(Fly the Pride flags out there and color their sidewalks and make the area pretty. It will bring a lot to the area. That side of town needs it!)

Well you sure sound like you love taking it up the ying yang, dude. And I'm right, huh? LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Gays have your say but dont expect everyone to go along., the biggest problem I see here is that they spent $3,500 dollars on a couple of cans of paint and 2hrs of labor that some bullchit DeloSantos and his gang already looking greedy.Looks like they want in on the cookies that tax payers provide were watching you!!

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2023 at 7:41 AM
Are you suggesting que la catorce needs jotos? I don't think so. What la catorce needs is MORE beer joints not jotos. pendejo/a or bothinthesamebody!!

Anonymous said...

PONGAN OTRO ROUND Y YO LO PAGO!!! Ay, yo ya no quiero pero si quiero mas choriso con papas...

future conversation at a catorce beer joint.

Anonymous said...


June 24, 2023 at 1:27 PM

I have a question for you, with respect.

I read that if GOD/JESUS was here on EARTH at this moment, he will be the number one protector of the LGBTQ community?

My brother says that in the BIBLE it says it is a sin.

Another question? When you want to hurt a person, you accuse them of being LGBTQ? Why? A rumor like that can not be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Its easy to claim hate if you disagree with the alphabet folks. No sean panochones.

Anonymous said...

State requires certain colors are on;y allowed on road and streets, is the City of Brownsville breaking the law? where is the new city manager or the asst city manager? whos driving the city bus now? any one or nobody or somebody? I told you folks that helen city manager aint cutting it. oh well no one cares.

Anonymous said...


Would you rather this be done in Las Prietas right in front of Garden Park Elementary? I bet YOU would love that seeing as you are so LGBT+ FRIENDLY! I don't know. Maybe you are and don't realize it.

But I do think there is a slight- VERY SLIGHT -point to what you are saying.

While the city is painting the streets with the rainbow and flying the pride flag, there are still pot holes, crime, police corruption, STREETS THAT NEED RESURFACING, etc. and that is something that desperately needs to be addressed ALL OVER TOWN including LAS PRIETAS!


OUR MONEY!!! WE ARE THEIR BOSSES!!! So be a boss and get then to work!

IT ISN'T MUCH they are getting paid but, that is not free money. They are not getting paid to sit on their asses and smile! NO smile or as is worth $40K. Cowan's smile is DEFINITELY NOT WORTH $40K.

They have to work for it. That is why they were elected TO SERVE THE CITY not because they were popular. ELDELASPRIETAS, it may not be a bad idea to show up at the commission meetings and let them know they have to work for you and me.


I hope you find your way to a commission meeting and provide your two cents. You have some pretty good things to say.

Maybe our city commission needs to prioritize. The rainbow flag and the sidewalk were nice but it is LITERALLY THE VERY LEAST THING YOU CAN DO. There are real problems within the city that also need to be addressed!

It's like wearing a US flag pin and flying a flag after 9/11 rather than providing medical attention, cleaning up the debris and searching for survivors/bodies and getting them treated.

There are streets that need to be resurfaced in Brownsville.
There are potholes that need to be covered and there need to be LESS proclamations by the city commission until there are real issues resolved especially the police corruption.

Those guys are bullies and thugs with badges and that is not what they are there for. They are supposed to SERVE AND PROTECT ALL BROWNSVILLE RESIDENTS. Do you feel served and protected when they are abusing victims like Bekah Hinojosa and that Yolanda chick with the dog they stole?

The pride flag and the rainbow paint are really like bread and circuses fed to Romans right before the fall of the Roman Empire.
It's like that song out of BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS... OOOHHHH I LIKE TO DO THE LITTLE SIDESTEP! The rainbow flag and the paint on the sidewalk are the sidestep, while the city is falling apart!

Brownsville is an inclusive city but in order to be a WELCOMING CITY, we need to CLEAN UP the city, make repairs and clean house with the police department as well as our city government.

TOO MUCH CORRUPTION!!! SAQUEN LAS RATAS....PINCHES MAMONES. DEJA DE CHUPAR CABRONES. Ya no hay más chiche hasta que se pongan a trabajar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(it may not be a bad idea to show up at the commission meetings and let them know they have to work for you and me.)

10-4 good buddy.


KBRO said...

"I read that if GOD/JESUS was here on EARTH at this moment, he will be the number one protector of the LGBTQ community?"

That is true because every single one of us has the opportunity to enter heavenby accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior so yes, that includes LGBT+.

Satan is the only one sentenced to an eternity in hell. He is in heaven now...chained... but will be released upon the world to take as many of us as he can with him.

So - the good news is we ALL get to go to heaven. The bad news is that some of us will be kicked out after judgement. Now that you have received the good news you know you can serve only one God and that is thrue Christ Jesus!

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Who really cares! All this is, is promoting homosexuality! Don't force this sick demented beliefs on those who don't agree with it!

Anonymous said...

Mariconville texas 7854141

Anonymous said...

The Fire dept keeps hiring females who can't fight fires or pick up ladders etc. and if you give them an order all of a sudden they want to be helpless little girls and go to HR and complain harassment while being in subordinate. I say some are cool but some are always angry temper(Mental) lesbians always playing victim.They want equal rights thats ok then take them off the Ambulances where they hide and in get in some real SHIT!!

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2023 at 11:46 AM

Females are smart. Good for them. Get paid like men and do a firewomen calendar to raise funds for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Good job... the QUEERS think they can shove their DEVIANT and PERVERTED behavior down the 99% of us that don’t engage in this SICK behavior.
