Monday, September 18, 2023



Anonymous said...

If the economy is so great why do almost half of credit card holders (46 percent) carry debt from month to month, according to a recent Bank rate survey. That’s up from 39 percent a year ago. Day-to-day expenses are the second most common explanation for credit card debt. This category is especially relevant in the current climate since just about everything costs a lot more these days. Even though inflation has started to ease somewhat, grocery prices are still up almost 12 percent over the past year and shelter costs 7.5 percent more, per the latest Consumer Price Index.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are you on food stamps, Montoya? You're out of touch with people who work for a living. Everything has gone up in cost. You and the majority of the left wing media are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.

Anonymous said...

September 18, 2023 at 9:32 AM
racist republican don't like meskins can you read pinche mojado, y mamon, pinche coco

Anonymous said...

Yes, everything has gone up - food, gas, rent, etc., But no one mentions wages. How about asking our dear hot wheels governor for a wage hike? Why does he, like most Republican politicians, not raise the Texas Minimum Wage which is a measly $7.25 which has been in existence since June 2009? Governor Perry and Abbott have been the worse governors for our state. It is not about the people they represent. It is about how much the governorship can make them wealthier. They both lack empathy for Texans who are barely making it. How about starting there and raising questions to all Texas Senators and Texas House of Representatives. Other states have companies that have upped their wages because they know and care about their employees. Texan politicians are not hurting financially but their constituents are and NADA is being corrected. So before you blame Biden, place the blame in your state. These Texas politicians should all be ousted. Not a one cares about Texans facing so many obstacles in their lives. It is ridiculous that this allowed to continue in our rich State of Texas where so many large corporations/companies have to moved to and where so many employees can work and make enough wages to sustain themselves and their families.

Anonymous said...

Looks more like trumputo going down watch your step.
right wingnut idiotas

Anonymous said...

"Soaring Biden economy". You are the personification of fake news Montoya.
You are the same as the government official who said "Inflation is transitory".
Gas is way more expensive than in the prior administration.
Inflation is way higher than in the prior administration.
Interest rates are way higher than in the prior administration.

Report facts not woke propaganda.

Cant wait for this senile and corrupt old fart to get out of office.

Y Hunter apa??? Can't find the word "Hunter" in your blog.

Anonymous said...

H U N T E R B I D E N !!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you stupid Democrats. Beacause of you and your hate for Trump we now have this senile old Biden, fucking up the U.S. of A. Keep telling yourselves everything is OK under Biden, while everytime you pump gas for double the price, and buy anything for double the price. Yeah, this is what your hate for Trump did. Congratulations! Open your wallets pendejos! Your hate for Trump, created this.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to just ask for pay raises. But pay raises have consequences. At the end of the day the consumer ends up paying for those raises. Take McDonalds as an example, when they raised their employees salaries they automatically increased the cost of their goods. Now I have to pay more for a burger. The employees at these fast food restaurants didn't get smarter or become more responsible because of the raise. They remain dumb, lazy and irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of September 19, 2023 at 6:22AM -I don't how old you are but apparently your age shows that you have not lived long enough. You perhaps have not figured out that many people do not have your wealth, education or the necessities in order to survive daily. Not everyone can obtain a degree and be able to get a great paying job like you! These employees are doing the best they can do to survive. Why would you call them dumb, lazy and irresponsible? Maybe this is all they can accomplish. You are definitely a Republican - lack empathy for your fellow man. Hopefully, you are not a Christian because you lack quite a bit of qualities that a person of God should value. I suggest you reevaluate your life before criticize persons that do not live in a wealthy lifestyle like you!

Anonymous said...

If an employer feels that you are worth more than minimum wage, he/she/it will pay more. You can make yourself worth more by showing up on time and not dragging your ass for starters.

Anonymous said...

September 18, 2023 at 9:42 PM

If you are a meskin remember racist republicans don't like brown people, blacks and asians. If you fall within these categories you are cooked idiota. Lambiscon y mamon. Even if you are a RATA still you are an ethnic they will convict your ass, you are not paxton, paxton is gringo pendejo. If trump wins the first thing you should do is pack your tiliches and get the hell out of USofAnglos. moron!

Anonymous said...

September 19, 2023 at 6:22 AM

don't insult my hotdog/hamburger chefs. they do great things for all customers. Their food is fresh tasty and cheap. Go to stripes and get two day old hotdogs/hamburgers. Yukkkk

Anonymous said...

It is called the cost of living. I can remember the price of evaporated milk being .15 in 1977. I can definitely recall gas being .86 in 1986. I am very happy that Trump is not our president. As a matter of fact even if he were our president the price of things would have gone up.

This next election the young,18 to 35 year olds, will decide who will lead our country. It is time for another young John F. Kennedy. The dinosaurs need to be sent off.

Things have changed.

Anonymous said...

How many times have you visited a fast food restaurant and was greeted with a smile and a thank you? How many times have you had to repeat your order numerous times? How many times did you get home and realize the order you were given was incorrect? How many times have you visited these restaurants and noticed that the employees were busy messing around instead of paying attention to their job? I'm not saying that everyone employed in these establishments are all the same. I am sure there are some intelligent, responsible and hard working people but they are few and far between. These jobs were not intended to be career jobs. These jobs were originally for students working their way through college. Bottom line not everyone is worth $15 an hour. Our government needs to let employers decide what they want to pay. Our economy is so great according to Democrats that it shouldn’t be hard for people to find other types of employment.

Anonymous said...

wasn't one of the presidents a fast food restaurant window clerk?
