Monday, December 18, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If you can believe this, the Brownsville Police Department chief and Ass. City Manager Felix Sauceda has more problems than Sheriff Eric Garza over at Cameron County.

Just recently one of his lieutenants was caught sleeping with a police academy cadet, a serious transgression. And what does Sauceda do? Would you believe covered up the story and moved him to another division while the whole thing goes away?

Well there might be a problem with that. See the police academy is considered an educational facility, meaning that the educator/student laws apply. If the officer was sleeping with a police academy cadet, then he should face charges for violating the educator/student laws. Teachers get arrested all the time, so why should a police lieutenantbe exempt?

He is considered one of the administrators in charge of the academy, so we're pretty sure it applies. 

Well, moving on to another lieutenant (and we all know who) recently got shot in the ass and the story he gave is that it was self-inflicted by accident. But after after thinking about it he changed his story twice.  Something was very fishy there. The story around the PD is the officer's wife found out he was sleeping with another female officer and shot him during a domestic disturbance, but it’s has not been confirmed

The Lt. and his wife tried to cover up the shooting by initially claiming that one of their children had accidentally shot him. The Texas Rangers had to step in and investigate and determined that it was the lieutenant’s wife who shot him. He has since resigned the same week after the truth came out following the interviews by the Rangers.

Stories like that shouldn’t be kept from the public.

Next, Sauceda took it upon himself to punish all the supervisors that were on duty the day that San Benito police officer was killed. He claims that supervisors neglected their duties by not getting involved in another agencies pursuit. 

Yet, he knows damn well that the norm at PD is not to allow officers to get involved in pursuits to avoid any legal liability. But if if you’re going to punish people, you should start with yourself Felix. The buck stops here and you are the person responsible for what happens in that department and should be responsible for any wrongdoing that your supervisors are accused of doing, not to mention neglecting the police department and the safety of citizens. 

You created all that mess going on at PD with your inattention by trying to work two jobs. That, and  reducing the number of officers on patrol, allowed those who killed the officer to roam the streets of Brownsville in a stolen truck and with weapons. 

So if you’re going to blame someone for all the chaos at PD, maybe you should blame yourself and do everyone a favor and resign, as you're proving to be a worthless police chief or supervisor. What's more, you always were and always will be. 

Oh, and you couldn’t take care of your other pal (you know who that is, don't you?) who is sleeping with all the female cops and any other girl who gets in his way. We had to write it here in the Sheriff Garza story because Montoya loves Sauceda and won’t write anything negative about him. 

But hopefully people will learn about all the incidents being covered up by the chief in an attempt to keep himself looking like he's doing a good job. The hell with that, Felix.


Anonymous said...

an idea who the Lt.was?

Anonymous said...

Having more problems that Eric "dumb" Garza? Those are some serious allegations

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brownsville Police Dept. It must be extremely difficult doing your jobs in a city completely full of uneducated morons!

Anonymous said...

Sexville tx 78520

Anonymous said...

Brownsville PD problems start with some of the supervisors are pussies and they cannot set the example for the lower ranks then they should get demoted. Starting with lazy fat body unit #275 call him dude and his pussy gets hurt.

Anonymous said...

Swinger PD, I mean Brownsville PD,back at it again..

Anonymous said...

Wow, so i guess the next police chief is going to be that drunk, el Mamalouie De Leon? I hope whoever does get to be new chief get's rid of that lambiscon. Hopefully your days of sucking up to the chief are over, as well as el Dell Tech Avendano..... Your days are numbered.

Anonymous said...

am I being detained? is that a lawful order? can I talk to you supervisor? am I free to go if yes than I am free to stay! what is your name and your badge number? this is a public place? I can have and I can do anything I want in a public area as long as I am not breaking the law! Sex is NOT against the law. am I detained?

Anonymous said...

when did this occur that the Lt. got shot?

Anonymous said...

Substance abuse?

Anonymous said...

The lieutenant is special needs looking Carlos Zamorano and his side chick is big nose Nancy, Mamalouie's side chick. For the "chief" claiming to be better than God himself, he sure does do a good job of posting Facebook pictures for ANYTHING he does, but for this? Will he be posting a facebook picture to brag about all his supervisors?
So has the auto theft problem been cleaned up yet? Or is it still a problem that he is also going to keep from the public?
Oh no wait, he going to pose on Facebook with the kids at the movie theater......

Anonymous said...

If this story and all past stories and rumors are true of Saucedas administration and out of control chaos at Brownsville PD, then why is he still employed???? And even worse-the COB rewards this guy with an assistant city managers position. What’s happening here, how is this possible??? And this is supposed to be one in charge of PROTECTING AND SERVING our community??? Are we and our children supposed to feel safe when our police department is in disarray?? COB officials, you have the responsibility/duty to look into this alleged cesspool and fix it !!! Lives may depend on this.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Trouble Brewing in Brown Town!
Making Brownsville Police Part Time Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda leave a Brown stain inhis panties!
As He allowed Bullying, Hazing,Harassment and sexual Harassment against two female cadets.
The Training Lieutenant who was making advancements on one of the females later had her fired. The patrol Cmdr who was also aware of the on going problems looked the other way and did nothing...but claimed thats what The Chief had ordered.
While the remaining female cadet was under heavy harassment by the Training Lieutenant, Training (female) Sgt and all of the training instructors at the Brownsville Police Department Westside center.
..Stay Tuned for More details coming soon.

Anonymous said...

La ropa sucia se lava en casa

Anonymous said...

That Lt that got shot in the ass is fortunate that his wife did not hit his pilongo.

Marriage is rough but if you can't keep your dipper in your fruit bowl don't even go there. Would the man like it if his wife would go looking for another dipper? This is how marriage becomes bitter.

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda, the ex-cheerleader from Porter high school has no reason to be running a police department. This arrogant "look at me", "look at me" POS has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Did he tell anyone about the famous SWAT storage room?
This guy thinks he is God almighty himself, but most officers can't respect the guy. To think that the Sheriff is doing a better job!
I still say that special needs guy that does parody songs for Erasmo Castro, health department Art "la marrana negra" Rodriguez or Tad Hasse's stinky moccasins would make a better police chief!

Anonymous said...

Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

Anonymous said...

power, beauties, big flirts, married, single, stress, money, criminals, emotions, trust: all the ingredients to create chaos in a police department

The police officers that have relationships on the job, are very brave.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the doughnuts?

Anonymous said...

Folks dont worry about it, much ado about nothing, as we all know City administration and city commission will cover up all of this, Helen ramirez will definitely NOT DO A THING ABOUT IT EITHER.

Anonymous said...

the war department of the cob ready for war with any barrio.

Anonymous said...

Like when late Ben neece was smoking a fattie and spouse stabbed him?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the LT was being assaulted by the female perpetrator and his wife shot to defend him but ended up missing the target

Charges dropped
Crime of passion

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Calderon, you’re PD is coming for you, just a matter of time, they know where to find you. They like to blast people on their social media and they think it’s funny, well ive got news for you chief/city manager sauceda, crime is not funny. You've allowed crime to spike out of control in the city but if there’s one thing you can control, is the ability to do the right thing. You know that charges should be brought against any officers involved in that sexual harassment going on in the police academy. All officers involved, especially if they knew and did nothing, like that worthless female sgt assigned to training division. Moving them to another division is not enough. Your department has been exposed and enough with the cover ups and start making people accountable for their actions. We are not going to let this one slide. Do the right thing, i know youre corrupt but you need to do the right thing

Anonymous said...

Woe be unto you little gym rat elf with a crooked mouth. You hate on santa and the northpole cuz you couldnt work with stolen sleighs anymore. Always a hateful and shitty elf that couldnt get along with other elves. Not even the reindeer could stand or understand you.

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2023 at 4:32 PM

What a way to end 2023, with good marriage counseling advice and specialized vocabulary related to love and marriage.

Juan Montoya: you have such talent (communicators, philosophers ) among your 4 or 6 subscribers.

Anonymous said...

Two things how come the shooting did not come out on the news and second so si mi vieja me pesca por andar de puto y me plomea no hay pedo y si yo la pesco por andar de puta y la plomeo no hay pedo.Pos ni pedo a la chingada con Family Vilolence

Anonymous said...

So will she be charged?
Onta el DA?!

Anonymous said...

Corruption continues if they hire within. Bring an outsider for chief of police no one should be promoted from the department. They are here to serve and protect the city.

Anonymous said...

Sad for the City. Not enough cops on the streets to protect and serve. They are all busy riding the BPD married bicycle. Everyone gets a turn. And what about all the work from home sanchas. Why are female officers working as clerks from home and getting paid for being a peace officer. Even worse they are allowed to get overtime where all actual cops on the beat have to get hours changed to do dumb events and are not allowed the overtime. WTF.
Plus the bicycle and her lover Mamalouie share the same office and romance on City time behind closed doors. What a shame. Yes BPD is going down the toilet with all these turds.

Anonymous said...

Cops, they spread their legs 12 feet apart, why? they keep their hands inside that anti nuclear vest why? they are all painted in BLACK, chones are pink, why? when you see three or more cops around a toilet room they are backups for the one taking a crap, why? They dress ready for WAR why? They go around and make presentations at all kindergarden schools and scare the kids shitless, why???

Anonymous said...

You got the pic right. He is a chango with a degree. Vindictive peace of shit
