Sunday, May 26, 2024


By Jose F. Rodriguez

Quid Pro Quo - The White House is for Sale!

‘Quid Pro Quo’ is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favor for a favor", per se.

Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat,, "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", and "one hand washes the other”.

Last month in April, Donald Trump, at a fundraiser dinner with more than 20 Oil Company executives from Chevron, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum and various other fossil fuel concerns, offered them an offer they can’t refuse.

Trump offered them $110 billion in tax breaks and promised the oil executives that he would reverse all of President Biden’s environmental protections.

All oil companies had to do was donate/pony up $1 billion to his re-election campaign. Trump called it a ‘‘Good Deal’ because the oil companies would receive over ten times more than the $1 billon donation.

Trump has already asked the oil industry and their lobbyists to help draft his environmental agenda and to have the Executive Orders that would roll back Biden’s mandates on clean energy and electric vehicles ready on day one for his signature if re-elected. Remember the high gas prices we paid in 2020-2023? In year 2023, ExxonMobil and Chevron reported their biggest annual profits in a decade.

Three of the largest oil and gas producers reported combined profits of $85.6 billion in 2023. ExxonMobil reported $36 billion, while Chevron reported $21.4 billion. Shell’s reported profits were down from 2022 but still reflected the second-largest profits in a decade.

Remember the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the Democrats and panned/criticized by the Republicans as money giveaways? Truth be told, oil companies received hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in new financial incentives to help oil companies to expand their carbon-reducing technologies.

Oil companies have actually already started their diversification into renewables. They have shifted to renewables for sustainability and market changes. Their investment into renewables like wind, solar, biofuels, and hydrogen have increased over the years.

In fact, The Inflation Reduction Act resulted in record investment in solar, wind and the sale of EV car sales. Texas leads the United States in wind power production and is second in solar power productions as of 2023.

It is common knowledge that Trump is a transactional type of person. His first questions are always “What is in it for me? What do I get out of this?”

It is ironic that Trump is accusing President Biden as the enemy of the oil companies. When, in fact, the United States has become the highest Domestic Oil Producer this year. Per the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the United States produced 13 million barrels on average per day (MPD). This made the United States the world’s largest oil producer.

A new Trump Administration would be protecting polluter’s interest and not the health of the public or the environment. A new Trump Administration will have the oil industry writing the exact language they want to protect their own oil interests instead of the interest of the American people. Isn’t that nice of Trump to take care of his donors first?

Trump and the Republicans would be selling out you and me and all the hard working families to the oil/fossil fuel companies. Oil companies will get their huge tax breaks and record profits while consumers/taxpayers get the proverbial shaft, again.

On top of billions in existing special tax subsidies, Trump’s 2017 tax cut law handed the Big Oil Industry a nearly $15 billion windfall and opening up new tax loopholes. Trump’s Tax Scam Hands Billions to Biwwg Oil as Gas Prices for Working Families Soared in 2018

In his rally speeches Trump blames President Biden for increased energy costs linking them to inflation and higher interest rates. What people need to understand is that the President of the United States does NOT CONTROL the price of gasoline.

The price of gasoline is determined by the following factors: 1) Taxes 2) Distribution Costs 3) Marketing Costs 4) Refining Costs, and 5) Crude Oil Prices determine by Supply and Demand (The higher the demand, the higher the price). None of these factors are determine by the President of the United States. Oil shortages and price hikes have occurred under both Democratic and Republican Administrations.

During the COVID19 lockdown gas consumption was very low and oil companies were losing a lot of money. To help them out Trump conspired with Russia and the Saudis to reduce oil production and, in turn, increase gasoline prices.

Here is an April 2, 2020 tweet Trump send out where he bragged of conspiring with them.

And here is a video where he brags about how he saved the oil companies from losing too much money at the expense or you and I.

During the price hikes by oil companies, we were paying $4 to $5 a gallon of gasoline and Democrats in Congress introduced a Gas Price Anti-Gouging bill.

Introduced in Senate (03/24/2022) This bill prohibits any person from selling, during a proclaimed international crisis affecting the oil markets, gasoline at a price that (1) is unconscionably excessive, and (2) indicates that the seller is taking unfair advantage of the crisis to increase prices unreasonably.

Guess whose side the Republicans took? They took the side of the Oil Companies and against the consumers. Democrats voted 217 YES and 4 NO. Republicans (all) voted 203 NO and Zero YES.

Oil companies were jacking up oil prices while at the same time they were receiving $20 billion in taxpayer subsidies.

Republicans have become experts at GASLIGHTING. ‘Gaslighting’ is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

The reality is the oil companies are raking in billions in profits at the expense of the consumer struggling to pay our bills. If you blamed anyone else but the oil companies for their price gouging, then you’ve bought into the propaganda that hurts you and I more than anyone else.

In 2021, big fossil fuel companies received an $8.2 BILLION tax bailout. That same year twenty-five of the top oil and gas companies reported a combined $205 BILLION in profits. While we all suffer at the pumps, oil companies laughed all the way to the bank using the soaring profits for stock buybacks.

Another good example of ‘gaslighting’ is Trump telling the American public that President Biden has a mandate on electric vehicles. Trump lies that we will all be mandated to drive electric cars. That is a complete lie to scare the voters.

New Environmental Protection Agency rules require automakers to reduce emissions from ‘car tailpipes’. There is no mandate for Electric Vehicles (EV’s). I personally don’t want to own/drive an electric vehicle.

This is a quote that pretty much describes how Trump is selling out America. “Quid-Pro-Quo, Pay to Play, Bribery, you decide the label, the result is the same. Trump is selling the White house to the highest bidder, in this case it is the oil CEO’s.”

‘Inflation’ is an excuse that all big corporations are using for their CORPORATE GREED. They are raking in billions in profits and handing our billions in stock buybacks. If you vote for Trump, you will be rewarding corporate price gouging and profiteering against your own best interests.

On a final note, when Putin’s Russia sanctioned Canada, it barred leaders from all major parties, including conservative leaders.

But, when Putin’s Russia sanctioned the U.S., it barred DEMOCRATIC leaders ONLY. It didn’t name a single Republican leader.

Guess whose side Putin’s Russians are on!



Anonymous said...

as long as he satisfies his base, racist repubicans, and sent all ethics back to where he thinks they belong the racist republicans will vote for him. Nothing else matters, you listening COCOS MAMONES? YOU AIN'T WHITE YOU JUST THINK YOU ARE WHITE, nalgas priteas...

Anonymous said...

Nothing about Biden family receiving millions from foreign entities. Why is the price of gas higher now than when Trump was in charge? Who is the author here? Is he local?

Anonymous said...

FAKE NEWS!!! This is Montoya just being bias! No seas mamoncito Montoya! Deja de mamarle la verga a el atole brain Biden! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

May 26 at9:12 am the answer to your question is simple, gas prices under Trump were lower due to the pandemic. The majority of us were working from our homes except for job essential employees. By the way, Trump was largely responsible for the widespread and fast infection rate of Cov19 as he knew from the get go that Cov19 was a deadly disease but chose not to disclose it until it was too late according to his own words, so people wouldn't panic. Tens of thousands of people could have been saved if Trump had been honest from the start.

Anonymous said...

Not fake news my man. Trump actually had that dinner and offered that . Look it up , don’t fool yourself. The man is a full blown griifter and con man . He has done that all his life. And that would be his business if he did all that ilegal shit as a common citizen, but as president of the United States??? How can anyone support/endorse that ?? By the way, the price of gasoline worldwide is influenced by: 1. Crude oil prices. 2. Taxes( not property taxes) 3. Regional markets 4. Cost of production. 5.Refining costs 6. Distribution and marketing costs and basically THE LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Information is available LOOK IT UP. So its not up to BIDEN OR TRUMP OR OBAMA ETC. DONT BELIEVE ALL THE LIES AND HATRED , ITS CONSUMING YOUR THOUGHTS!! Wake up : This is the way Trump operates/ brainwashes !! Seriously, is this the way you all used to think before Trump came into the picture ??? THINK ABOUT IT!!

Anonymous said...

Corporate greed will continue in politics until all lobbyists are eliminated. Why don't democrats begin the process of eliminating lobbyist? They can start by eliminating all lobbyists connected to companies involved in the Green New Deal. Biden has put our country at risk by reducing our gas reserves to almost nothing. This was his plan to keep gas prices low for the consumer. He has strongly supported electric products putting oil production on the back burner. I just hope our country doesn’t get involved in any major conflict(s) where we will need oil. Or are there electric jets and tanks I haven’t heard about? Biden and his cronies are a bunch of liars and thieves. At least Trump and his family didn’t have to sell our country to China for millions of dollars. Be careful my friends. Break free from those chains of indoctrination. Learn to think again!

Anonymous said...

Tax breaks for the rich
That is what the Orange Stay Puffed Marshmallow has to offer the already rich companies and individuals
He is hoping to be elected so that he can shut down all his legals problems

Anonymous said...

To the democrat who donated his small brain to science. You're voting for Biden yet Biden much like Trump is white. So I guess that also makes you a COCO MAMON. ESTAS PERO BIEN PENDEJO. You should have kept your small brain instead of donating it to science so they could create a smarter ant.

Anonymous said...

Spokespersons for the oil industry have said many times that the price is driven by supply and demand. They call it market driven pricing and what it means is they will continue to raise the price of gasoline until people will no longer pay the price. When sells fall off they will lower the price. From time to time some external factor will come along that causes them to lower the price but that is the exception to the rule. I guess high gas prices can be seen as a sign of a strong economy because people have the means to purchase the fuel. When they reduce their travel so as to exclude recreational and noncompulsory travel and restrict it to things like the grocery store and work and when people start carpooling to their jobs and using high-occupancy lanes where they exist and otherwise using less gas the price will drop. Remember, oil companies are earning record profits as they gouge us for every penny they can get. I'm not smart enough to understand why we need to subsidize one of the most profitable industries that has ever been nor do I understand why we must give them free range to run roughshod over the environment. I wish I was smarter.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother, where was your yapping on Biden administration using an executive order (after the Supreme Court said no) given studen loan forgiveness. In order to appease the youth vote.

Where was your yapping on Biden administration using OUR Oil reserves (which he has already reduced significantly) to artificially lower fuel prices. Just because his polling is so bad, he’s trying to win votes

He’s doing so bad.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is not fake news. I wish it were.If you are voting for Trump you are selling your soul and environment for cheap gas and tacos.

Anonymous said...


GOP = Gas, Oil, Profits

Still don't realize that gasoline prices are dictated by OPEC and supply and demand? Try utilizing the internet for research instead of senseless babble.
Parroting redundant verbiage demonstrates your low IQ. You're not alone.
Another of the 7 readers loves to use the word "indoctrinate" every posting.
Impressive (not). I wonder how Jared Kushner is enjoying the 2 billion he received from the Saudis? Peace

Anonymous said...

F Trump, and all of his ass suckers.

Anonymous said...

Trump was still a better President.

Anonymous said...

"Quid-Pro-Quo", vote for me you racist rednecks and hillbillies and I'll sent all ethnics back to Mesco. quid-pro-quo!

specially those cocos that think they are white using white names and ARE NOT, I SAY, NOT WHITE!!!!! BACK TO MESCO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Viva Trump!!!!

Anonymous said...

May 26, 2024 at 9:13 AM

Jealous? like your mama? La mamona de las cantinas del downtown y la catorce bars. como le gusta prenderse, ya mama jotito...

Anonymous said...


not one application was submitted from all of the RGV, I wonder why????

feas o no feas?

Anonymous said...

Funny how all the Valley Demorats complain about big oil. Fact is 80% of the valley is employed by some company attached to energy or big oil. Oil fuels the valley like it or not hahaha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wake up people and realize what person Trumo really is. He's full of lies, hatred and malicious and a very disrespectful person. He has no business being the president again, he already had four years and failed miserably. Trump believed Putin instead of his own intelligence agencies, claims Putin is a genius for invading Ukraine and to make things better in Europe, he has publicly said that Putin can do whatever the hell he wants to any NATO country. He's a true threat to our democracy, January 6th 2021 was a prime example of the threat that he is to our democracy. Trump also refused to served during the Vietnam War not one but three times while his fellow Americans were being killed. All because of bone spurs, yeah right, I called that nothing but being a coward. He also called himself the "Law and order president " the events on January 6th proved the opposite.

Anonymous said...

@8:59 So mash potatoe brain is a better option! Hahahahahaha! Was Biden a military hero? No, because coward Biden received medical exemption because supposedly he had asthma that miraculously got healed! The asthma didn't stop him from playing football player in college, while Americans were being killed in Vietnam! Hahahahahaha! The soupy brain Biden Afghanistan withdrawal failure was a disaster where 13 US soldiers were killed. We also left behind billions of military weapons to the Talibans. Mushy brain Biden immigration failure is another reason we need to vote for Trump. Trump isn't the President, but he visited the border towns more than Atole brain Biden! Hahahahahaha! Not even the dead people who voted for Biden last election will be voting for him this time! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is the biggest liar of all. Have you forgotten the Russian Collusion hoax that all you morons fell for? What about the missing millions from China that he knows nothing about? But he doesn’t lie. He doesn’t lie to the deaf. As for Biden’s military service, he got five draft deferments for asthma during the Vietnam War. He never served. Please do your homework before talking shit it only shows your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how many lapdogs Biden still has down here. The guy is a bubbling idiot whose family is better known for quid pro quo schemes and drugs than doing anything productive. He killed our own soldiers by fucking up the pullout from Afghanistan. He screwed up the respected status we had in the world. He is an embarrassment anytime he gets on stage. His domestic policies have resulted in record high inflation for everyone especially those of us working paycheck to paycheck.

His border policy has resulted in the biggest influx of undocumented immigrants in our country’s history. All the resources this influx has consumed has come at a cost to all of current citizens that rely on government support and assistance. This influx will also result in less resources for our current citizens and more health problems for everyone. It’s shocking that the Biden’s feds let so many people in who are undoubtedly carriers of exotic diseases, all just a few months after getting out of our own pandemic.

El Borracho said...


Trump received four student draft deferments and a medical exemption

Born in June 1946, Trump was also a member of the generation called up to serve in the Vietnam War. Like Biden, he never did.

He received four student draft deferments while an undergraduate at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

And in the spring of 1968, he, too, received the "1-Y" classification — for bone spurs in his heels, per The New York Times.

Trump has actually filed BANKRUPTCIES 6 times and filed Chapter 11 six times

President Biden has NEVER file bankruptcy or Chapter 11.

Anonymous said...

Trump sucks!

Anonymous said...

What Trump did on January 6th 2021 was unforgivable. Ordering his dumb followers to attack our Nation's Capitol and to fight like hell because he didn't like the like results is just unbelievable. To this say, Trump that the 2020 election was stolen from him but the one trying to cheat was himself "Georgia find me 11k votes ". Thanks Godness that call was recorded otherwise, he would be saying it's a witchhunt. Wake up people, he is the real threat to our democracy. FACT.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why there are people serving time in jail for their roles on attacking the Capitol on January 6th 2021 but the main instigator sole responsible for causing this attack remains free. Trump should be held accountable for his actions on that terrible day on American democracy. And he called himself the law and order president, PATHETIC. LOCK HIM UP.

Anonymous said...

@11:51 Idiota, if they could they would've arrested Trump for Jan. 6 long time ago. Since they can't, they indicated him of chicken-shit stuff.

Anonymous said...

Actually Trump is awaiting trial for Jan 6. But it keeps getting DELAYED!! JAN 6TH, GEORGIA TRIAL AND TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS CONCEALMENT ARE NOT " CHICKEN SHIT" INDICTMENTS ( NOT INDICATED) EINSTEIN. If all trials were not delayed Trump would already be in jail!!! Let's not forget Trump has had over 4000 lawsuits against him between 1970 and the time he became president (and counting). So all this legal shit is not random, this guy is the biggest con man that ever lived. So keep kissing 💋 that con man ass!!
