Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct has issued a public reprimand to former 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez after she admitted that she had answered a motion for her to recuse herself from the custody case of Jasmine B. Cuellar, who was represented by Brownsville attorney Reynaldo Garza III, with a 120-page scathing denunciation of Garza on issues irrelevant to the case.

The case, labeled Adam T. Garcia, Jr. vs. Jasmine B Cuellar, Case No. 2012-DCL-07509, a family law case regarding the modification of the parent-child relationship. The commission issued its ruling October 9, 2024.

On October 1, 2020,Garza filed a Motion to Recuse Cornejo-Lopez from the Garcia case. The following day, October 2, he filed an Amended Motion to Recuse. 

In both, he alleged that Lopez should be recused "because her impartiality can reasonably be questioned, and she has a personal bias or prejudice against the subject matter such that recusal is necessary. Judge Lopez and her staff (Court Coordinator Sandra Betancourt) have interjected themselves into the litigation in a manner inconsistent with the role of the judiciary."

On October 6, 2020, Lopez issued a Ruling on Motion to Recuse in which she recused herself' from the Garcia Case but responded to the allegations Garza made in the Motion to Recuse and the Amended Motion to Recuse.

"In her 120-page Ruling on Motion to Recuse, Judge Lopez made very personal and disparaging statements about Garza which included, but not limited to, that Garza was mentally ill and corrupt and that he violated attorney-client privilege. Also, Lopez provided information regarding five other active cases where Garza was the attorney that she believed were examples to support her statements about Garza."

Later, on October 6, 2020, Garza filed an Agreed & Unopposed Emergency Motion to Seal with Judge Missy Medary, presiding Judge of the 5th Judicial Administrative Region, asking that Lopez's Ruling on Motion to Recuse filed in the Garcia Case and the other five cases should be sealed. Garza asserted that the Ruling on Motion to Recuse should be sealed because Lopez's response was irrelevant to the issues in the Garcia Case, served no legal purpose and appeared to be aimed at causing harm to Garza.

Garza stated he wanted both the Motion to Recuse and the Amended Motion to Recuse to be sealed because or reasons that impact the continuing litigation between the parties' and the parties' desire to move forward in the litigation unencumbered by any issues associated with the recusal in the Garcia case.

On October 7, Judge Medary granted Garza's motion and sealed the Garcia case and the other unrelated five cases.

In her written response and testimony before the Commission,  Lopez stated she had filed the Ruling on Motion to Recuse in the other cases involving Garza because she was explaining the reason why she was sua sponte (on her own accord recusing herself from those cases... and did not want her impartiality to be questioned in Garza's other cases.

She testified she signed an order granting an Order to Recuse for the Garcia case, but stated the Ruling on Motion to Recuse was "accidentally" filed...

The commission determined that (Lopez) "should be publicly reprimanded for: 

(1) failing to be patient, dignified and courteous towards Garza when she purposefully made very personal and disparaging statements about Garza in a response to the motions to recuse in the Garcia Case; and 

(2) willfully filed the response to the motions to recuse in the Garcia Case and five other cases in which Garza represented a party for the purpose of sua sponte recusing herself from those cases. (Her) failure in this respect constituted willful or persistent conduct that is clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of  her duties and cast public discredit upon the judiciary or the administration of justice, in violation of Canon 3B(4) or the Texas Code on Judicial Conduct and Article V, Section 1-a (6)A of the Texas Constitution."



Wednesday, October 16, 2024


By Juan Montoya

Here we go again with Mayra Flores claiming that "we worked in the cotton fields" when her family immigrated from Burgos, Tamaulipas to South Texas in the Rio Grande Valley in 1992, six years after she was born there in 1986.

Her pitch to voters is filled with folksy homilies such as "Honest work for honest pay," and "Biden-Harris are destroying the American Dream." In one ad she states that while she briefly occupied the U.S. House of Representatives District 34 seat, you could buy the same amount of groceries during her six-month stint at the House than you can now under Vicente Gonzalez today, two years later.

She assumed office on June 21, 2022. She left office on January 3, 2023, but her ads overlook that fact and say that the price of taco ingredients rose during Gonzalez term which started in January 3, 2023. 

This is, of course, bullshit.

Look at the taco ad at right. 

Yes, taco ingredients probably rose – just like everything else due to the pandemic and resultant supply line issues.

 But even more telling is the deception in the small print. It says that the price change occurred from May 2021 to May 2022, a month before she took office (June 21, 2022), seven months before Gonzalez beat her and took office on January 2023. 

They reflect price changes that occurred in a period that included the last two months of Filemon Vela's tenure there. In fact, the position was left vacant after Vela resigned from March 31, 2022 –June 21, 2022. 

In other words, the ad is deliberately deceiving by blaming her opponent for price hikes that occurred before he, or she, took office.

I believe in truth in advertising and I must confess that I find her claims that "we worked in the cotton fields, honest work for honest pay" personally offensive. You see, I was just 12 or 13 ( in 1966 or 67) when I picked cotton along Military Highway and the machines started taking over the harvests. The cotton pickers were used to pick the cotton that was left on the plants after harvesters trashed them. "Pepenando," we called it. If there was little money to be made before, there were slim pickings after the machines came in. Like many other Mexican-American families in South Texas, we joined the migrant stream to harvest crops in the Midwest.

This was  before 1969, and I may be stretching it. If anyone worked in the fields after that, it may have been the thinners, who came in and "thinned" the plants to allow them to grow. The thinners labored the whole day bent over wearing knee guards and their fingers were turned dark green at the end of the day after pulling the tough, young shoots. Soon thereafter even that was mechanized.

Mayra was born in Burgos in 1986. She says she came to Texas and then to the Rio Grande Valley six years later in 1992 and graduated from high school (at 18) around 2004. By that time, the cotton crop was thinned and harvested through mechanization since at least 1970, easily 16 years before she was even born. 

In her earlier ads, she claimed that she had picked cotton in the Rio Grande Valley while she was in San Benito High school (from 2000 to 2004) to pay for her shoes and clothes while she was in high school.

Those claims – after they were challenged – have been dropped for the more generic "we worked in the cotton fields" claim that I would also challenge as false.

That lie, as I stated, is offensive to me as it is to other South Texas residents who really worked picking cotton in the fields. In the case of people claiming to have received medals (such as a purple heart) they would be accused of stolen valor.

In Mayra's case, it is a case of stolen labor and stolen cultural work ethic. It is ours, not hers.


By Mia Morales and Janelle Tanguma 

HARLINGEN, Texas (Valley Central) — The capital murder trial of Salomon Campos Jr. lasted three weeks but it took the jury less than two hours to find him not guilty of killing his well-known uncle, Ernesto “El Gallito” Gonzales.

Campos was accused of kidnapping and murdering his uncle.

On Friday, Oct. 11 the state rested its case after bringing in three witnesses, including two expert witnesses, to testify.

On Monday, the defense rested its case and called Rose Covarrubios, Gonzales’s ex-wife, a former Texas Ranger investigator, and two expert witnesses, to the stand.

Tuesday morning the courtroom was full as several of Gonzales’ and Campos’ family members as they listened to the closing arguments.

At 9 a.m., the prosecutions began their closing argument, during which the lead prosecutor reminded the jury that this trial was not against the Harlingen Police Department.

Throughout the trial, the Harlingen Police Department was at the center of attention as testimony focused on the department losing evidence during the investigation.

The lead prosecutor later shifted the focus to Campos, stating there was evidence Campos was following his uncle, “El Gallito.” He told the jury before ending his closing argument that the evidence will prove Campos was involved “clear as day.”

During the defense’s closing arguments, they stated that the burden of proof fell on the prosecution and they failed to provide enough evidence that Campos committed the murder.

Campos’ attorney Erin Gamez said it was an injustice that law enforcement failed to provide all the evidence. During her closing argument, Gamez told the jury that there were dozens of people with motive and opportunity but law enforcement failed to investigate anyone besides Campos.


(Ed.'s Note: In what is becoming a common occurrence, a motorist trying to pay at one of the parking kiosks downtown – this time one on the east side of Adams Street between 12th and 13th streets – stands staring at the crumpled bill that is rejected by the machine's rollers.

This is happening repeatedly across downtown to other drivers on the in other pay stations, such as the one located in front of the old HEB on Elizabeth Street (below).

A Mexican driver, after failing to get the machine to work after his bills were rejected, went to a nearby business to get some quarters, and by the time he returned, he found the bright yellow parking violation citation on his windshield. And once the machine spits out your dollar, the rollers inside crumple the bill and no other kiosk will take it.

(This one is frozen and won't go past this stage. Good thing that the one across the street took the dollar. A few days ago that one wouldn't take it either.)

Remember that city manager Helen Ramirez and her pliant mayor and the rest of the city commissioners said the new system – which doubled the hourly cost of parking downtown from 50 cents to $1 – would revolutionize the city's parking system and bring us across the digital divide.

With the limit on the kiosks limited to four hours at one time, all that workers at businesses downtown have to do is scurry out of their jobs every four hours and pay for another four. At $8 per day, they save themselves the citation violation $10 fee, also doubled. Try to convince the municipal judge that the machine took your bill and spit it out, if you can.)


(Ed.'s Note: As the various candidates to the board of the Brownsville Independent School District interfered to stop the scrap, candidate Victor Caballero– being held back by Farley Treviño, wearing a white shirt standing between them – was shouting at da Cheez and lunging toward him.

Poor Nelda Rocha who was standing between them was shoved into Castro and only the interference by Treviño prevented Caballero to take a good swing at Erasmo. The guy on the right obviously wanted nothing to do with the fisticuffs and stood a safe distance from the melee.

Notice that Castro – an ordained minister – is meekly standing with his hands clasped behind his rear after Caballero bit the bait and reacted violently to Erasmo calling him a "bitch" after accusing him of lying on his campaign expense report by reporting no contributions or expenditures when the city has ben splashed with his campaign signs for months.. 

Caballero foolishly sought satisfaction for his wounded man pride. Castro's gambit worked and Caballero left the forum furious in the company of Treviño. Interestingly, Castro hadn't even filed his campaign report and reported the next day that he had since filed it. 

And you thought politics wasn't a contact sport!)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024




 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's been four days since the golf tournament fundraiser for District 4 City of Brownsville commissioner Pedro Cardenas was to be held at Riverbend Resort but was suddenly cancelled and the hundreds of participants/contributors still have not received an explanation from the commissioner for its cancellation.

Originally, the tournament was to be held  Thursday, September 5, but had been postponed due to bad weather. Then, with the event scheduled for Friday, October 11, sponsors showed up at the course and were told there was no tournament scheduled for that day. Cardenas never informed anyone about the cancellation up to today.

Soon the word got out that the cancellation was due to the fact that the check that Cardenas used to pay the golf course had bounced and the tournament was off  despite the fact that Cardenas boasted that "our 2nd Anual (sic) Golf Tournament is sold out with 36 teams."

Several contributors have reached out to El Rrun-Rrun seeking an explanation and what Cardenas is gong to do to address the issue. But unlike the past, when Cardenas used social media to promote the event, no such explanation has been posted by the city commissioner.

His most recent entry was a reposting of a City of Brownsville post on  SpaceX 's successfully completing its 5th integrated flight test of Starship, including the first-ever tower catch with the chopsticks. 

Cardenas, who is not running for re-election the District 4 seat he now holds but rather for the At-Large B seat now held by Rose Gowen, has had trouble complying with the city's campaign financial requirements and had not complied with financial disclosure requirements until a complaint was filed with the Brownsville Ethics Advisory Commission and Texas Ethics Commission (TEC).

The Brownsville Ethics Advisory Commission claimed that the complaint did not address the ordinance alleged to have been violated and dismissed it out-of-hand. The TEC, however, said that an investigation was underway. After the complaint was failed with the city, a report was quickly filed with the city secretary after seven months of non-compliance.

It may be noted that his campaign treasurer is none other than Eliseo Davila, the administrative assistant for Cameron County Pct. 2.

For now, however, all the contributors to the fundraiser golf tournament have been kept in the dark about the tournament or their contributions. Will they get an answer, be made whole, or should they just consider it a bad investment in city politics?

Citizens trust their representatives to pass their budgets, pay the bills, and incur obligations on their behalf for city services and improvements. And above, all, they expect them to keep their promises to be accountable and transparent.  

We'll keep our eyes and ears open to see whether an answer is forthcoming. 

Ironically, it has just been since September 24 that the Brownsville Police Department arrested a man they say was attempting to scam people out of money by falsely raising campaign funds.

Police said Diego Amir Paz told a victim he was running for Port Commissioner and was raising campaign funds. Paz was arrested and charged with theft.

How is this any different? 

Monday, October 14, 2024




Special to El Rrun-Rrun

October 12 has traditionally been Columbus Day and former President Donald Trump – despite a sordid record of disparaging Hispanics – has discovered that he needs to deceive them to get their support if he wants to retake the White House.

So he took "La Mentirosa" Mayra Flores with him on the Republicans national "Let's Lie to Hispanics National Tour."

Flores, who was defeated at the polls two years ago in her race with now-incumbent Vicente Gonzalez,
traveled with Trump to north Clark County (Las Vegas) where Flores complained that the Biden-Harris administration has deprived Hispanics of the American Dream.

 The turnout at the Roundtable in Clark County  was so small that they held the "roundtable" discussion inside the small warehouse of a women’s cosmetics company.

Apparently they couldn’t find a Hispanic MAGA Q'ANON Conspiracy Theorist in all of Nevada so they brought in Mayra "La Mentirosa" all the way from South Texas to sit next to the king of conspiracy and lies.

Trump delivered his standard anti-immigrant speech about drug dealers and violent criminals illegally crossing the border.

One speaker who said he would vote for Trump in November spoke about how he and his brothers crossed the Mexican border with a visa to visit their father in Utah.

After the visa expired, they decided to stay in the United States just like their parents after their visa expired. Eventually they became citizens. Did he know that Trump has promised a mass deportation of immigrants just like him?

An Hispanic Democrat who spoke with news reporters after the event said the hypocrisy of these people was as thick as the bronzer on Trump’s face.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Poor District 4 City of Brownsville Commissioner Pedro Cardenas.

First, his eligibility to remain on the commission was questioned because of the city's residency requirements and a complaint was filed over that issue with the Cameron County District Attorney's Office.

The complaint included documentation from the Cameron County Appraisal District records indicating that the home he had listed as his residence when he ran – 4068 Lake View Drive – was sold on March 15 and that the couple had purchased a home at 23 E. Maple Circle in the Palo Verde Subdivision under his wife's name, Loudes Bolano, an address outside of District 4.

Cardenas addressed the issue on social media and said he was living with his in-laws at the Valley International Country Club (VICC) while his new home was being built in the exclusive Madeira Subdivision. For his part, Cardenas has stated that living at VICC is only a temporary measure:

"If there had been a different route for me, I would have considered it 100 percent," he wrote. "However, my future living situation may change (I need to move out of VICC), and my new home in Madeira is at least 12-16 months away.

"I have enjoyed my on the commission and would have preferred to avoid this situation. But I love what I do and cannot let the opportunity pass by..."

At the time, DA's Office confirmed that it has received a complaint and would be  "looking into" the case.

To add to the confusion, Cardenas has declared himself a candidate for the At-Large-B seat on the city commission now occupied by commissioner Rose Gowen whose term ends in May 2025 and is prevented from running for re-election as commissioner by the term limits election passed by the city's voters.

He joins sitting commissioner District 3 commissioner Roy De los Santos in declaring for the At-Large-B position in 2025. 

Simultaneously, at a recent city commission meeting, the commissioners passed an ordinance that could result in the removal of city officials who have not filed the required financial disclosure form with the city secretary's office. 

And a search of the city's web page then indicated that Cardenas was the only one on the commission who had not complied with the financial disclosure requirement and had no report on file. Cardenas quickly had the required report filed with the city secretary.

But his woes had just began.

 Like many candidates and office holders, he organized a golf tournament fundraiser to finance his campaign and scheduled it for September 5 at the Riverbend Resort and Golf Club on Military Highway.

But, alas, the weather turned on him and the tournament was "postponed due to weather" at the last minute and rescheduled for Friday, October 11. 

In another social page post, Cardenas claimed the tournament was "completely sold out."

So it came as a surprise to the golf tournament fundraiser contributors when – upon arriving at the course this past – they were told the tournament would not be held. Cardenas has given no explanation.

They said they had been told that the check made out to the resort had been returned because of insufficient funds

What now?, they asked.

"No one told us anything about what's gong to happen now," said a disgruntled golfer whose company had bought tickets to the event."

Does three over par make it a bogey?

Friday, October 11, 2024



(Enlarge screen to zoom in on the would-be blow-by blow.)

(Ed.'s Note: Everybody in town is talking about the brouhaha that erupted at the Brownsville retired teachers candidates' forum when Victor "El Not So Gentleman" Victor Caballero pulled a hairy and tried to get at candidate Erasmo Castro for a fisticuff. The incident started when the candidates lined up for a group photo and Castro questioned Caballero about his contribution and expense report listing zero contributions and zero expenditures when Caballero, who started campaigning months ago, has his campaign signs splashed all over town.

"That's none of your business" Caballero retorted
"Of course it's my business," retorted Da Cheez. "It's my community, bitch..."

The next thing you know Caballero lunged toward Castro, pushing Nelda Rocha into Erasmo. Farley Trevino intervened to fill the space between them with his copious girth. Erasmo, an ordained minister, was ready to turn the other cheek and clapsed his hands behind his also copious behind.
Cooler heads prevailed and Caballero stalked out of the meet.

Funny, though. Caballero isn't even running against Castro. And Castro hasn't even filed his October campaign report yet.

The men and ladies of the retired teaches' union probably had a blast with the unexpected entertainment. It ain't your grandmother's school board no more.)


By Alejandra Yañez
BROWNSVILLE, Texas (Valley Central) — West Price Road will be undergoing construction Tuesday Oct. 15.

The maintenance work is being done by Brownsville’s Engineering and Public Works Traffic Department and will involve a mill and overlay of the road, resulting in temporary lane reductions.

According to the department, this type of maintenance work is standard to the rehabilitation process used to restore and extend the life of roadways.

Roadwork will begin on the westbound lanes of West Price Road, stretching from I-69/U.S. Expressway 77/83 to Central Boulevard, and is expected to last approximately two weeks.

After the westbound lanes are completed, the eastbound lanes, from I-69 to Central Boulevard, will also require lane reductions and are projected to take an additional two weeks.

The entire project is estimated to be complete by Nov. 22.

Drivers are asked to plan ahead and seek alternative routes to avoid traffic congestion.


"Our Scorpion community gathered Thursday morning outside the historic Regiment House for the unveiling of the Buffalo Soldier Historical Marker. We honored the legacy of the African American troops at Fort Brown, recognizing both their contributions and the injustices they endured. This marker is an important step in securing their place in our local history."

Image result for buffalo soldiers stationed at brownsville texas
Narrative to application for Texas Historical Commission marker at Ft. Brown for Buffalo Soldiers. At the local level applications were handled by Gene Fernandez, Commissioner and Chairman of the Texas State Historical Marker Program:
(First of 4 parts)

The reason for the commemoration of the “Buffalo Soldiers”, through their involvement with Fort Brown and the South Texas environs throughout the second half of the 19th Century and the first decade of the 20th Century, is abundantly meaningful. This honorable recognition is claimed, based upon facts of numerous actual ties that occurred to connect the soldiers and their fort intrinsically together.

Extending beyond the realm of Historians, and into the consciousness of open society, the fame of the legendary Buffalo Soldiers is far and wide among us.

Since their initial formulation in 1866, as a grouping of African American-based regiments of cavalry and infantry, they accumulated a notable heritage which is firmly seated within the annals of American military history. 

The theaters of operation include such historical episodes as the Indian Wars of the Great Plains, Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, Mexican Border War, World War I, World War II.

To accurately track the specific regiments which followed the original lineage of these soldiers, One must center on certain “companies” of the following regiments: (United States Army) 9th Cavalry, 10th Cavalry, 24th Cavalry, 25th Infanytry. 

In the broad range of events, all of these regiments were composed of almost exclusively African Americans, with the exception of a White officer corps. Absolute evidence of the presence of Black soldiers (U. S. Colored Troops, “USCT, or USC”), can be observed, sadly enough, in the roster of those who were buried in the National Cemetery at Fort Brown. 

Image result for buffalo soldiers stationed at brownsville texasIt is well understood that combat fatalities were not that great in South Texas throughout the period of the Civil War, in particular, whereas the primary cause of death was attributed to pestilence and other health-related causes. The poor living conditions on this Border outpost, abundantly documented, surely contributed largely as well. 

The ravages of the cholera epidemic of 1866, and the yellow fever scourges of 1867, 1882, and 1883 took heavy toll of soldier and citizen alike.

Another monumental accounting which establishes the presence of colored troops in the area comes from the rolls of the famous 25th Infantry, Companies B, C, and D, who were involved in the infamous “Brownsville Affair” of 1906. These troops followed an interesting, if not illustrious path that took in assignments ranging from the Spanish-American War service in Cuba, under Theodore Roosevelt, to obvious Indian engagement in Nebraska, Oklahoma, and then on to Brownsville.

Of those regiments, and the companies thereof, conforming with what were known to be legitimately “Buffalo Soldiers”, having seen direct military action in the Indian Wars of the Great Plains, there is direct evidence to support the claim that there were elements of troops which went on to receive assignments at Fort Brown. 

The period of greatest direct tie to these veterans having spent time in South Texas ran from 1870 through 1880, according to general accounting of research on these regiments, understanding that the entire period of the Native American Indian conflicts ran from 1866 through the 1890’s.

The acts of bravery attributed to the formidable warrior spirit of these soldiers, is resident in legend and history. From the origins of the actual name which was given to them by Native American Indians, they were said to have “fought like a cornered buffalo”, which lends an allegorical realism to their image. 
Speaking for this bravery, there were twenty-six Medal of Honor recipients from the ranks of their regiments from 1866 through 1918. This is not taking into account the continuance of their line as it yielded its metal into World War II. 

Their indomitable courage has impacted music, television series, movies, novels, and artworks throughout their active range, and shall continue to do so well into the future.

For this and all other noble reasoning, Fort Brown needs to extend its arms in homage to these worthy military men, at long last.


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Five of the 11 candidates for a position on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District whose campaign signs are splashed across the city's landscape, have stated in their financial expenditures reports that they have no cash. 

Starting with Place 3, candidate Victor Caballero, who started campaigning early this year, reports he has no money and no expenditures. In contrast, his opponent, incumbent Jessica Gonzalez, did file on July 15, 2024, but has not filed her October report. So where did the Caballero signs come from?

Place 5 candidates Daniella Lopez-Valdez, the incumbent, and Caty Presas-Garcia complied with the campaign and expenditures requirement, but Nelda Rocha claims she has no contributions or expenditures.
Place 6 incumbent Marisa Francisca Leal reported as required, but her opponent Minerva Peña, who should know better after all those years on the board, has not filed a report in October and although her signs are splashed across the city. Her July 15 report shows that she reported zero contributions an expenditures.
And in Place 7, Erasmo Castro and Farley Treviño did not file their October reports, although Castro did file a July report that he had received no contributions. Tim Ramirez and Augustine Anduiza filed their reports as required.


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

There you have it. During the Cameron County Sheriff's Halloween community event held in Olmito, Sheriff Eric Garza's tent was next to one sporting a campaign sign urging residents to vote for Santiago "Jimmy" Manrrique, the Republican candidate for sheriff in the November 5 election.

Others before him – notably his predecessor Omar Lucio – did the same thing. But there was a difference. Lucio did not like the idea of a non-career law enforcement district clerk to assume command over seasoned law enforcement officers. Lucio felt that the department would go to pieces with Garza at the helm.

He was, unfortunately, right.

Merely endorsing the opposite party's candidate would be bad enough. But obviously, Garza goes a bit farther, personally endorsing Manrique and inviting him to functions held on county property like Night Out and this Halloween event. Inside, Manrrique campaign signs were in the hallways and on a sofa chair. Manrrique workers (including Beetlejuice) openly campaigned for their candidate.

And at a recent 16 de Septiembre event held for Democrat Texas Senate District 27 incumbent Morgan LaMantia, several people, like BISD candidate Victor Caballero, who has openly carried signs of Republican U.S. House of Representatives District 34 candidate Mayra Flores, appeared at that Democratic function. Flores  is challenging incumbent Vicente Gonzalez. Even supporters of Republican Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector Jesus Martinez showed up.

We have long told Cameron Count Democratic Party chairman Jared Hockema and Texas Democratic Party chair Gilberto Hinojosa that local Democrats can no longer play "nice" with Republicans, who think nothing of using a Democrat's events to campaign for the opposing party.  Republicans wouldn't allow it.

And Democratic politicians like former state senator Eddie Lucio Jr. who have endorsed Republican candidate Adam Hinojosa over Democratic incumbent LaMantia after convincing Cameron County residents for 36 years he was a good Democrat should be banned from the party. And now we have Garza, the defeated sheriff candidate who lost to Manny Treviño openly endorsing Manrrique after Democrats rejected him for re-election. Who needs them? 

They are, of course, free to campaign for their candidates at their events, but to piggyback on Democrat's campaign events is not only disrespectful, but also shows a glaring lack of class. As for the sore losers who decided to be "chaqueteros," they can say goodbye to their political careers. Republicans would have done the same. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(Ed.'s Note: Backwater and rural folks are by nature suspicious of "flatlanders," city folk, and strangers entering their property and knocking on their doors prying into their attitudes. Ask the political opinion survey workers who have been warned in no uncertain terms by police and city officials in Harlingen Port Isabel, Laguna Vista, etc. The survey takers – often students and young people trying to earn a living – report that they have been threatened with arrest and with citation for allegedly violating  local ordinances against solicitation. A father of one of these workers sent us the following.)

Hello, I’ve been trying to get help with an issue occurring all over Cameron county.

The issue involves city ordinances that attempt to prohibit door-to door-solicitations, but the scope of these ordinances are only allowed to prohibit for-profit with goods or service solicitations. However political block walking and religious groups that are door knocking, are exempt and are constitutionally protected activities. 

My son works for a company that takes political surveys for this upcoming election. He and the group have been threatened with being cited and even arrested in Harlingen, Port Isabel, and other small cities. 

They were threatened with arrest in Laguna Vista last week. I contacted their Town Manager Rendie  Gonzales who blatantly said she’ll have her officers  "do what they have to do” and will have anyone block walking dealt with regardless if they don't have the authority to do so.

She said that there is a permit and gave me the city ordinance numbers, but ultimately she would decide who gets the permits approved and doesn’t want these survey takers annoying people knocking on doors.

I contacted their City Attorney Alan Troy Ozuna and he was somewhat helpful. He took a step back and said he only deals with tickets and citations. He said he would help the group if any tickets were issued because he knows the city ordinance was intended for sales solicitation not block walking.

I contacted a Ranking Police Officer S. Cruz, he said he’d look into the occurrence, but recommended the group get a permit to solicit or peddle. The officers that had initially contacted the group flat out said they would arrest my son and his coworkers if seen anywhere in the City limits that they would trespass them from the city of Laguna Vista.

Is there anyone who can help these workers and young people who are getting involved in our political process and are only trying to make an honest living?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024




(Ed.'s Note: Is KRGV5 a toxic workplace? In a note preceding the text of "Whistleblower," there is a plea for action from management saying: "People fired for reporting sexual harassment. A General Manager who was caught using his station social media to “Like” porn tweets and covers up for his managers grossly inappropriate behavior, and many more disturbing issues at KRGV. This is one of several letters from employees to ownership over the course of several months with no action taken. We are pleading for someone to help us".)   

From a KRGV Whistleblower 

Subject: Potential legal problems in Weslaco

To: Mr. Manship,

I am writing to you as a concerned CURRENT employee of KRGV to bring attention to several serious issues within our station. I am submitting this anonymously due to a well-founded fear of retaliation.

Our current news director, Zoltan Csanyi-Salcedo, has a documented history of both verbal and physical abuse at previous stations. Unfortunately, this pattern has persisted at KRGV, with an additional troubling element – his wife has now taken to harassing employees via social media direct messages.

Alongside him, General Manager John Kittleman, HR Director Elizabeth Gaona, Assistant News Director Angie Martinez, and Executive Producers Ana Anguiano and Orlando Vargas have cultivated a toxic culture marked by harassment, bullying, and favoritism.

If you were to privately consult a random sample of employees, I am confident they would corroborate these claims. The exodus of talented staff over recent years, and the growing number of individuals who are openly planning to leave for competitors, should be a major red flag. In fact, several on-air staff have already started discussing these intentions within the newsroom.

Management has not only fostered this abusive environment but also displays blatant favoritism. For example, a recent policy prohibiting food or drink in the newsroom (with the exception of capped water) has been universally enforced – except when it is violated by young female staff members.
These individuals are seen taking food into extended one-on-one meetings with Zoltan, held behind closed doors after business hours. The optics of this situation are highly problematic, especially given the fact that Zoltan’s wife has already threatened young female employees, warning them to stay away from him, and John Kittleman has already warned him to stop doing it with other employees including the HR director as witnesses. 

In terms of programming, the situation is just as concerning. Our primary channel, 5.1, is being neglected in favor of 5.2 and the daytime show Take5. Resources, staffing, and even basic script oversight – crucial for legal and factual accuracy – are no longer priorities. 

Assistant news directors and executive producers are overwhelmed because Zoltan is often working remotely or out on vacation, leaving them to forward incomplete or erroneous scripts to producers, many of which are marked with “producers please rewrite” just moments before they are needed on-air. 

This week alone, three inaccurate stories were published on that multiple employees tried, unsuccessfully, to correct as the assistant news director ignored them. They are still online.

The marketing department, too, has shifted its entire focus away from news and onto Take5. Promotions, budget allocations, and time are devoted entirely to this show, leaving the news department with virtually no marketing support. 

Any remaining resources are being funneled into Noticias, a project that has failed at multiple previous stations under Zoltan’s leadership.

In addition, I believe it is crucial to examine the actions of John Kittleman and his role at KRGV. For example, for years staff have observed him and his family attending semi-pro soccer games from the company suite without ever receiving even basic tickets to these events. 

He is also seen driving his new company vehicle to work on the rare occasions he is physically present in the office. Meanwhile, we are frequently told that there are no funds available for essential equipment, such as iPads, or even basic supplies like printer paper and reporters’ notebooks. On-air employees are even asked to bring old, worn, KRGV-branded shirts back so they can give them to new on-air employees after years of use to save money. That is unsanitary and unacceptable.

Beyond financial concerns, Kittleman has either allowed or turned a blind eye to the culture of bullying, abuse, and harassment that has taken root at KRGV. Whether he actively supports it or simply chooses to ignore it because it does not directly affect him in his home office, his inaction has perpetuated the toxic environment that continues to harm employees.

These are only a few of the deeply troubling issues currently plaguing KRGV. I write this with genuine concern for the future of our station if legal action were to come from outside or even at this point from within. If this toxic culture and mismanagement continue, I fear that KRGV will lose not only its talent but also its reputation within the community.


(Ed.'s Note: If you have a yen for some chow over at Ricardo's Restaurant or a brewsky over at the Ernie Avalos' Sportsman Lounge, think it over. Crews making drainage improvements along the alley between Levee and Elizabeth from 7th Street to the Gateway International Bridge will not allow you to get near them. Instead, you will be detoured to the next block and you'll have to walk there. The construction will take a few weeks, so plan accordingly. The tall building behind the backhoe is the Majestic Theater.) 


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
The Cameron County Auditor's staff is currently at the Sheriff's Department and have been there since last week conducting an audit into purchases made by Sheriff Eric Garza's administration using commissary monies – well over $500,000, it is reported.

Items the department purchased were trucks, body cameras and in-car police cameras bought with commissary funding, questionable acquisitions if you consider what the funds are for.

None of this equipment is being used to the benefit of the Cameron County Jail inmates.

Commissary money has to be used strictly for the sole purpose of providing a benefit to the inmates. Misuse of this funding is illegal and could be considered misuse of County monies and property under Abuse of Official Capacity and Securing the Execution of a Document by Deception.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Special to El Rrun-Rrun

An order signed by Federal Judge Fernando Rodriguez has given defendants Ruben Gallegos Sr. and Ruben Gallegos Jr. a continuance and instructed the U.S. Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to give the defendants any documentation related to the defense of their charges of conspiracy and theft of federal funds.

This will move the trial past the last date set from October 11 to October 21. The men have also asked the court to give them a bench trial – to be heard by Rodriguez – instead of a jury trial that they had requested up to now. 

Known as the Brady law, it requires the government to make available any and all potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense. The trial of the Gallegos has been continually reset as their defense seeks any documentation that may have approved the raising of their salaries above the $183,000 cap set on the salaries of non-profit officers.

The Gallegos claim that that the amount above the salary cap had been justified as "indirect costs" by the government. 

At the time of the indictments, both men had awarded themselves salaries topping $500,000. Gallegos Sr. was president of  International Education Services (IES), and Gallegos Jr. was it's Chief Executive Officer. Juan Gonzalez, the Chief Financial Officer, has already pleaded guilty to conspiracy and theft charges and will turn state's evidence. Gonzalez is brother-in-law to Gallegos Sr. and uncle to Gallegos Jr.

In the latest round of motions by their attorneys, the Gallegos want the IG to turn over any and all communications with IES of by the Cost Accounting Standards, which requires certain contractors and subcontractors to comply with Cost Accounting Standards Administration (CAS) and to disclose in writing and follow consistently their cost accounting practices.

The men have repeatedly argued that their salary increases past the $183,000 cap were known to CAS and that they were under the impression that the increases were within the federal guidelines and considered "indirect costs" despite evidence that they warned Gonzalez – who in turn told the Gallegos – that as far back as 2016 the OIG had warned them of the potential violations of the cap.

The judge's order for the OIG did not dismiss the charges or affect the other charges resulting from the three men buying and renting properties to themselves (IES) at exorbitant prices. A government report stated that IES misapplied an estimated $17million.


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

District 27 Texas Senator Morgan LaMantia was there to pay her respects and honor the fallen lawman.

So was Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño, District Attorney Luis V. Saenz, and lawmen from all over South Texas and as far as Bexar County. Manny Treviño, the police chief of Primera and Democratic candidate for Cameron County Sheriff in the November 5 general election – represented his city.

But noticeable by his absence was none other than the highest law enforcement officer in Cameron County, Sheriff Eric Garza, in whose jurisdiction Pct. 1 Constable deputy Ruben Garcia was killed by a suspected drunk driver. 

The other major office holder who did not take time to put politics aside to console the community and honor the lawman who died in the line of duty was none other than  District 37 Texas State representative Janie Lopez.

Garza sent some of his administrative officers in his place, and Lopez – who was afforded a place at the podium to deliver her remarks ~ instead sent an underling to attend because she was busy with her campaign.  She faces Democrat challenger Jonathan Gracia in November.

Jesse Edward Leatherwood, 47, of McAllen, a project manager for a company doing business with a Port of Brownsville LNG company, was charged with manslaughter and false drug testing or falsification of drug test results. His bond was set at $355,000.

Leatherwood was hospitalized for injuries sustained in the crash. He showed up to court with a sling around his arm.

The crash occurred on Monday on State Highway 48 near Marine Way Road in Brownsville.

The Texas Department of Public Safety said a Chevrolet Silverado rear-ended a patrol unit that was occupied by Garcia.

DPS said the driver, identified as Leatherwood, admitted to being distracted while looking at his phone and driving. They also suspect Leatherwood was driving under the influence at the time of the crash.



(Ed.'s Note: Ignoring the fact that the Sate of Texas' denial of reproductive health services for women –  especially poor women of color – have been deprived of their right to control their own bodies through far-right Republicans legislative restrictions, former District 27 Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. has endorsed Republican challenger Adam Hinojosa against Democratic incumbent Morgan LaMantia.

For 36 years, Lucio concealed his right-wing conservative views on women's rights rights and separation of church and state from his constituents in South Texas only to kowtow to the far-right Republicans in Austin. And instead of representing all of his constituents, he has just been representing his own reactionary religious beliefs and getting rich along the way.

He just missed being beaten by Brownsville's Sarah Stapleton in his Democratic primary election, and saw the writing on the wall, retiring when he was challenged by now-incumbent LaMantia in the last election. Now he's endorsing Republican Adam Hinojosa, from Corpus Christi over the Rio Grande Valle's incumbent.

Enjoy the smile. As a South Texas taxpayer, you helped pay the orthodontic bills for it over the last 30 years.)

Monday, October 7, 2024


By Neil Crone

Dear America: Hi, it's Canada. Just thought I'd drop you a line to catch up. I know we haven't corresponded in a while and I just wanted to check in and make sure you hadn't, you know, completely lost your mind. Because, golly, I have to tell sure looks that way from here.

We're all pretty darned worried about you up here, pal. You don't seem at all yourself lately. For starters, I know you're only 240 years old but you might want to think about setting up an eye exam. You seem to be losing your vision. And I've never seen you so grumpy. Is this some kind of weird, middle-aged crisis or some-thing?

And what's with all the hate? I mean, don't take this the wrong way, pal, but have you been tested for Dementia? You're like a different guy all of a sudden. Maybe it's Alzheimers? You know, your memory does seem pretty sketchy lately.

You're telling me you have no recollection of all of those immigrants who built you? All those people you welcomed did you put it again... Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free'?
Man, I gotta tell you, pal, that was some inspired stuff. And that Constitution of yours?Wow. You were on your game back then, dude.

So, what the Hell, exactly, is going on these days? I don't know if you've noticed but you've got a guy in the race for president who we wouldn't trust running a chip truck. I mean, he's nothing more than a bully with bad hair. And you're about to hand him the keys?
Dude, you used to despise guys like him. Remember when we all got together and tuned up that German moron? You were awesome then. And the rest of us, well, we kinda looked up to you. 
Now, jeeze, I don't know.

Look, we grew up together. I'm probably your best friend. Heck, our yards are right beside each other. And I understand we've had our ups and downs...l mean, I know you're still steamed about us burning your capital and handing you your ass at hockey every time you turn around and our beer is way better than yours and your health care system blows, but still...We're buds, right?

Who totally had your back during that Iraq WMD snafu?

So, I'm telling you, as your friend... love you bro, but you're being a tool.

You're better than this. Remember who you used to be and, come Election day...fix it.

Love and Poutine
